Opening Address

St George

RolePlay Moderator
Deputy Speaker
He/Him, They/Them
Howdy folks, just a quick one. I'm the new Minister of Foreign Affairs, after Acting Delegate Gorundu appointed me. First, bit of house keeping. I am keeping @Treekidistan and @Attempted Socialism as Deputy Ministers. I do not believe a further oath from them is required, but from what I can see they're good at their roles and this should give them the security to get on with the job.

Secondly, I've come into this job at a time where our region has suffered a great wrong, and the response of government was not appropriate. We will be addressing that. As well as engaging with direct allies and other stakeholders over the issue, I am also launching a review into what happened from the perspective of the FA ministry. The aims of this review will be identify who had access to the Delegate and the Minister, what advice they were given and establish why things played out the ways they did. This will help us ensure in the future the Minister and the Delegate both have sufficient support systems in place to come to decisions that benefit The North Pacific.

Thirdly, I'm actively debating reviving the Senior Diplomats - or something akin to it in a more informal grouping of FA Ministry staffers. People with opinions on such should make them known to myself via DM or here in this topic, and to be involved in this advisory group, be sure to apply to join the FA Ministry here.
Just a few questions. It's good to see you in the office, St George!

I've come into this job at a time where our region has suffered a great wrong, and the response of government was not appropriate. We will be addressing that.
1. Can you provide any more detail about how this is going to be addressed?

As well as engaging with direct allies and other stakeholders over the issue
2. Can you specify which direct allies and stakeholders you'll be engaging with? Are we talking about the signatories of the joint statement against LWU, and LWU themselves, or is there scope for engagement with more than these regions? If so, who?

The aims of this review will be identify who had access to the Delegate and the Minister, what advice they were given and establish why things played out the ways they did.
3. What information, specifically, do you think remains unaccounted for that would not be exempt from the FoIA? A lot of the events that constituted this were deliberated in private chats and DMs between the involved parties. By advice then do you mean any and all communication between the involved parties and non-involved parties, or will there be outreach to the involved parties directly?

This will help us ensure in the future the Minister and the Delegate both have sufficient support systems in place to come to decisions that benefit The North Pacific.
4. It's perfectly fine if such support systems haven't been hashed out at all yet since it is so soon after the events, but do you have any indication what these systems could look like and how they would operate? The problems of deliberating important foreign affairs in FoIA exempt channels is a complicated one, but what is your take as MoFA?

Thirdly, I'm actively debating reviving the Senior Diplomats - or something akin to it in a more informal grouping of FA Ministry staffers. People with opinions on such should make them known to myself via DM or here in this topic, and to be involved in this advisory group, be sure to apply to join the FA Ministry here.
5. It would be great to see the Senior Diplomats revived. Do you think they will be more, or even directly, involved with these types of FA discussions and matters in the future? What do you see the role of the Senior Diplomat being after these events?

Also - you can ignore all of these questions if they're to be answered in a more official statement or plan for the remainder of the term. I apologise if I have asked too much too soon here.
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1. Can you provide any more detail about how this is going to be addressed?
Not really, I'd rather not reveal how we plan to proceed going forward, as it may undermine our position in ongoing discussions with various regions. There has been far too many screenshots flying around to far too many people who shouldn't have them. Until we re-establish secure control
2. Can you specify which direct allies and stakeholders you'll be engaging with? Are we talking about the signatories of the joint statement against LWU, and LWU themselves, or is there scope for engagement with more than these regions? If so, who?
Everyone. I'm sitting down and speaking with allies, and I've made introductions to a number of regions that are involved but not allied with TNP. We'll share more when there's more to share.
3. What information, specifically, do you think remains unaccounted for that would not be exempt from the FoIA? A lot of the events that constituted this were deliberated in private chats and DMs between the involved parties. By advice then do you mean any and all communication between the involved parties and non-involved parties, or will there be outreach to the involved parties directly?
There's some debate over who had access to the delegate and where they getting advice from, and whether that advice was followed over the advice of the Foreign Minister. So we'll be looking at this.
4. It's perfectly fine if such support systems haven't been hashed out at all yet since it is so soon after the events, but do you have any indication what these systems could look like and how they would operate? The problems of deliberating important foreign affairs in FoIA exempt channels is a complicated one, but what is your take as MoFA?
This will become clearer after the review, but on the topic of FoIA, I think the recent discussion about making private DMs part of FoI is a dangerous road to go down and would probably lead to more issues than they'd solve. That being said, the trend for FA conversations to take place over discord VCs should stop, and wherever possible will be avoided. Perhaps a code of conduct for how FA officials conduct business is a way to go here.
5. It would be great to see the Senior Diplomats revived. Do you think they will be more, or even directly, involved with these types of FA discussions and matters in the future? What do you see the role of the Senior Diplomat being after these events?
Whatever form the wider group of FA officials will take, I foresee them being involved in discussions on the issues of the day.
Not only had he shared the submission date with defenders, he informed me defenders were once again threatening him, using commend MadJack (currently at vote) as leverage. Hulldom informed me that the option that was “off the table” (in his own words) was now no longer so. Having been led to believe by Hulldom that he was not caving to defenders’ wishes, first by compromising on condemn Tom, then going back on the compromise but assuring us condemn Dream Killers was still a proposal he was in support of, this shattered what little faith we had left in Hulldom’s administration in the North Pacific.

I will admit that the decision should not have been vacillated on as it was, but I wanted to make what I felt was the right decision knowing full well a tit-for-tat could not be avoided. I could not in good conscience commit to Abstaining on this proposal while knowing that two of our own proposals, Commend MadJack and eventual Commend Former English Colony (which, of note, is in something approaching final drafting on the HoV server), would be stomped. The math I knew suggested that sticking to my guns would lead to both proposals being sunk—this was not something I was willing to accept, hence why I chose to commit Against.

TSP was threatening to stomp "Commend MadJack" and "Commend Former English Colony" if Hulldom didn't vote their way. I feel sorry for Hulldom. I say screw TSP.

Since you're THE Commendee in question (alongside Former English Colony/Eraas,) you're in an awkward position for sure! Good luck man.
Getting Ghost and you is certainly a step up for this administration. But I, along with presumably many others, still aren't entirely sure what to expect from the government going forward.

Hopefully, you and the new Acting Delegate will be able to answer that question for us in the coming days and weeks. Otherwise, I wish you the best of luck in sorting this mess out and deciding on the region's next course of action.
Getting Ghost and you is certainly a step up for this administration. But I, along with presumably many others, still aren't entirely sure what to expect from the government going forward.

Hopefully, you and the new Acting Delegate will be able to answer that question for us in the coming days and weeks. Otherwise, I wish you the best of luck in sorting this mess out and deciding on the region's next course of action.
You never miss bro. Right on. Ghost and Madjack very good.