[GA - passed] - Bail conditions arrangements

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Ursine thingy
TNP Nation

Bail conditions arrangements
Category: Regulation | Area of Effect: Legal reform
Proposed by: Simone Republic | Onsite Topic

The World Assembly (WA),

Noting that the right to a fair trial and due process have been long-standing concerns for the WA;

Recognizing that no regulations govern bail arrangements, especially excessive cash bail that discriminates against the poor;

  1. Hereby defines:
    1. “Bail” to mean conditions imposed on the conduct of a suspect in return for releasing a suspect from custody prior to a hearing, such as, in order of severity:
      1. own recognizance;
      2. restrictions of conduct, such as, merely as examples, curfews or confinement to particular residence(s) or workplace(s);
      3. the pledge of cash or items of monetary value ("cash bail") which may be forfeited if a suspect fails to return to court;
    2. “Charges” to mean the offences for which a suspect has been duly charged with;
    3. “Court” to mean a competent judicial body adjudicating on criminal matters in the WA state ("that WA state") where the suspect is facing the charges;
    4. “Hearing” to mean a court hearing, including pre-trial proceedings, trials, and appeals;
    5. “Suspect” to mean any individual facing charges, or who has been convicted but has not exhausted all appeals, according to the judicial process of that WA state;

  2. Hereby requires that a suspect may not be denied bail by a court unless:
    1. the suspect is found to have a prima facie case to answer or is duly indicted; and
    2. the suspect is charged with a "serious" criminal offence as defined by the laws of that WA state; and
    3. the suspect satisfies at least one of the conditions in the following sub-clauses:
      1. The suspect is deemed by the court to be:
        1. hostis humani generis;
        2. charged by that WA state with an offence pursuant to aut dedere aut judicare; or
        3. at extreme risk of:
          1. absconding;
          2. self-harm;
          3. endangering the safety or welfare of anyone else; or
      2. The suspect has a demonstrable track record of:
        1. repeatedly failing to meet all conditions of bail determined by a court; or
        2. attempt(s) to interfering with witnesses or otherwise obstructing the course of justice;

  3. Hereby requires a court to consider imposing bail conditions other than cash bail only if less severe alternatives are deemed grossly inadequate for the purpose of bail and solely as an alternative to not granting bail altogether;

  4. Hereby requires a court, if it decides to impose cash bail, to:
    1. Ensure that it is used only if the court deems the suspect to be extremely likely to abscond and has the means and incentives to do so; and
    2. Satisfy itself that the amount of cash bail should reflect the financial circumstances of the suspect; and
      1. likely for the suspect to raise such funds without facing financial ruin; and
      2. not exceeding the maximum penalty and/or restitution required if the suspect is convicted and all appeals exhausted;

    3. Inform the suspect of the cheapest means to raise such funds, such as (as an example) through charities, if that WA state permits cash bail and permits funds to be raised via commercial means;

    4. Inform the suspect, if the suspect is a citizen of another state, to potentially seek assistance from that other state to help fund the cash bail;

  5. If a suspect that utilized commercial means to raise funds for bail is acquitted (or vacated) of the offence(s), the full commercial cost of the bail should be compensated for;

  6. Hereby directs a court:
    1. To apply leniency in granting bail towards anyone charged for a first-time alleged offence, or for crimes that are not violent in nature;
    2. To not revoke bail unless due to extreme changes in circumstances, such as (merely as an example) if the suspect is duly convicted of another offence when out on bail;

  7. Hereby deems it an offence for anyone:
    1. In a capacity as law enforcement officer or as a prosecutor to offer bail conditions as part of a plea-bargain;
    2. To coerce or entice a suspect into declining to apply for bail;

  8. Hereby clarifies that this resolution does not:
    1. Prohibit a suspect from voluntarily declining to apply for bail for any reason;
    2. Prohibit a WA state from restricting or banning cash bail (or commercial forms of cash bail) altogether;
    3. Interfere with a court's decision not to grant bail altogether;

  9. The judiciary of that WA state is responsible for interpretation of this resolution.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

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The proposal at hand makes very specific requirements towards making it easier to get bail: judges are required to consider own recognizance and, failing which, restrictions on conduct in lieu of cash bail, and to use cash bail only as a last resort against not granting bail altogether. It also requires leniency on the part of judges in granting bail, and restricts cash bail to a level that is reasonably affordable, and for the cost of cash bail (if a commercial lender is used) to be refunded in full if the suspect is not convicted in court.
We believe this proposal is a compromise between those that want to abolish cash bail altogether, against those that believe that not permitting cash bail would make it harder to deter suspects from committing offences while on bail. The result is a proposal that makes cash bail a last resort, require cash bail amounts to be affordable and fully refundable. The MoWAA believes this is a sensible compromise but we await the verdict of the GA as a whole.
For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the General Assembly resolution at vote, "Bail Conditions Arrangements".
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