Wolf of the North
- Pronouns
- He/Him
- TNP Nation
- Magecastle Embassy Building A5
- Discord
- green_canine
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.The Security Council,
Acknowledging at long last one of the most prominent and outspoken nations,Madjack, so loud and boisterous they briefly shouted themselves out of existence;
Celebrating MadJack’s swift emergence in Judea and its successor Ellorea, and also the community originally residing in Azhukali, where they sharpened their skills as bards and storytellers, explored a variety of names and identities and became a vocal champion of culture and free expression for all nations, particularly in a time of great strife and hostility to creative expression;
Admiring their commitment to respecting and protecting all communities, especially from invading hordes, strengthened by a stay in the former iteration of Eastern Islands of Dharma, as well as stalwart and loyal service in the old United Defenders League; and their emphasis on the deeds, good or bad, of individuals rather than their ideology, a philosophy and set of values unlike the dominant partisans of the day, and which would define their political work on the world stage;
Recalling MadJack’s singular term as pharaoh of Osiris, during which they served as a compromise leader bridging the divide present in the region at that time, exemplified by:
- Creating separate, distinct militaries under the same regional flag, one affiliated with raiding, the other with defending,
- Championing sinker region independence from the older powers seeking to subjugate and subsume them into their respective spheres of influence,
- Granting amnesty to
Dalimbar and
Neo Kervoskia, despite their infamy for undermining democratic governments and responsibility for a brief coup of MadJack’s government, thereby cooling tensions between the dominant factions of the day and giving democracy a chance in an environment inhospitable to it;
Impressed by MadJack’s years of manifesting in the imagination of countless residents of The North Pacific prior to rejoining reality, enhancing their minds and artistry to greater heights; and their remote architecture of a robust, vibrant creative community simultaneously a part of and apart from the wider North Pacific community, which greatly enhanced the region’s culture and set a standard for managing disparate and radically different sub-communities within a larger one that other similarly-composed regions could follow;
Still in awe at MadJack’s nearly matchless return to our plane of existence, surely a welcome surprise following their prominent ouroboros rhetoric, as practically every other nation with a similar history would have remained permanently exiled from this mortal plane;
Asserting that by surviving repeated trials, literal and figurative, in the multiverse and especially in one of its most litigious regions, MadJack is the avatar of second chances, best illustrated by their exemplary service as Minister of Culture and later Foreign Affairs, as well as their electoral victories and subsequent tenure as Speaker, Justice, and most significantly Delegate in The North Pacific; all successes achieved in spite of their history of self-immolation and winning repeated Court cases on technical grounds, which created doubts about their suitability to lead;
Underlining MadJack’s tenure as Delegate of The North Pacific, most notable for:
- Greatly expanding Regional Assembly access through updating the citizenship process and fostering unprecedented transparency in government by modernizing the process of disclosing private government records,
- Adding diplomatic sanctions to the Regional Assembly’s foreign affairs toolbox to go along with extreme military force exemptions, and setting the stage for the greater use of sanctions to follow,
- Declaring a new outlook on alignment for The North Pacific, greatly reducing its participation in raiding activity and contributing to a significant shift in favor of defender-aligned forces in the world, an outlook that other regions in its sphere would soon adopt,
- Utilizing The North Pacific’s significant influence in this assembly to inspire others to begin reconsidering the Security Council’s official opinion on formerly notorious nations in light of their more recent misdeeds;
Believing it suits an exemplar of comebacks to find success in The Rejected Realms, including as its Cultural officer providing a renaissance of festivity and spirit where it had been lacking; and as its Foreign Affairs officer, helping to navigate the new politics they had helped bring about before their work in The Rejected Realms;
Convinced that dreamers who wish to fight for voices often overlooked or undervalued, and amplify the most unique and open minds, will find few finer examples of a nation like themselves;
Hereby commendsMadjack
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
For | Against | Abstain | Present |
19 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
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