Justosia Noticias Nacional


* Multiple large scale riots have broken out across Vermeillia City & the district. Region is deep blue & known as the Nacionalista Corazón or Nationalist Heartland.

* Reports now coming in of riots breaking out in north Avalon. The nationalist heavy quarter.

* King lifts states of Martial Law for Ceretia & Cadiz cities & districts.

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Pena: 50.3%✔️

Suarez: 49.6%
Write ins: 0.01%

* Nacional Social Democrático Union Mayor of Zalavega, Henrico Pena, is now officially elected His Excelencia, Prime Minister of Justosia. Election officially ended 12 AM Thursday, Justosian Time. Except in Ceretia, Cadiz, & Seledo Districts which extended voting time until 1 AM for stragglers. The delay in reporting was for the nacional recount mandated constitutionally for any election where the MoV is 1% or less.

* King calls for calm. Acknowledges SDU victory. Palace Press Office says king will soon issue formal invitation to new SDU party leader to form new government in his name.

* Current Nationalist Center Right Alliance PM Erinque Suarez has not yet conceded.

* SDU returns to power for the first time in over half a century.


* Over the course of the past week, multiple protests & riots of varying scale have been breaking out, & spreading, before finally being quelled yesterday, in Avalon, Barceltia, Vermeillia, Cortoba, & Seledo. Nationalist majority cities & districts. There has been minor property damage across these districts. 229 reported injuries currently. No fatalities reported. The Riot Policia of these cities, along with detachments of National Security Ministry Special Policia, were successful in restoring peace, law, & order.

* Martial Law had to briefly declared & imposed in 3/5 of those cities to facilitate the restoration of order. Now lifted.

* King Carlos III formally pardons all openly gay Royal Army & Air Force personnel who were the seeds of the original riots in Ceretia & Cadiz. Upon being interviewed, servicemen said only that they had "reached a concrete understanding" with their king.

* King also formally requests new NSDU PM Henrico Pena form a new government in his name.

* Interior Minister Calderon praises the swift action of the palace & authorities.

Certified National Senado Election Results

New Senado Makeup:
National Social Democratic Union 50
Nationalist Center Right Alliance: 50


Navalle District:
Ricardo Paco 56.2%
Juan Francis 43.8%

Zalavega District:
Roberto Sanchez 57%
Antonio Franco 43%

Seledo District:
Tomas Rivera 51.3%
Rolondo Solis 48.7%

* Seledo represents a significant leftward shift from last election. Seledo's Senado Delegation is now split, bipartisan for the first time ever. Much of this new NSDU success is being credited with a highly motivated & engaged youth vote.

* With a spilt senado, newly elected PM Henrico Pena will, constitutionally serve as the tie breaker. This gives the NSDU a senado majority for the first time in over 50 years. Former Senado Majority Speaker, Marco Torres, is now Minority Speaker. Former Minority Speaker Manuel Albarra, who unsuccessfully ran for his party's PM nomination, will now be Majority Speaker.

For full results visit ju.jnn.com

Today newly seated NSDU Prime Minister Pena has dismissed NCRA Defense Minister Miguel Ramos. This is the first sack of nationalist holdovers from last administration. It's expected not to be the last.

* King Carlos III on official diplomatic business in Esthursia.

* New Senado Speaker Manuel Albarra announces votes asap for legalizing gay marriage & easing abortion restrictions nationallly.


* Today in history, gay marriage is now legal & the law of all the mainland & the archipiélago.

SB 4243
YAY 50✔️
NAY 50

* Today in history, abortion access has been drastically expanded to the end of the 1st Trimester. This is from week 3.

SB 4244
YAY 50✔️
NAY 50

This is a developing story.....
Justosia Nacional Noticias

His Excelencia Prime Minister Henrico Pena (NSDU) has dismissed the Foreign, Interior, Justice, & Environment Ministers. These in addition to the initial dismissal of former Nacionalista Defense Minister Miguel Ramos. PM Pena also confirms the replacements will be party line. All were holdovers from the last NCRA Royal Administration. PM's office also confirms sitting Finance Minister & holdover Jorge Alvarez will stay on.

* PM's office confirms intent to pursue stricter nacional firearms regulations.

