[OUTDATED] Card Sharks

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I would like heavens reach from cardmania 900172
I don't think 9003 accept to give legendary cards. (that'S GRJ only) I sent your request to 9003, for an answer

Dark Beetles
Fertility Beetles
Gold Beetles
Vampire Beetles
Noble Beetles
Total: 5
points upgraded to 955
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Can I get wrapper from guild reject farmer 56
yes, that would 750 points, ty.
card sent

(change prices range from 33-100 to 33-92.5,

even at 21 beetles, the price remain very cheap compared to 100 bank.
you shoul give those beetles you have and give yourself 750 points again. just my suggestion, you'Ll be able to claim another big legendary (or big card) if ever they come up.
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Gifted the following:

6x Tape puppets
37x Giraffeton puppets
1x Von Zeischter backed card
2x Noah puppets

  1. Cyan beetles
  2. Cyan beetles
  3. Water beetles
  4. Water beetles
  5. Blessed beetles
  6. Blessed beetles
  7. Solar beetles
  8. Solar beetles
  9. Birthday beetles
  10. Azure beetles
  11. Dark beetles
  12. Divine beetles
  13. Fertility beetles
  14. Jewel beetles
  15. Leaf beetles
  16. Luck beetles
  17. May beetles
  18. Metal beetles
  19. Precious beetles
  20. Secret beetles
  21. Silver beetles
  22. Space beetles
  23. Spirit beetles
  24. Spring beetles
  25. Turtoise beetles
  26. White beetles
  27. February beetles
  28. Noble beetles
  29. Ocean beetles
Gifted the following:

6x Tape puppets
37x Giraffeton puppets
1x Von Zeischter backed card
2x Noah puppets

  1. Cyan beetles
  2. Cyan beetles
  3. Water beetles
  4. Water beetles
  5. Blessed beetles
  6. Blessed beetles
  7. Solar beetles
  8. Solar beetles
  9. Birthday beetles
  10. Azure beetles
  11. Dark beetles
  12. Divine beetles
  13. Fertility beetles
  14. Jewel beetles
  15. Leaf beetles
  16. Luck beetles
  17. May beetles
  18. Metal beetles
  19. Precious beetles
  20. Secret beetles
  21. Silver beetles
  22. Space beetles
  23. Spirit beetles
  24. Spring beetles
  25. Turtoise beetles
  26. White beetles
  27. February beetles
  28. Noble beetles
  29. Ocean beetles
that's really a lot. what are you planning to buy?
I've upgraded your point to 4840

I'm funded for an eternity now

- Dolphin Beetles 1x
- Christmas Beetles 2x
- Halloween Beetles 1x
- September Beetles 1x
- Maple Beetles 1x
- Holy Beetles 1x
- Bronze Beetles 2x
- Vampire Beetles 1x
- Azure Beetle 1x
- Fall Beetles 1x
- Dragon Beetles 1x
- Dark Beetles 1x
- Precious Beetles 1x
- July Beetles 1x
- Forest Beetles 1x

- Dolphin Beetles 1x
- Christmas Beetles 2x
- Halloween Beetles 1x
- September Beetles 1x
- Maple Beetles 1x
- Holy Beetles 1x
- Bronze Beetles 2x
- Vampire Beetles 1x
- Azure Beetle 1x
- Fall Beetles 1x
- Dragon Beetles 1x
- Dark Beetles 1x
- Precious Beetles 1x
- July Beetles 1x
- Forest Beetles 1x
ty for everything, point upgraded to 650
The Weyland-Yutani Corporation
Zophie Beetles
Birthday Beetles
Dragon Beetles
Fortune Beetles
Cyan Beetles
Rose Beetles
Time Beetles
Flower Beetles
Noble Beetles
Summer Beetles
Con Nihawitan
Total: 13
Points: 425
The Weyland-Yutani Corporation
Zophie Beetles
Birthday Beetles
Dragon Beetles
Fortune Beetles
Cyan Beetles
Rose Beetles
Time Beetles
Flower Beetles
Noble Beetles
Summer Beetles
Con Nihawitan
Total: 13
Points: 425
ty points upgraded to 1380
Gifted the following:
Christmas beetles (x4)
Azure beetles (x3)
Bronze beetles (x3)
Mayan beetles (x3)
November beetles (x3)
Volcan beetles (x2)
Winter beetles (x2)
Spring beetles (x2)
Rose beetles (x2)
Rare beetles (x2)
Fortune beetles (x2)
Cute beetles (x2)
Chameleon beetles (x2)
April beetles (x2)
Solar beetles (x2)
Yellow beetles (x2)
Zophie beetles
Light beetles
Luck beetles
Lunar beetles
Maple beetles
May beetles
Mirage beetles
Mystery beetles
Olive beetles
Pink beetles
Purple beetles
Rain beetles
September beetles
Gold beetles
Storm beetles
August beetles
Campfire beetles
Fall beetles
Feminity beetles
Goldsmith beetles
Leaf beetles
Vampire beetles
White beetles
Water beetles
boths done, your points will be at 295 temporary, because i did not count the gifts yet.

