Card Sharks

Gifted: Modulus Function *5
Implicit Differentiation *4
In hopes of a legendary *2
Composite Functions *2
Discrete Random Variables *2
Neo of rwby
New Giraffeburgh
Cubic Functions
Saturn Military Administration
Always second option
Giraffe Isles
Koenigsegg Jesko
Lamborghini Egoista
Lamborghini Sian
Tape Farmer 47
Apollo Intensa Emozione
Log Functions
Set notation
Quadratic Functions
Expected Values
Binomial Distribution
Parametric Equations
Area between two curves
Interval Notation
Dark Dirigible Titan
Cumulative Distribution Functions
Zeppelin of Mighty Garguantuaness
Arithmetic Sequences
Reflection Transformation
Leaf beetles(sry i acc gifted to killer whales)
Rare beetles
Secret beetles
Spirit beetles
Spring beetles
Gold beetles
Time beetles
Wind beetles
Winter beetles
Mars beetles
Noble beetles
Ocean beetles
Toxic beetles

sry, i was kinda busy

Could i get palliath from grf 70
Last edited:
bigboy137 gifted 3929818 to divine_beetles
bigboy150 gifted 3929883 to metal_beetles
bigboy260 gifted 3929804 to blessed_beetles
bigboy283 gifted 3929807 to brown_beetles
bigboy134 gifted 3929812 to christmas_beetles
hungusbungus13 gifted 3929834 to flower_beetles
hungusbungus67 gifted 3929813 to cursed_beetles
Xarikistan gifted the following cards to their own nations as per the first post:
- Space Beetles
- September Beetles
- Holy Beetles
- Festival Beetles
- Blue Beetles
- Azure Beetles
- Candy Beetles
- Dark Beetles
And further the following cards to Tape:
- Blue Tape
- Filibustra
- Zazumo (x2)

I'd also like to please place a request for 1 S3 Testlandia card please :)
Last edited:
bigboy28 gifted 3929795 to august_beetles
bigboy83a gifted 3929894 to orange_beetles
bigboy165 gifted 693000 to Tape
bigboy211 gifted 4245891 to killer_whales
bigboy238 gifted 3929940 to time_beetles
bigboy257 gifted 4403179 to Tape
bigboy311 gifted 3929857 to cyan_beetles
bigboy387 gifted 3929788 to zophie_beetles
bigboy411 gifted 3929898 to pink_beetles
bigboy431 gifted 3929815 to dark_beetles
bigboy472 gifted 3929874 to lunar_beetles
hungusbungus44 gifted 3929829 to fertility_beetles
hungusbungus72 gifted 3929864 to holy_beetles
bigboy28 gifted 3929795 to august_beetles
bigboy83a gifted 3929894 to orange_beetles
bigboy165 gifted 693000 to Tape
bigboy211 gifted 4245891 to killer_whales
bigboy238 gifted 3929940 to time_beetles
bigboy257 gifted 4403179 to Tape
bigboy311 gifted 3929857 to cyan_beetles
bigboy387 gifted 3929788 to zophie_beetles
bigboy411 gifted 3929898 to pink_beetles
bigboy431 gifted 3929815 to dark_beetles
bigboy472 gifted 3929874 to lunar_beetles
hungusbungus44 gifted 3929829 to fertility_beetles
hungusbungus72 gifted 3929864 to holy_beetles
all counted.
- Secret beetles x1
- May beetles x1
- Spring beetles x1
- Cyan beetles x1
- Holy beetles x1
- Rare beetles x1
- July beetles x1
- Feminity beetles x1
- Pink beetles x1
- Dolphin beetles x1
- Green beetles x1
- Halloween beetles x1
- Spirit beetles x2
- Festival beetles x1
- June beetles x1

Also Gifted Tape:
- Kandorith x1
- TheLandOfTapeTapeTape x1

Also Gifted Killer Whales:
- Giraffebridge x1
- Number domains x1
- Slope Field x1
- Giraffestead x2
- Composite Functions x1
- Parametric Equations x1
- Linear Functions x1
- Giraffanew x2
- Inverse Functions x1
- Vector Functions x1
bigboy79 gifted 3929919 to sand_beetles
bigboy165 gifted 3929905 to rainbow_beetles
bigboy170 gifted 3929891 to october_beetles
bigboy195 gifted 4340410 to Tape
bigboy203 gifted 5152060 to Tape
bigboy203 gifted 5152060 to Tape (found twice on the same puppet)
bigboy254 gifted 3929954 to wind_beetles
bigboy336 gifted 3929827 to february_beetles
bigboy370 gifted 3929960 to yellow_beetles
bigboy387 gifted 3929827 to february_beetles
bigboy403 gifted 3929804 to blessed_beetles
hungusbungus31 gifted 3929794 to april_beetles
bigboy79 gifted 3929919 to sand_beetles
bigboy165 gifted 3929905 to rainbow_beetles
bigboy170 gifted 3929891 to october_beetles
bigboy195 gifted 4340410 to Tape
bigboy203 gifted 5152060 to Tape
bigboy203 gifted 5152060 to Tape (found twice on the same puppet)
bigboy254 gifted 3929954 to wind_beetles
bigboy336 gifted 3929827 to february_beetles
bigboy370 gifted 3929960 to yellow_beetles
bigboy387 gifted 3929827 to february_beetles
bigboy403 gifted 3929804 to blessed_beetles
hungusbungus31 gifted 3929794 to april_beetles
can i get safj from grf 176

sry i have to go to sch now. could i give beetles when i come back

me,elfiburg and antsca go to the sam sch. we're classmates
you don't need to gift back right now. I mean, you had a debt... but its paid now

Although, if you can tell your friend (antasca) to stop procastinating and send some beetles. I'll appreciate it.
you don't need to gift back right now. I mean, you had a debt... but its paid now

Although, if you can tell your friend (antasca) to stop procastinating and send some beetles. I'll appreciate it.

