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Commend Mokastana
Category: Commendation | Target: Mokastana
Proposed by: The Ice States | Onsite Topic
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.The World Assembly,
RecognisingMokastana as the home of the People's United Federation (PUF), a superstate which has contributed immensely to international politics across its history spanning many years, promoting freedom, equality, and civil rights throughout the world,
Identifying the PUF as an unwavering military ally, as shown by the selfless work of PUF member nation Wellovia in defendingAbetton from invasion by
Phibeta, deploying to secure the coasts of both Abetton and
Katase from the Phibetan navy and ultimately preventing the permanent destruction of the monarchy in Abetton,
Celebrating the PUF's further support of the Commonwealth ofMorrdh following a military coup by the dictator Viktor Cathmore, delivering Mokan military forces to successfully secure the Greali Corridor from anti-Commonwealth forces and therefore ensuring that the Commonwealth could promptly return to power,
Acclaiming the PUF's selfless intervention in numerous humanitarian crises abroad to promptly resolve these and promote the wellbeing of national inhabitants; most notably:
- its military deployment against Griffincrest Oil Inc in
Blackhelm Confederacy, allowing for the destruction of the megacorporation and its fearsome terrorist tactics to monopolise the oil trade;
- intervening against the brutal occupation of Krasnova by the Ordenite Reich, which attempted to maintain control through such tactics as enslaving Krasnovan natives and conducting massacres of civilians. The PUF organised and led a multinational military coalition against the Reich, ultimately halting the occupation and restoring native sovereignty over Krasnova; and
- its provision of high-grade weaponry to the rebel Communist Freedom Army in
The Ice States during a civil war in the nation, as well as its direct military liberation of the nation's Western territories, resulting in the destruction of the blood-thirsty Empire of the Ice States and the formation of a more benevolent regime, the Communal Union;
Lauding the PUF's further extensive humanitarian efforts in the Great Dienstadi War; first by rendering medical aid and supplies toMalgrave upon its attack with chemical and biological weapons by Imbrinium; before hosting peace talks between Imbrinium and Morrdh, opening the doors to a swift conclusion of the bloody conflict between the two nations;
Celebrating the PUF as a pillar of the regional culture of Greater Dienstad, most notably through:
- its founding and hosting of the "Scholastic Association of Competitive Tankery", a regional tournament between teams from around the region, through which the PUF introduced the sport of tankery into the region and promoted innovation in the development of military technology; and
- its hosting of such events as the coronation of Kaida Nanao as Queen of Aqua Anu, the private wedding between Arianna Lomengo and Morgan Wayne (of the Timocratic Republic), and a regional gala taking place in Mokastana City, bringing individuals from around the region to celebrate in joyous occasions while allowing participants to display their national cultures to the region;
Noting that the PUF is a founding member of the Commonwealth Colonial Authority (CCA), an international space force to which the PUF has notably contributed through its successful deployment against a band of space pirates attacking CCA fleets; as well as its discovery and subsequent publication of a nuclear attack in Krasnova via CCA satellites, facilitating other nations' responses to the situation in the ever-unstable warzone;
Praising the work of Montana Pharmaceuticals Inc, an elaborate Mokan corporation which not only has supplied pharmaceuticals to numerous nations around the world, ensuring that millions of global citizens had access to lifesaving medications; but has also directly engaged in policing activity throughout the world to improve security, notably in one event hiring foreigners to successfully combat a particularly dangerous drug cartel;
Finding that the extensive political, military and cultural contributions of the PUF have significantly improved the lives of millions across the universe, and therefore merit recognition by this body,
Hereby commends Mokastana.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
For | Against | Abstain | Present |
16 | 0 | 1 | 3 |
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