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Condemn Dream Killers
Category: Condemnation | Target: Dream Killers
Proposed by: Chef Big Dog, Co-authored by: Hulldom, A Bloodred Moon | Onsite Topic
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.The Security Council,
Recognizing Dream Killers as a destructive force that has plagued the international community since the foundation of its predecessor state in 2008, serving as an influential leader of several infamous invader organizations throughout history;
Concerned that upon their entrance to the international scene, Dream Killers turned to one of the most notorious imperialist regions in existence, The New Inquisition, where they studied the tactics of invading, thus sowing the seeds of their future infamous deeds;
Alarmed by the fact that Dream Killers, driven by a desire to destroy, turned away from their former home in The New Inquisition to join the newly founded invader region Unknown. Within Unknown, they swiftly proved their dedication to destruction, rising to the rank of Field Marshal, serving as Director of Regional Intelligence and attaining the title of Crown Prince. Dream Killers played a major role in keeping Unknown active and functioning, indirectly enabling the invasion and destruction of dozens of regions, in addition to organizing and leading invasions directly. Among their foul deeds during this time are:
- The occupation of South America, an invasion organized by Dream Killers in coordination with the New Inquisition and the Dominion. The raid was significant at the time, with the invaders purging the region of the defender nations that remained to protect it, and was used as a point of propaganda by the invading parties to motivate future raids.
- The invasion of New Sorvun, a member region of the Founderless Regions Alliance, on the 5th of August 2009 where a coalition of raider regions led by Unknown went against standard practices of the time by invading the foundered region which was enabled by the inactivity of the founder nation. Dream Killers organized and led the operation, and was responsible for the mass ejections of natives from their homeland that followed, and
- The infiltration of Eagle Clan, a joint operation between Unknown and The Black Hawks which resulted in the invasion of the region. Dream Killers, along with a number of operatives from both Unknown and The Black Hawks infiltrated the region before razing it to the ground.
Following their attainment of international infamy with Unknown, Dream Killers vanished for several years, but they were to return in a darker, more evil form.
Shocked by the return of Dream Killers to the international stage in 2015, joining the ranks of Lone Wolves United. Serving as Khalif and Director of the Department of Established External Relations, Dream Killers was tasked with spreading invader propaganda and glorifying the destructive actions of Lone Wolves United on the international stage, as well as collaborating with other regions of ill repute such as The Black Hawks, HYDRA Command, and Unknown, working to coordinate mutual military support to enhance the destructiveness of invasions and decrease the likelihood of innocent regions being freed from invader occupation;
Aghast at Dream Killers’ leading role in various invasions, including as regional officer during the invasions of Korovia and Coalition of Sovereign Nations and assisting in organizing the invasion of City Ankh Morpork, a raid which broke the native delegate’s reign of 1541 days and disrupted a quiet and peaceful community solely for the purpose of celebrating Lone Wolves United’s tenth anniversary;
Horrified by Dream Killers’ appointment to the position of Il-Khan, effectively leading the region alongside Elysium Station II, upon which Lone Wolves United took a more vicious turn, prioritizing the destruction of innocent regions and mass ejections of native nations. Dream Killers would continue building upon their previous work by overseeing the invasion of Jahkku, where 87 native and defender nations would be ejected before the withdrawal of invader forces, and helped organize and served as regional officer in the invasion of Bus Stop which led to the closure of 161 embassies and would only be saved from complete destruction by the return of the founder nation;
Appalled by Dream Killers’ long history of creating and maintaining invader infrastructure, enabling the vile organizations they served under to continue their reigns of terror. Dream Killers’ dedication and activity behind the scenes greatly contributed to the activity and stability of their regions, allowing for their fellow invaders to occupy and destroy. Dream Killers’ work was often done in the shadows, working tirelessly to counter attempts by defenders to hinder the destructive actions of Lone Wolves United and Unknown;
Asserting that throughout their long history leading and assisting invaders Dream Killers has committed heinous acts motivated by their hatred towards peace and desire to sow chaos that should be condemned by this body;
Hereby Condemns Dream Killers.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
For | Against | Abstain | Present |
13 | 11 | 2 | 3 |
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