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- Freg#0420

End of Term Report
It's been quite a journey here in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Not the most smooth sailing one, but quite a fruitful journey, and one where we achieved quite a substantial amount of things.
First let us talk about the more substantial things. As a ministry, we encouraged ambassadors to engage with their regions more to find out about things on the ground. We changed the style of ambassador reports, from long lengthy reports, to more short and bite-sized updates at a much faster interval. This allowed us to keep more up-to-date with each region’s inside happenings, and built up a trend of allowing our ambassadors to bring the important information to the leadership. In addition, we also opened a discussion channel so any member of the ministry could voice their opinion on what they think were important issues that might be of interest to us.
While we adapt to this new balance around us, we have also started on new relationships with more UCRs. In the Regional Assembly right now, we have two new treaties at vote. These treaties are hopefully a strong statement in showing that we continue to expand our reach, to make sure we talk to new and rising regions, and establish friendly partnerships with them. We also continue to talk to many other regions as well, making sure that we continue to keep up relationships and maintain some degree of contact.
There are, of course, more things that we definitely can work on for the next term. Our delegate candidates have talked a lot about changing the role of the staffers in this ministry, and trying to let more people be involved in Foreign Affairs. While we spent much of this term handling some of our external matters and events, I believe that the foundational work we have laid will help us in giving our ambassadors a better role and make Foreign Affairs something easy for all to grasp.