[GA, passed] - dual citizenship arrangements

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Ursine thingy
TNP Nation

Dual Citizenship Arrangements
Category: Civil Rights | Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Simone Republic | Onsite Topic

The World Assembly (WA),

Acknowledging its natural interest in regulating relations between WA states as well as to facilitate commerce, travel and communications between WA states;

Noting that certain WA states may prevent some inhabitants of sub-national regions from becoming full citizens;

Recognizing previous GA resolutions that regulate aspects of citizenship such as #523, #552, and #601 but notes that the WA does not explicitly regulate individuals holding multiple citizenships, thus creating potential issues for individuals that may hold multiple citizenships due to differences between the laws of different WA states;

Desiring a common solution for such issues through the WA;

  1. Defines:
    • Citizen(s) to mean the individual citizen(s) of a WA state;
    • Dual citizen(s) (or “dual citizenship”) to mean citizen(s) of a WA state that is also the citizen of at least one other state, regardless of whether the second state is a WA state;
    • References to "state" means any state regardless of membership, and “WA state” means a member of the WA;
  2. Requires:
    • A WA state may not create different levels of citizenship or nationality such that an individual is a citizen or national of certain sub-national portions of the said WA state but not a citizen throughout the entirety of the said WA state;
    • No action by an individual or by a WA state pursuant to this resolution may result in statelessness on the part of an individual;
  3. Requires that a WA state may not, subject to extant WA resolutions:
    • prohibit its legally competent citizens from:
      • voluntarily renouncing their citizenship of that WA state, as long as this does not result in statelessness for that citizen;
      • voluntarily adopt the citizenship of another state;
    • bring charges of treason against former citizens provided that the said crimes are alleged to have been committed after they have renounced their citizenship;
    • impose taxes or fees specifically as a result of an individual seeking to renounce their citizenship;
    • impose other conditions on any individual seeking to renounce their citizenship, except for:
      • requiring an individual to resign from a position with the national or sub-national governments of a WA state (including military service) if clause 4(a)(iii) applies;
      • the payment of any other taxes already then due and payable according to the laws of that WA state;
  4. Requires that if a WA state chooses to permit dual citizenship, subject to extant WA resolutions:
    • it must not discriminate against such citizens except on the following matters:
      • a declared state of war exists between that WA state and the other state(s) in which that citizen also has citizenship;
      • participation in elections; or
      • appointment to, or employment of, the dual citizen by national or sub-national governments of that WA state that require clearances of that WA state for national security purposes;
    • it must not deny the right to consular protection if such rights are exercised by other state(s) in which the dual citizen holds citizenship;
  5. Requires that all WA states remind their citizens travelling to non-WA states, through such means as the WA state deems necessary:
    1. to check in advance if they are also citizens of the other non-WA states even if they are not aware of such citizenship, due to circumstances such as (merely as an example) distant family relations;
    2. to be aware that consular protection may or may not be available depending on the circumstances of the non-WA state;
  6. Clarifies:
    • this resolution does not affect whether a WA state permits dual citizenship for its own citizens;
    • if a WA state changes its laws so that it no longer permits dual citizenship, it may not compel its own dual citizens from renouncing their other citizenship(s) nor to discriminate against such dual citizens except as per the limited circumstances in clause 4(a);
    • in case of disputes concerning clause 4(b) between two WA states, the Independent Adjudicative Office shall have jurisdiction.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

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The resolution proposal at hand seeks to achieve two things: (1) prohibits a WA state from creating different levels of citizenship or nationality such that an individual is a citizen or national of certain sub-national portions of the said WA state but not a citizen throughout the entire state (this is IRL the situation for American Samoa as well as some non-self-governing territories), and it also extends rights for holders of multiple citizens certain rights and anti-discrimination clauses, as well as guaranteeing a right to renounce citizenship if desired.

We believe this proposal strikes a somewhat a delicate balance between leaving it up to states to decide whether to recognize dual citizenship while granting rights to individuals in states that do offer such recognition. It explicitly extends consular protection and other rights for dual nationals when in a different country and prohibits discrimination except in certain limited circumstances, largely related to extant GA resolutions such as voting rights and national security.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a For the General Assembly resolution at vote, "Dual Citizenship Arrangements".
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This proposal is about protecting dual citizens - persons that may hold citizenships in multiple countries.

This is more prevalent in countries with historically strong ties, say Americans that are also Canadians, or citizens of the Republic of Ireland that are also British Citizens.

- This proposal basically prohibits dual citizens from being discriminated, except in very limited cases (such as war or national security).

- It also makes it illegal for any nation to restrict citizenship by granting non-full citizenship (such as the situation in American Samoa where they are US nationals but not by default full citizens).

- It also requires that a WA state may not prohibit citizens from renouncing their citizenship and there's a few minor fixes in there as well regarding citizenship.

- It does not otherwise interfere with citizenship laws or whether a country actually allows dual citizenship or not.

4(b) is weaker than I would like. If this passes I will attempt to tighten this further in "Consular Protection Arrangements" which is currently on the gameside forum as a draft. As "Consular Protection Protocol" failed, I am cautious on this subject.
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Requires that if a WA state chooses to permit dual citizenship, subject to extant WA resolutions:
  • it must not discriminate against such citizens except on the following matters:
    • a declared state of war exists between that WA state and the other state(s) in which that citizen also has citizenship;
Missed this. Against.
Just because someone is at war with you doesn't mean you can discriminate against dual citizens.

The General Assembly resolution Dual citizenship Arrangements was passed 9,386 votes to 2,767, and implemented in all WA member nations.

This is the 19th GA resolution for that white ursine thingy.
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