Gameside Advocate Appointments


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Gameside Advocate Appointments

I am re-appointing @Fili as Lead Gameside Advocate for this term. Fili has done well in his dual role last term as both Minister of Culture and LGA, coordinating efforts in the GA team to make gameside players more aware of what's going on in the region and the government. Gameside Advocates will remain under the Ministry of Culture for this term, and Fili and @Dreadton will be working together to ensure we can achieve the best outcomes for the team.

This thread will be used for Gameside Advocate appointments by the Lead Gameside Advocate for the duration of the term.
Update on Gameside Advocates:

For a substantial part of the term so far, the Gameside Advocates have not been able to function properly outside of keeping track of RMB moderation issues due to the successive changes in Ministers of Culture and the inactivity of @Fili, who has now vacated office. With the team in need of a fresh start, I am returning the team under the purview of the Ministry of Home Affairs, and appointing @Lionsmeow to be Lead Gameside Advocate, holding the role simultaneously with his role as Minister. The Gameside Advocates' mission will remain the same as outlined by the Minister of Culture earlier this term, and likewise the addition of RMB RP moderators to the team will remain in effect. Other changes to the composition of the team will be announced by the LGA.
And I have a little update indeed. I put out a smaller roll call to dismiss inactive staff and now have to fill a few gaps. I would like to close two of them now.

@Cloud, I hereby appoint you as a Gameside Advocate. You are very active Gameside and in the government, and will continue to do a great job, this time as a GA!

@Nutmeg The Squirrel, I hereby appoint you as a Gameside Advocate as well. You too are very active, and willing to take on the roles and responsibilities of a GA. I also thank you for your initiatives.

Now that that's done, you'll have to be patient a bit longer to receive your masking here and on Discord! Cheers!
And following the good work of our GAs, I have decided, in consultation with the GAs and Chipoli, to appoint @Neptune, as a Gameside Advocate as well.

You are active and known on the RMB, known in the government and meet all the requirements I have without problems! On a good collaboration with you.
I would like to state that under my LGA term I shall keep all of the GA's under Lionsroars last term, due to their efficient work in the past and I want to inherit that team
(The team being @Laforeia , @Marcus Antonius , @Nutmeg The Squirrel , @Cloud , @Oceania , @Hybodus, @9003 , @Noclaf Ipsagel

And I have decided to re-add @Maurnindaia [fr] and @Neptune (Neptune has since decided he would not like to stay as a GA, and has been removed)

And the addition of a new face, @Petronellania , due to their relentless work rate

Discussed all of this with the team!
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