[SC - DEFEATED] Historical Founderless Region Preservation Act

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Candidate for Delegate
TNP Nation

Historical Founderless Region Preservation Act
Category: Declaration | Type: Declare
Proposed by: Lenlyvit | Onsite Topic

The Security Council,

Noting that throughout the NationStates Multiverse there are regions of truly ancient status that were founded in the time before founding nations held executive power amongst their peers;

Acknowledging that among this group of regions the majority had one nation that took executive powers over the region through many different means, including democratic elections and godly appointments, while a select few did not;

Naming the few regions thought to be the last of these truly ancient regions which have never had a founder nation lording over them to be Belgium, Buckethead land, Carioch, Eutopia, EWU, Hattrick, Haven, Lake ilopango, Liberal Paradise, Secularia, Seven Eleven, South Pacific, The AGS Commonwealth, The Proletariat Coalition, The West, User Friendlia, The Blood Cave, NationStates, Canada, Middle Earth, St Abbaddon, Stargate, Yorkshire, Space, and LUE;

Believing that these regions hold a significant historical position within the interregional community, as they are among the last of the first regions ever founded within NationStates, and that due to this status these regions should be especially protected from destruction and loss;

Differentiating the regions listed within this resolution from other truly Founderless regions that hold the name of Feeder, Sinker, and Warzone in so far as the regions with those titles are not at the same risk of regional destruction;

Hereby states that regions and organizations should take the following steps to protect these special historical regions from being destroyed and founded under new nations:

  • Interregional protection treaties. All major regions of defender, Independent, Imperialist and non-aligned ideologies can sign and adopt treaties to protect these regions from aggression.
  • Regional laws if they have a functioning government. These laws would restrict the regional military forces from attacking these regions and keep them from destroying them by removing all native nations and refounding.
  • Using preemptive liberation resolutions to keep the regions from being passworded and to protect them from internal threats. This would make it harder to refound the region by passwording the regional borders to prevent new nations from moving in.
  • Preserving the regional history and message boards through making copies of their contents and publishing them in their regional libraries for all nations to see.

Encouraging regional governments to take the following actions against military and non-military entities who disregard the protection of these regions:

  • Political isolation by closing existing embassies, repealing any existing treaties, and pulling regional ambassadors back.
  • Direct military intervention against the attacking forces, and any future endeavors by those attacking forces, to attempt to pressure the offending entities into following the outlines of this declaration.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

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My opinion can be summarized by the remarks of Refuge Isle in the forum thread (https://forum.nationstates.net/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=521217&start=50):

So what you're saying is that your ideal is to take founderless regions that neither you nor the WA owns and, without consulting their native populations, use preemptive liberations because you think you know best how the region should be run? If we actually did that, we'd have vastly more raids than fewer, considering a number of these regions are just a couple of low-influence WAs residing in the region alone or with a partner.

No support.
” (Refuge Isle, Historical Founderless Region Preservation Act, Pg. 3)
I wanted to note that the author has requested that we oppose this resolution, citing the pre-emptive liberation language which is so concerning to so many. When an author recognizes an issue with their work and plans to re-work it, and we can do that without passing one resolution and then passing a repeal, I generally prefer that. So I wanted to bring it up to you so that perhaps you might reconsider your votes in light of this.

I would like to get the ball rolling by lodging a vote Against.
"Historical Founderless Region Preservation Act " was defeated 9,568 votes to 5,783.
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