Roll Call - September 2023 to January 2024

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Nutmeg The Squirrel

Professional Lesbian
TNP Nation
I'm not the Minister, but as the Deputy responsible for ambassadorial postings, I am handling the roll call.
Please fill out the form below.
Discord Username:
Current Postings:

Are you interested in serving as an ambassador: < Yes|No >
Name: Ruben
Discord Username: ruuuuuuuuben
Current Postings: The League & Concord, Declansburg and Gay

Are you interested in serving as an ambassador: Yes
Name: Norvoz
Discord Username: CD#1234
Current Postings: Community, Stargate

Are you interested in serving as an ambassador: < Yes >
Name: Ostonives
Discord Username: flying.beeee.prov
Current Postings: Greater Dienstad

Are you interested in serving as an ambassador: Yes
Name: Comfed
Discord Username: comfed
Current Postings: The Order of the Grey Wardens

Are you interested in serving as an ambassador: < Yes >
Name: Pauline Bonaparte
Discord Username: DivaythFyr
Current Postings: Augustin Alliance, Equilism

Are you interested in serving as an ambassador: < Yes >
Name: Wonderess
Discord Username: .wonderess
Current Postings: Carcassone

Are you interested in serving as an ambassador: < Yes >
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Name: TlomzKrano
Discord Username: Tlomz
Current Postings: IDU

Are you interested in serving as an ambassador: I'll serve as long as I'm required. IDU is a sleepy posting so if you want someone new to take it, by all means do what you want.
Name: Zabrus
Discord Username: Robinhood3
Current Postings: none

Are you interested in serving as an ambassador: <If needed I can>
Name: Sauron
Discord Username: sauron_lord_of_mordor
Current Postings: None

Are you interested in serving as an ambassador: < Not at the moment >
Name: Eluvatar
Discord Username: eluvatar
Current Postings: none

Are you interested in serving as an ambassador: No
Name: Chipoli
Discord Username: chipoli
Current Postings: None
Are you interested in serving as an ambassador: Yes
Name: Treekidistan
Discord Username: indusse
Current Postings: Lazarus

Are you interested in serving as an ambassador: Just the one I've now.
Name: Lionsroar
Discord Username: dulle1846
Current Postings: none

Are you interested in serving as an ambassador: < No >
Name: Vatatzes
Discord Username: eclipse_01
Current Postings: NPO and SLU

Are you interested in serving as an ambassador: Yes
Discord Username:N/A
Current Postings:N/A

Are you interested in serving as an ambassador: Yes
Name: AraFuttio
Discord Username: Arafuttio
Current Postings: Forest, One Big Island and IDU

Are you interested in serving as an ambassador: Yes
Name: Kaschovia
Discord Username: kaschovia
Current Postings: TEP and the URA

Are you interested in serving as an ambassador: < Yes >
Name: Bran Astor
Discord Username: sasquatch_
Current Postings: none

Are you interested in serving as an ambassador: < Yes >
Name: Picairn
Discord Username: picairn
Current Postings: None

Are you interested in serving as an ambassador: < Yes >
Name: Norgad
Discord Username: J.p369
Current Postings: None

Are you interested in serving as an ambassador: < Yes >
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Name: Commonwealth Of UOVS
Discord Username: Toast9011/Orange
Current Postings: NPA, Home Affairs, Foreign Affairs

Are you interested in serving as an ambassador: < Yes >
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