* Former Nacionalista PM Enrique Suarez finally concedes race. In total the former PM made over §3,000,000.00 during his 14 years in office. Final total after constitutionally mandated nacional recount was 50.3% for PM Pena & 49.6% for former PM Suarez. It was the closest election in Justosian history. Sources close to Suarez say he finally decided to officially concede after there were no more legal avenues avaliable to him on a national or district level to keep challenging the results of the December 23 election.

* New Defense Minister Ronaldo Figueroa says the very secretive development of the Talon III multirole stealth fighter has fallen slightly behind schedule due to a contractual dispute between the government & the Batista Arms Corporation. There are further issues concerning the coating for the stealth technology however further details have been classified by the Defense Minister.

* PM said to be considering introducing a military austerity package to the Senado for procedural debate.

* Both parties' conferences begin holding joint committee meetings to hammer out new budget for fiscal year. Due to competing local, district, & nacional interests that senadors deal with everyday, it's already looking highly likely that a simple 51-50 Soc Dem majority will not be enough to pass the new budget. Nationalist support will be needed.

This is JNN.
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Office of the Foreign Minister
Government Quarter
Day of our Lord
9:10 AM Justosian Time

Statement regarding hostilities between Sorovia & Iolanta:

This government in the name of His Archipiélagic Royal Majesty King Carlos Francisco III rejects racism, sectarian violence, bigotry, & of course, apartheid in all its forms.

What's happening in those distant lands does not directly concern or affect the Justosian state. The official policy of my office is neutrality. We also earnestly hope armed conflict ends quickly with as few civilian casualties as possible. Avalon welcomes the cessation of any true apartheid state.

That is all.

Rafael Fernandez
Foreign Minister
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Justosia Nacional Noticias


❗The Party Chairman of the minority Nationalist Center Right Alliance Party, Ferdinand Melendez, has called for an emergency meeting of nacional party hierarchy. This includes every NCRA District Governor & Mayor of every major city.

❗Every single NCRA Senador has just walked out of an official vote session SB 23 for expanded abortion rights.

❗Senado Speaker Manuel Albarra (NSDU-Avalon) blasts nationalist senadors has they abruptly exited the chamber.

❗Elderly foreign terrorist manages to have AN galla video feed hacked. Then proceeds to threaten the dignitaries of every attending nation. We can confirm that his Royal Majestad King Carlos Francisco III is safe.

* The contractual dispute between the Ministry of Defense & the Batista Arms Corporation regarding continued development of the Talon III stealth multirole fighter has been resolved. The Milenio Royal Palace mediated.

This is JNN.
Justosia Nacional Noticias

The Nationalist Center Right Alliance Party, the only right wing, nationalist party in the nation of Justosia & the archipiélago since 1855, is no more. The center & right have divorced. We can now officially report the party is broken into 2 Nacional Archipiélagic Senado factions.

This is a developing story......
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Justosia Nacional Noticias

Nationalist Center Right Alliance Party Chairman Ferdinand Melendez announces in press conference with rest of party committee leadership, that the party has fragmented into the center right Justosia Forward Party. The faction of hardline nationalists have now officially formed the Justosian Nationalist Front.

New Nacional Archipiélagic Senado makeup:
Nacional Social Democratic Unión 50
JNF 37
JFP 13

This is a developing story.....
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Justosia Nacional Noticias

Milenio Royal Palace releases statement calling for all 3 major parties to began "Streamlined work on a budget for this fiscal year immediately."

❗Barceltia District Sr Senador Mauricio Gallega to lead new hard right Justosia Nationalist Front. He was elected Orador (Speaker) of the JNF Conference in a 34-3 third & final vote.

❗Seledo District Jr Senador Antonio Vargas to lead new center right Justosia Forward Party. He was elected in a unanimous 13-0 first vote.

❗ Defense Ministry relases statement signaling desire to began logistical protocol for buying foreign weapons systems.

❗ Finance Minister says kingdom's credit rating to remain at A for now.

❗Front of showers moving in on east coast tomorrow evening. 63 degrees F tonight currently. Winds NW 30 MPH.
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Justosia Nacional Noticias

❗ King now on vacation in Hadas Island.

