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Condemn Cashdeer
Category: < Condemnation > | Target: Cashdeer
Proposed by: CSB PM Union, Co-authored by: Ostrovskiy | Onsite Topic
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.The Security Council,
Seeking to bring to the attention of the world and denigrate nations that show a disregard for any and all morals and human rights, hurting their own citizens with the reprehensible, and knowing no nation that so viciously exemplifies this more thanThe Libertarian Paradise of Cashdeer,
Astounded by the fact that Cashdeer has soared into the lead as the nation with the most unconventional longevity strategy – where citizens exit the stage of life at a mere 14 years old. Yet, a ghastly truth unfurls: this soaring death rate finds an unsettling ally in Cashdeer's notorious distinction as the global epicenter of crime. The nation's canvas has eerily darkened, rendering it a dystopian playground where miscreants revel unchecked, reducing the citizenry to cowering shadows within whatever shelter may offer respite from the relentless storm of brutality. This is most definitely fueled by the utter failure of Cashdeer to keep violent weapons out of the hands of criminals, leading to the nation being the one with the most deadly weapons anywhere in the multiverse, with over three hundred such weapons per person.
Revolted at the Cashdeerian government’s reprehensible stance on the fleeting nature of life at an early age, leaving children to fare for themselves in the wilderness or on the streets, which teaches them to be brutal and violent in order to survive. These children, lacking physical and emotional care during their upbringing, becoming the criminals and miscreants that rain havoc down upon the nations, and are far more likely to abuse substances as is so common in the nation.
Shocked by Cashdeer's dubious distinction as the realm of the most corpulent populace, with its citizenry universally entangled in a web of health woes and inching their lives toward agonizing ends amidst the glaring absence of adequate healthcare. This epidemic may be due to the veritable deluge of sweetened beverages ("sodas") flooding the nation's borders, ruining livers irreversibly.
This disconcerting pattern of poor health continues with the alarming degree of recreational drug use in Cashdeer, a damning testament to a society ensnared by addiction and substance dependency. The landscape of Cashdeer is fraught with shattered lives, a testament to the government's resounding failure to stem the tide of dangerous substances or salvage those ensnared in their destructive grasp.
Disturbed by Cashdeer’s leader, CEO Moneybags, and by its faith, Worship of Money, which implies that money and obtaining it is the driving force of the government instead of helping the citizens, and that Cashdeer's very existence seems woven with the threads of callous calculation that riches are the ultimate goal and trump the preservation of life and health. This suggests that the dire health crisis is not an unfortunate oversight, but a deliberate design to fatten the coffers of a government that revels in the misfortune of its people.
Disgusted at Cashdeer’s wearing of the ignominious crown as the world's most charmless nation, positioned atop cautionary lists that implore travelers to steer clear of its inhospitable embrace. Within this somber canvas, a distressing revelation emerges: Cashdeer's dismal standing as the second most rude nation. This glaring lack of civility casts a stark shadow, perpetuating an atmosphere that repels even the most intrepid seekers of experience.
The many awful things that are done and even celebrated in Cashdeer come to light with the revelation of their barbaric practice of human sacrifice, an awful business which takes away the life of a sentient being, and one which is almost certainly practiced by the Cashdeerian government itself, enforcing the Worship of Money and taking the organs from the human sacrifices in order to create exports and generate profit.
Peeking behind the curtain in horror at Gynostan and Cutote, nations subject to the same administration that rules Cashdeer. Gynostan’s rabid hatred of men leads to a nation which oppresses half of the population, forcing them to work in an effectively slave-like manner for one of the largest militaries in the world, which is done in the name of their belief in Goddess Worship, an absolute one.
Appalled at the sheer corruption present in Cutote, which is ruled by the oligarchy that relies on bribes and favors to run the country, at the expense of the Cutotian citizens, whose poor have very little of the countries wealth in one of the largest gaps between the haves and have-nots in the world.
Believing that such deplorable actions by the government of Cashdeer, leaving a society of neglected criminals, with incredible health issues and a misuse of substances and money alike being common and even expected, marking a society which can’t cohesively function and is falling apart at the seams, which is perpetuated for profits by the corrupt government, deserve no place at the world table and should be denigrated by the World Assembly,
Hereby Condemns Cashdeer.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
For | Against | Abstain | Present |
7 | 6 | 0 | 1 |
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