Wolf of the North
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- Magecastle Embassy Building A5
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Condemn Allanea
Category: Condemnation | Target: Allanea
Proposed by: Magecastle Embassy Building A5 | Onsite Topic
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.Recognising thatThe Free Kingdom of Allanea, while ostensibly a free, rich and even magical utopia, is a capitalist dystopia which – even in the pursuit of otherwise-noble goals such as antislavery – has gone down a path of evil and death, perhaps under the delusion that the international community will accept such actions with the excuse that ends justify the means;
Acknowledging Allanea's vast potential to be a positive contributor to the world, shown by the assistance it has provided to nations around the world in building their military forces through a range of informational guides, such as on modern infantry, guerrilla warfare and military logistics;
Further noting its creation of the Amistad Declaration on Slavery and the Rights of Man, a document opposing the evil of slavery signed by dozens of nations includingLamoni,
Holy Marsh,
Anagonia and Yohannes, creating a medium for signatories to facilitate the military and diplomatic efforts of each other against slavery;
Believing, however, that these contributions disguise the evil Allanea – whose military routinely collects skulls and even skin of the enemy dead as wartime trophies – has engaged in through many war crimes and atrocities on the field of combat, many under the thin veneer of antislavery; including
- its relentless war against Emporer pudu, which escalated to not only the nuclear bombing of the nation and deliberate flooding of underground cities, but also the explicit designation of Pudite civilian schools, hospitals and churches as military targets, with one Pudite schoolhouse being destroyed by Allanean forces and converted into a military base; and
- committing genocide and pillaging in Egyptiansstan, along with forces from Blackhelm confederacy, with Allanean forces live-flaying Egyptiansstani civilians in retaliation for rocket attacks against Confederate military bases, before collaborating with the Confederacy to persecute and commit genocide against the Muslim population of Egyptiansstan;
Highlighting that the nation has served as the long-time President of CAPINTERN, an international alliance based in Greater Prussia dedicated to the destruction of communism around the world, with the alliance forcing its member nations to impoverish themselves by granting billions of dollars annually to the alliance, while prohibiting common-sense trade restrictions to prevent native businesses from being damaged by foreign trade;
Concerned, too, that Allanea has demonstrated its disregard for civil rights – despite its countless atrocities ostensibly to oppose slavery – by helping other nations indoctrinate their citizens in exchange for money, offering "Military-Patriotic Education" to children as young as 12 to indoctrinate them on behalf of other nations such as Holy Marsh andUrmanian;
Shocked by the further revelation of the hypocrisy of Allanea through the sale of military resources and other goods by the conglomerate Allanean Defense Exports to some of the vilest powers in the multiverse, including the very same military force of Imbrinium which would convertMalgrave into a desolate wasteland by attacking it with biological weapons; and
The Grand World Order, a fascist dystopia hellbent on world domination;
Adamant that the pure capitalistic greed of Allanea and its private business is well-evidenced by the Nivensky-Ringworld Foundation, a corporation whose vilest acts include
- obtaining quadrillions of dollars – a quantity so high that it would have caused massive economic damage if spent in the Allanean economy – through an elaborate scheme wherein participating nations were promised a "Ringworld" to be built collaboratively, but then forced to give their entire homeworlds to the corporation as payment, all while the Foundation intentionally overrepresented its role in the construction of this Ringworld; and
- its leaders not only using the fraudulently-obtained money to purchase entire planets for themselves, but also to engage in imperialism and chaosmaking by purchasing for the corporation, inter alia, multiple entire solar systems, a superweapon capable of annihilating star systems, and thousands of prisoners from Techno-soviet who would be forced into an Allanean military deployment in a space colony;
Troubled, finally, by the dystopian nature of Allanea, whose government has relentlessly indoctrinated its own people into believing Allanea to be "the best, freest nation in the world" despite the nation's great inequality and crime rates;
Concluding that while antislavery is noble, the World Assembly shall never accept causing destruction and chaos for so many years, and that by condemning Allanea the World Assembly shall prompt its leaders to reconsider their actions;
The World Assembly hereby condemns Allanea.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
For | Against | Abstain | Present |
13 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
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