World Timeline

Ad 42:Romans take control of Ceuta, a port city on the North African side of the Strait of Gibraltar.
AD 50: The distinction between chronic maladies and acute illnesses is made by Thessalos.
AD 54: Emperor Claudius dies (possibly after being poisoned by Agrippina, his wife and niece), and is succeeded by Nero.
AD 60: Boudica likely leads a rebellion in Roman Britannia in this year, destroying the regional capital Camulodunum (Colchester) - as well as Londinium (London) and Verulamium (St. Albans) - but is defeated at the Battle of Watling Street by the Roman governor of Britain, Gaius Suetonius Paulinus.
AD 68: Nero flees Rome following a revolt against his rule, and commits suicide after the Senate declares him a public enemy.
AD 69: The Year of the Four Emperors: After Nero's death, Galba, Otho, Vitellius and Vespasian succeed each other as emperor during the year.
AD 70: The Siege of Jerusalem by the Romans leads to the destruction of the city and the Second Temple.
AD 71: Herodium, a Jewish fortress south of Jerusalem, is conquered and destroyed by Legio X Fretensis on their way to Masada.
Ad 73: The Chinese Han Dynasty launches a major campaign against the Xiongnu, whom they confront in the Battle of Yiwulu in the Kumul oasis, an ultimate Han military victory led by General Dou Gu