[GA, Passed] - Identity Documents Issuance

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Ursine thingy
TNP Nation

Identity Documents Issuance
Category: Civil Rights | Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Simone Republic, Co-authored by: Imperium Anglorum | Onsite Topic

The World Assembly (WA),

Noting that some WA states require the use of documents to identify individuals, in routine domestic transactions such as those with a government or with financial institutions (to decide on eligibility for payments, applying for bank accounts, cashing cheques, employment and other matters);

Concerned that such documents may require a fee for issuance, which disadvantages those least able to afford such fees, and impede their access to government payments and services that may require such documents;

  1. Hereby defines:
    • ”Inhabitant(s)” to mean anyone who is:
      • physically in a WA state, and;
      • who also meets at least one of the criteria below:
        1. a citizen of the WA state;
        2. a resident or long-term visitor of the WA state, permanently or temporarily, pursuant to the laws of that WA state;
        3. an applicant for asylum or refugee or protected status, or anyone holding such status;
        4. anyone who purports to be stateless; or
        5. anyone else entitled to IDs pursuant to that WA state’s laws;
    • "IDs" to mean one or more documents stating an inhabitant’s identity such as, merely as examples, identity cards and household registrations, provided that:
      • such IDs must contain such information routinely needed for an inhabitant to handle the domestic affairs of that WA state, such as, merely as examples, the following:
        1. the full legal name;
        2. date and place of birth;
        3. residency and/or citizenship status;
        4. full residential address;
        5. full likeness of the inhabitant;
      • such IDs may be in physical, electronic or other forms depending on the technology levels of that WA state;
      • the sole requirement for issuing such IDs is for anyone to meet the criteria of being an inhabitant of that WA state;
  2. Hereby requires, subject to extant WA resolutions:
    • A competent authority of a WA state is to provide IDs to all inhabitants of that WA state upon request by that inhabitant for free, as soon as reasonably practicable, and may not charge any fee(s) for:
      • applying for;
      • verifying;
      • processing;
      • issuing;
      • replacing such IDs, including those lost, stolen or damaged; or
      • delivery of such IDs;
    • IDs may be issued by a competent authority at the national level of government of a WA state, or at sub-national levels, or delegated to any entit(ies) that the said WA state deems fit;
    • IDs validly issued by a WA state must be deemed valid and sufficient for all domestic affairs of that WA state, where proof of identity is required, including (but not limited to) all governmental, financial or business affairs;
    • A WA state may not deny issuing IDs to an inhabitant on the grounds that some information, such as, merely as examples, date of birth or place of birth, may not be verifiable due to circumstances beyond the reasonable control of that inhabitant;
    • A WA state shall make it as convenient as reasonably practicable for an individual to obtain IDs, and without separately charging for such means, for individuals that may be disadvantaged for any reason, such as, merely as examples:
      • lacking literacy and/or language skills;
      • physical limitations;
      • mental acuity and/or capacity, subject to clause 2(f);
    • A legal parent and/or legal guardian may, voluntarily, apply for and receive IDs on behalf of an inhabitant below the age of majority or lacking the mental capacity and/or legal competence to make such an application;
    • A WA state may not deny issuing IDs to an inhabitant of that WA state on the grounds of that inhabitant holding IDs from another WA state, or other similar instruments from a non-WA state;
    • IDs validly issued by a WA state must be deemed valid and sufficient for identification purposes by all agencies and committees of the WA;
  3. Hereby clarifies that this resolution does not interfere with a WA state's rights and qualifications, subject to extant WA resolutions, in:
    • formulating its own citizenship and immigration policies;
    • domestic affairs reserved as the prerogative of individual WA states;
    • controlling its borders;
    • issuing documents other than IDs, such as driving licenses;
    • making it an offence for fraudulent applications and use of IDs (including fraudulent reporting of loss or stolen IDs), or imposing penalties for such offences if convicted.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

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The proposal at hand requires WA member states to issue documents proving someone's identity (which it very specifically defines as "IDs" to cover various technologies) free of charge, which it believes disadvantages those least able to afford such fees, and impede their access to government payments and services that may require such documents. It also requires issuing IDs in as convenient a manner as possible.
We believe this proposal is a reasonably sensible proposal to require IDs to be issued (there is no particular reason for a nation, other than a tyranny, that would deny issuing IDs) and to make it as painless as possible and free of charge. We recognize that having free IDs would be important for the poorest members of a society who may have to make a choice between getting a new ID vs putting food on the table and broadly support the aims of this resolution.
For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the General Assembly resolution at vote, "Identity Documents Issuance".
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For. Happy to answer any questions. Although my name is in front, this resolution is significantly more drawn from an earlier draft from IA than my own contributions, which to be frank were vastly inferior.
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