Taking A Stand
My fellow North Pacificans,
In the early morning of August 27th, during major update, The North Pacific was attacked by a combined force from The Communist Bloc and the Brotherhood of Malice. This invading force managed to successfully push Acting Vice Delegate Pallaith into the in-game delegacy, causing him to unintentionally seize it from our Acting Delegate and head of government, Chipoli.
This was the latest and most significant of a long series of belligerent and hostile actions intended to spite and antagonize The North Pacific. We have been attacked for continuing to be a leading voice against the unacceptable tactics and undiplomatic behavior shown by these regions going back to last year, and for taking steps and supporting others who stand up to them and challenge their ever-changing and inconsistent narratives meant to poorly explain away their juvenile antics. BoM and TCB are treated as normal actors on the world stage and are considered by far too many to be serious, legitimate regions. This is wrong, and every region who sympathizes with them and allows them to be a part of their affairs without holding them accountable for their misbehavior is just as responsible for this, and part of the problem. They cannot and should not be mistaken for members of our international community, because every action they take and every word they speak on that stage betrays how unworthy and unprepared they are to be a part of it.
An invasion of our region, no matter what form it takes or how insignificant the invaders deem it to be, is an act of war and will not be tolerated under any circumstances. What transpired two days ago was nothing less than an act of war and a blatant violation of our sovereignty, and we will recognize it as such. We have consulted with our allies The West Pacific and the New Pacific Order, and in the event the Regional Assembly recognizes a state of war exists, the relevant provisions of the Pax Polaris Occidens will be activated. We have also requested assistance and support from our other allies, to whatever extent they can provide, in order to combat these hostile regions. Our allies in the Modern Gameplay Compact have also agreed to extend the full slate of sanctions we previously signed on to last year to The Communist Bloc. They have antagonized all of our regions to various degrees since they began their own clownish campaign to race the Brotherhood to the bottom, whether by forcing the termination of long-standing treaties, attacking our mutual allies, or being an overall destructive, pugnacious force in our international community.
Regions may disagree, they may be on opposite sides of votes or clash on the field of battle, but there is a fundamental respect for our various places in the community of nations we all are a part of. These regions have no respect for that community or that tradition. They have done everything they can to make that as loud and clear as possible. It is beyond time for the other regions who call themselves a part of this greater gameplay community to recognize this. It is beyond time for those who lend them aid and comfort, and look the other way when they do these things, to step up and do the right thing. We call on all regions, even those who don’t share our views on democracy or sovereignty, to join us in sanctioning these regions or taking your own measures to confront and hold them accountable, and show them that as long as they embrace the path of chaos and denigration of this community, as long as they seek petty and destructive means to get their way, and as long as they bully and troll and seek only to discourage and distress their fellow nations, they do not deserve a place in our society.
Acting Delegate of The North Pacific
Advisor to the Delegate
Advisor to the Delegate
Minister of Foreign Affairs of The North Pacific
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