❗The new hard right Justosia Nationalist Front elects former PM Enrique Suarez as Party Chairman. The committee is 11 seats. Its main task is to facilitate electoral victory for the former NCRA majority faction.

❗New center right Justosia Forward Party has yet to elect a Party Chairman.

❗ PM Pena calls for special Senado Constitutional Session to "Immediately remedy glaring governmental branch oversights and related delegated power issues."
Justosia Nacional Noticias

❗Yesterday was the first session of this latest constitutional session of the Nacional Archipiélagic Senado. Procedural debate has concluded. CSB Uno, if approved, would strip King Carlos Francisco III of his current ability to install & dismiss anyone to a government minister position. Official vote to begin shortly.

❗King returning a week early from vacation for official vote on a constitutional amendment he actually supports.

❗Senado Budget Commission officially recommends a §200,000,000,000.00 defense budget. Will submit formal report to senado later today.


❗The vote to strip the monarch of their ability to install & dismiss government ministers at will has only garnered 54 votes. 75 are needed to pass a constitutional amendment. Constitutional Senado Bill Uno is officially rejected.

❗CSB Dos:
(Require the monarch consult with Defense Ministry for all military matters instead of unipolar free will.)
Hurra: 53

❗CSB Tres:
(Require the monarch consult with the Prime Minister before all official statements.)
Hurra: 50
No: 50

❗CSB Cuatro:
(Mandate the Capital Court be renamed the Nacional Archipiélagic Supremo Courte & now consist of 9 Justices. 4 SDU Justices. 2 JNF. 2 JFP. Final, Supremo Justicia to be elected via nacional election. Additional mandate that the 9 seats be evenly divided between the governing parties if at all possible in the future.)
Hurra: 75
No: 22
Abstained: 3


Presently anonymous source within The Justosian Nacionalista Frente says that newly elected Party Chairman & former PM Enrique Suarez was the mastermind of this plan for all JNF senadors to feign support for all but one SDU sponsored constitutional amendment. The resulting humiliation for his successor, the newly elected SDU PM Henrico Pena is apparently his ordered revenge.

This is a developing story.......
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Official statement from His Archipiélagic Majesty King Carlos Francisco III
The overall failure of these constitutional senado sessions was disappointing. As monarch, I try to make a habit of not interjecting myself or my station into governmental affairs. However upon learning the failure of these reforms was orchestrated by a scornful, defeated, former Prime Minister, now Justosian Nacionalista Frente Party Chairman, I have become concerned about the recent personal, tribal state of nacional política.

This is compounded by the persistent refusal of the District Governors of Avalon, Barceltia, Vermeillia, & Seledo, to sign the ceremonial but logistically important ratification of the bills legalizing gay marriage & expanded abortion rights. They are of course allowed their personal objections. What I cannot & will not allow them to do is hamper proper senado & constitutional proceedings. I have been notified by embedded Nacional Seguridad Ministerio agents that the aforementioned governors were in league with former PM Suarez to see these constitutional senado sessions ended in overall failure. This is sedition.

As the senado has seen it appropriate to maintain my current level of authority, all 4 District Governors are dismissed effective immediately. This will trigger governor elections in these districts. I caution their successors to follow the passed laws of the land that I myself have ascended. This is also a warning to the leadership of the JFNP. I will not tolerate conspiracies to hamper or obstruct the government in my name. I take my constitutional duties very seriously. May God bless you all.
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The following is from Air Grand General Vincent Rodrigo's monthly press conference:

"Though this road has been long and costly, I am proud to report to Defense Minister Figueroa today that production of the Talon Three multirole stealth fighter has been optimized and streamlined. All issues with chief production partner Batista Arms Corporation and the technical issues with the stealth coating have been resolved. Production will move at a quicker pace now. There is an exact date for flight tests and production completion. However that is currently classified. Again I would like to thank the Defense Ministry, navy, and army for all their varied assistance. Thank you also to the Nacional Archipiélagic Senado for passing a healthy defense budget.

Most of all, thank you to the Milenio Royal Palace and His Majesty the King. His continued, steadfast support for this unprecedented project has been integral to our progress. The is the greatest leap forward ever attempted by the Royal Armed Forces of Justosia. With God's grace, soon we will have a standard bearer for our fleet that is truly worthy of this millennium. Thank you. Viva Justosia."