Uhh Gifted:
2x Girafferook
2x CSB PM Union
Chameleon Beetles
Fall Beetles
Mayan Beetles
Shining Beetles
Spring Beetles
Wind Beetles
Fire Beetles
Ocean Beetles
New Giraffburgh
Saturn Military Administration
BAC Mono
Partial Fractions
Confidence Intervals
Tapeian Military Administration
I Find Your Lack Of Tape Disturbing
Arithmetic Sequences
Statistical Variance
4xRadio Friendly
Total: 32
Points: 760
Total Points: 1015
Gifted the following:
Dark Beetles (x2)
December Beetles (x2)
Holy Beetles (x2)
Zophie Beetles
January Beetles
Red Beetles
Storm Beetles
Party Beetles
Time Beetles
Solar Beetles (x2)
Black Beetles
June Beetles
Summer Beetles
Yellow Beetles
Fire Beetles
Noble Beetles

Killer Whales

Thank you!
Uhh Gifted:
2x Girafferook
2x CSB PM Union
Chameleon Beetles
Fall Beetles
Mayan Beetles
Shining Beetles
Spring Beetles
Wind Beetles
Fire Beetles
Ocean Beetles
New Giraffburgh
Saturn Military Administration
BAC Mono
Partial Fractions
Confidence Intervals
Tapeian Military Administration
I Find Your Lack Of Tape Disturbing
Arithmetic Sequences
Statistical Variance
4xRadio Friendly
Total: 32
Points: 760
Total Points: 1015
points updated

Gifted the following:
Dark Beetles (x2)
December Beetles (x2)
Holy Beetles (x2)
Zophie Beetles
January Beetles
Red Beetles
Storm Beetles
Party Beetles
Time Beetles
Solar Beetles (x2)
Black Beetles
June Beetles
Summer Beetles
Yellow Beetles
Fire Beetles
Noble Beetles

Killer Whales

Thank you!
thanks, points updated too 790
I know you need morover, but its really hard to get hold of the only possible trader.
  • flopfarm_2 gifted 3929795 to august_beetles
  • flopfarm_38 gifted 3929866 to jewel_beetles
  • flopfarm_122 gifted 3929810 to chameleon_beetles
  • flopfarm_342 gifted 3929817 to december_beetles
  • pride5 gifted 3929952 to white_beetles
  • pride44 gifted 3929876 to maple_beetles
  • pride61 gifted 3929827 to february_beetles
  • pride97 gifted 3929872 to light_beetles
  • pride123 gifted 3929907 to rare_beetles
  • pride128 gifted 3929925 to shadow_beetles
  • pride129 gifted 3929903 to rain_beetles
  • pride141 gifted 3929960 to yellow_beetles
  • pride198 gifted 3929817 to december_beetles
  • pride215 gifted 3929809 to candy_beetles
  • pride231 gifted 3929856 to green_beetles
  • pride232 gifted 3929877 to mars_beetles
  • pride299 gifted 3929883 to metal_beetles
  • flopfarm_2 gifted 3929795 to august_beetles
  • flopfarm_38 gifted 3929866 to jewel_beetles
  • flopfarm_122 gifted 3929810 to chameleon_beetles
  • flopfarm_342 gifted 3929817 to december_beetles
  • pride5 gifted 3929952 to white_beetles
  • pride44 gifted 3929876 to maple_beetles
  • pride61 gifted 3929827 to february_beetles
  • pride97 gifted 3929872 to light_beetles
  • pride123 gifted 3929907 to rare_beetles
  • pride128 gifted 3929925 to shadow_beetles
  • pride129 gifted 3929903 to rain_beetles
  • pride141 gifted 3929960 to yellow_beetles
  • pride198 gifted 3929817 to december_beetles
  • pride215 gifted 3929809 to candy_beetles
  • pride231 gifted 3929856 to green_beetles
  • pride232 gifted 3929877 to mars_beetles
  • pride299 gifted 3929883 to metal_beetles
updated to 925 points
bigboy22 gifted 3929865 to january_beetles
bigboy159 gifted 3929804 to blessed_beetles
bigboy301 gifted 4930924 to vulxo
bigboy308 gifted 4826570 to tape
bigboy320 gifted 2963318 to tape
bigboy414 gifted 3929951 to water_beetles
bigboy419 gifted 3929910 to river_beetles
bigboy422 gifted 1836 to tape
bigboy430 gifted 3929948 to volcan_beetles
bigboy496 gifted 5130811 to tape
hungusbungus43 gifted 3390462 to tape
hungusbungus47 gifted 3929902 to purple_beetles
hungusbungus66 gifted 3929888 to noble_beetles
hungusbungus66 gifted 3929796 to autumn_beetles
hungusbungus92 gifted 3929833 to fire_beetles