We move to dismiss the case with prejudice due to lack of evidence, in accordance with "
On the Authentication of Images in Criminal Trials."
Once the court move into the arguement phase and closed evidence submissions, no further evidence can be submited to the court. With the courts failure to state what evidence is properly before the court, as required by "On the Authentication of Images in Criminal Trials" and the courts failure to submit an offical transcript of St Georges deposition, they are inadmissable as evidence and cannot be used as a bases of any arguement and deliberation.
"On the Authentication of Images in Criminal Trails" established that the court must state what evidence is properly before it in order for the court to make determinations and deliberations. It has been the practice of the court since that ruling to affirmatively post in the Case thread, what evidence is accepted and on what grounds. We refer the court to the following examples, "
TNP v. Ihese" "
TNP v St George (2020)" "
TNP v Nubt" and "
TNP v St George (2023)" In Ihese and St George (2020) the court clearly ruled and stated what evidence was accepted and under what rule in the Criminal Procedure it was accepted under. In Nubt and St George (2023) under the plea agreements, it was clearly stated that the evidence was accepted and valid under the cited ruling. The court in this case did not make that determination. The courts failure to accept the evidence as proper under the rules triggers the ruling cited, thus the alledge evidence presented as part of the indictment is not proper and before the court and cannot be used in arguements and deliberations.
Further more, the court failed to include an offical transcript of the deposition of St George in the Case thread. This is required under Section 3.7 of the Court Procedures. It states that the Moderating Justice WILL publish an official record version of the deposition. This includes striking any statements removed by the court due to a motion. We refer the court to the submission in
"TNP v St George (2020)" The courts failure to do so here also triggers the above cited ruling. The deposition cannot be used as evidence, dilberations, and determinations.
Since the alledged evidence and deposition was not properly before the court, there is no evidence that the court can use to make a determination on the alledge guilt of the defendants. The court must dismiss the case for lack of evidence, and as this trial as already started and has completed several stages, the defendants cannot be recharged on this mattter in accordance with B.O.R Section 6.