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❗New center right Justosia Forward Party (JFP) strips two District Governorships from hard right rival the Justosia Nationalist Front (JNF).

❗Avalon District Governor
Sergio Martez 50.9%✔️
Domingo Tomas 48.5%

Other candidates: 0.06%

❗Seledo District Governor
Jorge Menendez 51.8%✔️
Mauricio Fedez 47.4%
Other candidates 0.08%

Barceltia District Governor
Felipe Fox 56.3%✔️
Rafael Garcia
Other candidates 0.07%

Vermeillia District Governor
Ernesto Vargas 56%✔️
Mario Alcara

These two shifts for the JFP mark their first real foothold on power & authority. They now govern just over 13 million Justosians. They have seized power from the JNF in the capital district, & the nation's third most populous district. The latter two victories in retaining those DGs had been forecasted as a forgone conclusion in the nation's two bluest districts for some time now. King Carlos III has been briefed.

Justosia Nacional Noticias


❗The Defense Ministry & Royal Air Force High Command have just released a historic joint statement announcing that Justosia's first ever multi role stealth fighter, the Talon III, has entered the flight trials stage. Production is now all but complete.

❗HRM King Carlos III to test fly new fighter himself. Is a former RAF ace pilot.

❗Development & production had been troubled with technical issues with stealth coating & contractual dispute with the Batista Arms Corporation.


❗Defense Ministry relases second statement announcing after total completion of Talon III fighter project, will conduct operational review of Royal Navy combat readiness. If found adequate, its focus will shift to the Royal Army's needs. Royal Army top brass have been grumbling for a decade now that their force is being wrongfully "Neglected."
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❗Batista Arms Corporation takes payment of §10,000,000,000 for 100 previously ordered Talon III stealth multirole joint strike fighters from Defense Ministry. This secures CEO Alfonso Batista's title as richest person in Justosia by far, for the foreseeable future.

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Justosia Nacional Noticias

❗The new Talon III fighter has completed land take off trials. Now moving to carrier take off trials. King Carlos III has announced he will be undertaking those as well. Will take place aboard Royal Navy Flagship Aircraft Carrier Carlos Francisco I. To be overseen by Defense Minister Figueroa & Grand Admiral Carvalho.

❗Defense Ministry secures approval from Scalvian Federal Assembly & origin company for planning & production of recently named Centinela II Infantry Fighting Vehicle.

Defense Ministry has sent communique on behalf of King Carlos III thanking Scalvian government.

❗Electoral framework currently being setup for nation's first election for Lord Justice of newly remade Nacional Archipiélagic Supremo Courte.

❗Avalon economists forecasting roughly 100,000 new jobs in coming report. Report unlikely to be as good as last month's Commerce Ministry Jobs Report which saw 150,000 new jobs added. Due mostly to zenith of Talon III production.

❗Front of showers moving in off eastern coasts. Flood Watches preemptively issued for Vermeillia & Zalavega Districts. Currently a rather chilly 67 degrees F.
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Justosia Nacional Noticias

❗King Carlos Francisco III has informed his Milenio Palace Press Office to liase with Foreign Ministry to began sending formal letters to heads of all foreign royal houses with eligible princesses inquiring about a potential courtship & hand in royal marriage. Move is unprecedented as Justosian queens have always come from domestic noble bloodlines.

❗NSDU PM Henrico Pena says he has the votes to introduce & pass a military austerity bill in the senado. Says at king's request he is holding off for completion of the Talon III stealth fighter & Centinela III IFV projects to finish. PM goes on to say that under this bill he's helped author, only military necessities like base pay, maternity leave, imperative mech/tech repairs, etc will be covered. Justosia Nationalist Front Conference Minority Speaker Mauricio Gallega says in brief statement that bill "Will make Justosia markedly less safe." Minority Speaker goes on to say that bill reeks of "Socialism." Justosia Forward Party Conference Minority Speaker Antonio Vargas says he's open to negotiations on bill.

❗Talon III carrier take off trials currently underway in undisclosed location. King Carlos III participating.

❗ Justosia added 100,847 jobs last month according to Finance Ministry official report released one hour ago.

