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Commend Former English Colony
Category: Commendation | Target: Former English Colony
Proposed by: Westinor, Co-authored by: Hulldom | Onsite Topic
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.The Security Council,
Praising the few regional guardians that have, since the dawn of nations, weathered wind, storm, and time itself to protect and preserve their home and community; and knowing few with histories as time-tested and battle-scarred as that of the North Pacific (TNP) and one of its historic protectors,The American Insurgency of Former English Colony (Eras),
Incredibly awed at Eras’ role as a pillar of TNP’s community in its beginnings despite their largely informal role outside its government, originating as a casual resident of the region. They grew to play a key part in developing the infrastructure within which its citizens have thrived since its very beginnings, becoming a formative member of its culture and heritage, spearheading the usage of many of TNP’s most popular symbols and traditions, and helping to preserve its history through the passage of time, while serving as a diplomatic voice between conflicting factions and navigating TNP through the aftermath of many crises,
Now certainly amazed by Eras’ efforts in resisting the coups of Great Bight and Pixiedance nearly two decades ago, in which they played a major role in preserving the democratically-elected government, running incredibly effective unendorsement campaigns that would destabilize the tyrants’ support and allow for liberators to unseat them in efforts like the Puppetmaster attack. Through these conflicts, Eras acted as one of the loudest voices for democracy and sovereignty as a member of the North Pacific Underground, penning articles recounting the events of each coup and pushing fellow TNPers to fight against despotism,
Keenly praising Eras’ unwavering dedication to TNP, helping to develop and safeguard TNP’s regional forums both present and past, establishing the grounds where citizens work, interact, and thrive, and continuing to oversee the modernization of the forums over several iterations throughout the years. They would also help to develop the security systems that protect TNP’s democracy and serve as a member of its administrative team for over a decade,
Brazenly cheering on Eras’ incredible dedication to TNP’s safety and prosperity, serving as its second and fourth constitutional Delegate under the revised constitution developed in the aftermath of the coup by the North Pacific Directorate in 2005, a role charged upon the most trusted members of the community to ensure its powers do not fall into the wrong hands. During their second term in 2006, TNP would come under attack by members of the Lexicon, who ran unendorsement campaigns against Eras in an attempt to overthrow the legitimately-elected government, but Eras would work to overcome the assault and carry the Delegacy to safety through the end of their term,
Understanding the impact of Eras’ stewardship of TNP’s democracy as MInister of Immigration and Internal Affairs (MIIA) following the conspiring of Limitless Events, TNP’s previous MIIA, who attempted to facilitate a coup d’etat of TNP from their position of power over membership to TNP’s Regional Assembly. This plot sparked doubt in the citizenship process, with certain groups deemed to be a threat excluded from citizenship; Eras would ensure the institution returned to its proper function and restored confidence in the region’s citizenship processes as an honest and reliable official,
Never doubting Eras’ continued guardianship of TNP, acting as a key member for over a decade of TNP’s Security Council, an institution designed to protect the integrity of TNP’s government and defend against bad actors in light of the region’s historic difficulties with security, playing a tremendous part in its development and work in ensuring TNP maintained stability and eventually grew into a bastion of democracy, impenetrable by threats in the modern era, both from outside and within,
Now more than ever appreciating that both during times of conflict and despotism or eras of peace, Eras was and is a key community member and overseer of public communication channels in TNP. They presided over one such channel alongside Flemingovia that would serve as a main point for residents to congregate for over a decade, and lead to their serving as an administrator for the region’s main conversation channels, preserving the free and safe flow of information and communication over the course of TNP’s long and rocky history,
Yet continuing to value Eras’ place as the soul of TNP, working not only to protect and promote their home region but to bring its citizens together and inspire them, encouraging the rise of many of the region’s early leaders like Flemingovia and Tresville (for which they would receive the Inspiration Award) and supporting TNP’s turn to a full-fledged democracy, and
Seeing that history should judge us by the actions we take in the face of tyranny and the steps we take to prevent it in victory and proud that Eras has done this with dignity and excellence,
Hereby Commends Former English Colony.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
For | Against | Abstain | Present |
13 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
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