edit : ty for all ' i've upgraded your points to 2465
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Black beetles(*2)
Earth beetles(*2)
Jewel beetles
sand beetles
june beetles
grapevine beetles
cyan beetles
shining beetles
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Lykan Hypersport (Giraffeton puppet)
Cyan beetles
Fortune beetles
Rectangle (Tape puppet)
Discrete Random Variables (Giraffeton puppet)
Azure beetles
Composite Functions (Giraffeton puppet)
McLaren Ultimate VGT (Giraffeton puppet)
Girafford (Giraffeton puppet)
Solar beetles
Cute beetles
January beetles
Keerilla (tape)
Party beetles
Southern-Most Giraffe Pacific Isle (Giraffeton puppet)
Geometric series (Giraffeton puppet)
Rainbow beetles

I request: Alice Gardens from Guild Reject Farmer 23
Lykan Hypersport (Giraffeton puppet)
Cyan beetles
Fortune beetles
Rectangle (Tape puppet)
Discrete Random Variables (Giraffeton puppet)
Azure beetles
Composite Functions (Giraffeton puppet)
McLaren Ultimate VGT (Giraffeton puppet)
Girafford (Giraffeton puppet)
Solar beetles
Cute beetles
January beetles
Keerilla (tape)
Party beetles
Southern-Most Giraffe Pacific Isle (Giraffeton puppet)
Geometric series (Giraffeton puppet)
Rainbow beetles

I request: Alice Gardens from Guild Reject Farmer 23
card sent, point count, upgraded to 20.
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New bradsforgburg from grf 0 pls am I allowed to sell it
short version : we would prefer that you do not

but, yes you can sell things you claim from sharks
you cannot use the bank to yourself more requests. Although, you can use this bank to yourself other cards, but not beetles.
to avoid confusion, I would suggest to use a puppets to buy cards you will trade for points, and fund this puppets with cards you finds by farming.

Card sharks is a service for multiple peoples, and we don't want a rich players to come, buy everything that moves and take all legendary away, it would not be fair to anyone
I don't really like it, I am certain others do not like it, etheir, but its allowed, so I tolerate and work with you, I will respect the rules, they are absolute and hope you respect them too.

Remind what is not allowed IS GAMING card sharks by claiming a legendary and using bank you get from it, to buy even more legendary, (getting profits from our generosity, )

I hope that's clear.

sure you know. but New bradforgburg is 350 points.
I,ll send you the card

Caecar points down to 235
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I’m kinda poor compared to you all
Yeah, but imagine 3 second if some rich farmers started to do what you are doing....
its not a rule on you, its to prevent a certain possibility from happening.
we can't have two set of rules, its going to be the same rules for everyone.
Can I gift fauzjhian puppets and the gems seires
also, how about killer whales and Celzlhi
(no. I don't have requests for other puppets)
Killer whales and Celzlhi are fine, (although I don't suggest, it cost more then beetles and won't give you more points)
Fertility beetles times 2
Forest beetles times 2
White beetles times 2
Rectangle times 4
Dragon beetles
Winter beetles
New makasta is a jerk
River beetles
Ocean beetles
Shining Beetles
Cubic functions
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August Beetles
Bee Beetles
Metal Beetles
River Beetles
Friend Beetles
Total: 5
Points: 175
Total Points: 805
Easier for you to calculate
Fertility beetles times 2
Forest beetles times 2
White beetles times 2
Rectangle times 4
Dragon beetles
Winter beetles
New makasta is a jerk
River beetles
Ocean beetles
Shining Beetles
Cubic functions
OFF.. rectangle did not had 1.00, so you put 1.00 bids ???

I already wrote this : cards must have bids of 1.00 in order to count, cards that do not have bids of 1.00 will not count ty.
I can't count https://www.nationstates.net/page=deck/card=3582375/season=3, it does not have any bids of 1.00 on it.
plus Rectangle did not had bids of 1.00

I'll be back on this after a discussion with Rewan.

Asking for Racoda from guild reject farmer 146

you are lacking 90 points for this request, I'll Reserve it for now.
Even if I count all rectangle, you would be lacking 10 points.

August Beetles
Bee Beetles
Metal Beetles
River Beetles
Friend Beetles
Total: 5
Points: 175
Total Points: 805
Easier for you to calculate
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@Caecar Rewan have come to agreement to not consider your bids on cards that you are gifting, instead we will only consider the bids a card traders has on cards they are backing.
for exemple, here, rectangle has bids of .50, so we consider them to be worth 0,5 bank and not 1.

Although since common are cheap, we have decided to allow people to Combine them (only for commons, and its 20 points per combinaison

so, we're going to upgrade your point to 700, although that's not enough for Racoda.

Will do the same thing as I did for Antasca
sending you the cards, you'll be at -50 points and are expected to pay your debt.
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