❗NSDU Foreign Minister Rafael Fernandez calls Justosia "The jewel of the southern hemisphere." in response to question about Justosia's peak international tourism season ending due to winter being over.

❗Beautifully sunny across vast majority of mainland today. Cloudy across archipiélago. Chance of showers currently 0%. Currently 83 degrees F across mainland. 80 degrees F across archipiélago.

❗JNN is now ready to call the nacional election for Lord Justice of the Nacional Archipiélagic Supremo Courte.

Leo Delgado (JFP): 40.2%

Juanito Ramirez (JFN): 32.4%
Santo Moya (SDU): 27.4%

We now officially project the center right Justosia Forward Party will lead the newly reorganized, formerly known, Capital Court. This marks yet another milestone for the fledgling party. The more moderate offshoot of the defunct Nacionalista Centro Derecho Alianza. The JFP is increasing its foothold on power despite having only 13 seats in the Nacional Archipiélagic Senado.

❗King currently speaking with now former Seledo Distrito Supremo Courte Judge Delgado to congratulate & invite him to Milenio Palace.


❗A hack has revealed an Avalon University poll, the first of its kind. New PM Nacional Social Democrático Unión Henrico Pena's job approval/disapproval rating:

Approve: 45.4%
Disapprove: 54%
Undecided: 0.06%

❗Anonymous source says NSDU leadership pressured his department to conceal this scientific poll. For at least 6 months.

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Justosia Nacional Noticias

❗10 car pile up crash 2 miles west of Avalon outskirts on Interstate 2. Highway Patrol units responded at 12:14 PM Justosian Time. 16 fatalities reported. 10 cars reportedly involved. Initiate yet to be identified. Mile long stretch of the I2 cordoned off. Developing.

❗Chance of wildfires in southern mainland increasing "Nearly exponentially given near perfect storm of dry, arid, windy conditions in the southeastern mainland near two prominent forest wildlife preserves." According to Environment Vice Minister.

❗PM Pena currently short of votes needed to pass his Military Austerity Bill. Center left Seledo District Jr. Senador Francis Ramos signals he's a no. Seledo is a very purple district with very blue roots.

❗Hikers in the Estéril Matriz Desert report seeing military personnel massing at the base of a mountain. Exact coordinates redacted via seguridad nacional law.

❗Flight production of the 5th Gen Talon III stealth multirole fighter proceeds albeit slowly.

❗Interior Ministry approves construction plans for nation's 7th nuclear power plant.

❗Finance Quarter chattering class forecasting horrible next jobs report.

❗Heat wave that could be harbinger for drought conditions set to hit southern mainland in coming days. Temp currently 84 F mainland. 82 F archipiélago. Clear skies nationwide.
Justosia Nacional Noticias
*********************** *******
Mercanti Version
1:10 PM Justosian Time

❗Senate Bill 1626, the Military Austerity Bill, has failed on a 52-48 vote. Both rightist parties, the hard right Justosia Nationalist Front, & the center right Justosia Forward Party, came together, along with 2 NSDU defections. Ultimately it was all PM Henrico Pena's ruling soc dems could do to stave off more defections. Both defecting NSDU senators are from purple districts with high military voting pops. The PM's office issued the following statement:

"I am highly disappointed by the outcome of this vote. Justosia's national security is assured with the current state of the Royal Armed Forces. Further pet projects are not needed at this time."

❗Senate Bill 1627, the Future Infrastructure Investment Bill, has passed on a 56-44 vote. The bipartisan sentiment was wider than the final vote tally suggests as both JNF & JFP Minority Speakers say they agree with the PM that the archipiélago's infrastructure should be "At least somewhat new, fully functional, and clean." The rightist no votes were party line according to anonymous senate sources.

❗Talon III final flight testing almost completed according to recent Defense Ministry statement.
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Justosia Noticias Nacional
Mercanti Version

1:10 PM Justosian Time
Day of our Lord


❗King Carlos III currently vacationing on Hadas Island.

❗SDU senado leadership currently weighing gas tax according to anonymous leak.

❗Justosian Golden Eagle numbers, once near extinction, now steadily increasing.
2024 JNN
All Rights Reserved
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