Condemn A Bloodred Moon
Category: Condemnation | Target: A Bloodred Moon
Proposed by: Lenlyvit | Onsite Topic
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.The Security Council,
Believing that Security Council resolutions such as Condemnations and Commendations are used to highlight either the bad deeds or good deeds of nations, and act as a historical record passed into law by the international community of World Assembly nations;
Arguing that there is a nation in existence that the international community of World Assembly nations should condemn for its actions and that this nation, known asA Bloodred Moon, is truly despicable and heinous in its deeds throughout the multiverse;
Acknowledging the fact that the people of A Bloodred Moon had their beginnings within the nation ofArmaros, which resides in the region of Unknown, and that within the region of Unknown they learned both military and governance tactics which allowed them to succeed and lead in other regions of ill-repute;
Noting that the main region of ill-repute A Bloodred Moon has chosen to lead has been the one known as Lone Wolves United, a region that has been condemned by this council once before, and that their leadership has resulted in the resurrection of this said region from virtual inactivity beyond the capability of any other leader within this region before them;
Listing A Bloodred Moon's accomplishments within Lone Wolves United to be many, including the following:
- Reviving the region from a state of inactivity that lasted from May 2018 to the point when they were appointed as Khan of the region, increasing the population from a dismal 25 nations to over 350 nations at this time while having a peak of over 500 nations in March 2022.
- Growing the raider military composition of Lone Wolves United from 5 to 6 active nations to somewhere between 40 and 50 nations within the last three year period, an explosive increase that has led to the revival of one of NationStates' most destructive raider forces ever seen.
- Creating a forum for regional national leaders to come together to discuss destructive attacks upon innocent regions, as well as to create a filing system for the regional records that were previously held in another place that was destroyed by the will of the gods.
Distraught over the amount of chaos and destruction that A Bloodred Moon has wrought throughout the multiverse, either by their national forces participating in attacking innocent regions or by their willingness to order the overall military forces of Lone Wolves United to participate in these activities, such as the attacks on:
- The Embassy, a region which was locked away with a password only known to a select few national leaders. This raid was conducted using a spy within the regional ranks in order to learn the password, which led to an attack that resulted in over 3,500 embassies with other regions being closed. The largest embassy closure from a raid ever accomplished.
- ASEAN Region on February 1st 2020, where over 90 raider nations came together to attack a region of around 30 nations. In this raid around 25 native nations were ejected from the region, making it extremely vulnerable to becoming refounded. The region never recovered from this attack and now sits inactive.
- Asia on April 19th 2020, where over 80 nations from various raider regions came together to occupy the region. The occupation lasted for 8 days, culminating in the removal of a handful of the lesser influenced native nations within the region.
- A Liberal Haven in early January of 2022, where the government of A Bloodred Moon organized and recruited other raider nations to pile upon the raider delegate nation within the region. This invasion saw over 200 invading nations and 9 organizations involved, ultimately leading to a few native nations being ejected from the region after it was passworded on the suggestion of A Bloodred Moon's colony nation. This nation acted as a Regional Officer throughout the entire occupation and its hand in the occupation led to the Security Council passing a Liberation in order to free the region from oppressing forces.
Aghast at the fact that A Bloodred Moon has been more than willing to attack regions inhabited by the extremely powerful nations of the multiverse, ranging from the region of Q102 which is inhabited byPythagosaurus to the region of The Cuckoos Egg which is inhabited by
Stating that A Bloodred Moon needs to be condemned by the international community for their actions across the multiverse of NationStates,
Hereby condemns the nation ofA Bloodred Moon.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
For | Against | Abstain | Present |
14 | 2 | 0 | 4 |
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