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Commend Atlantian Oceania
Category: Commendation | Target: Atlantian Oceania
Proposed by: Magecastle Embassy Building A5 | Onsite Topic
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.Observing that the positive environment Atlantian Oceania (AO) has cultivated in the international sports community has been arguably the most innovative and successful, one which produced some of the greatest contributors to the sporting community while pioneering the concept of a sporting region and continuing to inspire others over the decades,
Recognising AO's success in this already since its earliest years, pioneering regional sports tournaments through the formation of the AO Confederation of Association Football (AOCAF) in 2004, which remains the longest-running and premier regional sports tournament to this day, allowing member nations to train their sporting prowess and interact with each other while working towards one of the most coveted titles in international sport. This framework has inspired successful tournaments in other regions, including Rushmore's Copa Rushmori and Esportiva's Campionato Esportiva,
Further noting the vast range of other tournaments provided by the region, with more recurring regional sporting competitions than any other region, allowing member nations tailored opportunities to build their skills in particular sports for the world stage, such as
Impressed that AO's environment has produced some of the greatest contributors to international sport, who in total have hosted and won the majority of World Cup finals, including
- the AO Champions League, a domestic football championship consistently operating over 45 editions across over 17 years, helping football clubs around AO display and exercise their diverse talents, while bolstering the football league pyramids of the region's many nations;
- the AOlympics, which combines popular sports such as Ice Hockey, Curling and Baseball, as well as more niche events such as Snow Angel making and Kleptochase to create an elaborate tournament in which sportspersons from around the region compete for a number of exquisite medals, while allowing member nations to expand their prowess across a myriad of different sports; and
- the AO Championship Auto Racing series, a more recently established competition which hosts various exciting and heavily competitive motorsports events, including a Stock Car Series and a Grand Prix Series, facilitating the growth of new auto racers throughout the region;
Acclaiming the region's commitment to the security of member nations, also helping them focus on contributing to the world stage, through the AO Regional Defense Organisation, one of the most successful regional political and military alliances. The organisation has consistently guarded the region's nations from internal and external threats, most notably after the bombing of
Vilita and Turori, the region's founder known for its dominating presence in the Eagle's Cup football championships, reviving the tournament after a long period of inactivity and going on to win it three times; and also becoming one of the most successful nations in the World Cup, winning it six and hosting it eight times;
Commerce Heights, notable for creating xkoranate, a groundbreaking tool for the hosting of tournaments which remains widely-used today, and also for its role in the Olympic games, spearheading the revival of the games by writing the Olympic Charter as well as hosting the very first tournaments in the series; and
Farfadillis, which after hosting one of its first tournaments in the highly competitive 38th AOCAF, also went on to become one of the most prolific and respected sports hosts in the multiverse, hosting a vast range of tournaments such as the Under-15 World Cup (twice), the football World Cup (twice), and the Baptism of Fire (thrice);
Krytenia's Olympic Complex by Xile, securing the territory of Krytenia from an anti-Xile terrorist group and thereby allowing for the restoration of the Krytenian government-in-exile in its original territory,
Admiring AO's further success in protecting member nations from even the most bizarre outside threats, such as the undead, with the region clearing itself of zombies while remaining in the top ten regions in number of survivors in nearly every outbreak. This is especially notable in the 2018 apocalypse, in which AO had the most survivors of any zombie-free region, solidifying the region's place as one of the most consistently successful in these apocalypses,
Lauding, finally, the work of the AO Flag Creation Center, an institution which designs unique, high-quality flags to be flown by member nations, including the flags of such nations as Vilita,Lamoni and
Believing that the positive environment within the region is one which all communities and nations should look up to, and has clearly earned official recognition from this council,
The World Assembly commends Atlantian Oceania.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
For | Against | Abstain | Present |
16 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
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