Marcus' Model Railway Journey

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Fatigue management

ARL has a number of procedures which address staff fatigue by managing shift rosters and providing drivers with guidance on managing their lifestyles to fit in with these shifts.

These procedures include references to the importance of staff reporting when they consider themselves to be sufficiently fatigued that they are unable to carry out their duties.

ARL’s ‘Drivers attending for duty’ procedure (SQE 08.25 - Issue 1) states that drivers are supervised at Chingford to ensure that they sign a declaration confirming that they are ‘in a fit state of health’ and that they ‘are not reporting for duty under the influence of alcohol or any drugs which might impair my proper performance of my duties’.

A similar declaration is made at other sign-on locations.

The driver signed this declaration on the day of the accident.

The ‘Managing fatigue’ procedure (SQE 12.02 - Issue 1) covers the overall management of the risk of fatigue to employees and the effect this can have on the individual and on the safe operation of the network.

Most of its focus is on the management of shift rosters, so that they ‘prevent or minimise the build up of fatigue’ due to excessive hours or adverse shift patterns.

Although this procedure does acknowledge the need to ensure that ‘safety critical workers are not affected by fatigue either at the start of the shift or in the course of their work’, the detail of how this is done is contained in other procedures.

ARL also has a procedure titled ‘The 24/7 Railway and fatigue management’(SQE 20.7 - Issue 1), which is targeted at drivers and other safety-critical staff.

This provides guidance to staff on how shift patterns can interact with their lifestyle and health, and how they can manage the effects to ensure that they are able to carry out duties safely.

This document includes a number of statements relating to self-reporting of fatigue, as follows:

• There is no absolute cut-off point between being fatigued or just tired, but it is an individual decision you must make based on whether you believe you can perform your duties safely and consistently to the required standard.

• Both you and Arriva Rail London have obligations; You must ensure to the best of your ability that you are not fatigued when you attend for duty, and Arriva Rail London will ensure that work requirements and patterns do not contribute to fatigue.

• You have a personal responsibility to ensure you manage your lifestyle and other personal factors in such a way that you are fit for duty when you attend and for the duration of your shift.

• If before coming to work, or whilst at work, you believe that you cannot carryout your duties because of fatigue then you must report this immediately to your line manager or to Control, so the necessary support can be provided.
Similar guidance was contained in the older ‘Drivestyle’ booklet (Issue 2), dated April 2011, that had been issued to drivers by National Express, the operator of services to Enfield Town before February 2012.

This document stated:

• There are a whole range of issues that can impact on performance at work. For example, sleep, medication and home life. It is important to remember because of your role, you have a personal responsibility to come to work in fitstate, both physical and mentally. If you do not, the likelihood of error through fatigue or lack of focus on-the-job greatly increases.

• Typical errors and factors that can lead to incidents - Failing to advise your line manager of personal issues/major life events which may impact on your ability at work to concentrate.

• Ensure you are well rested both physical and mentally. If you believe your fitness could be affected for whatever reason, speak to your Duty Traincrew Manager (DTM).

• Should anything outside work be seriously affecting your concentration levels such as bereavement / family illness / divorce or financial problems, contact your Driver Manager in confidence.

• If you feel that you may be affected by drowsiness or fatigue, which you are unable to deal with yourself, advise your DTM or Driver Manager.

This guidance was refreshed to drivers in summer 2021, in a booklet titled 'Summer Brief’.

This detailed the lifestyle management tips and emphasised the need for drivers to be fit to undertake their duties.

Similar guidance was also given to drivers in a post-COVID briefing, titled ‘Stay on Track 2021’.

Examples of the guidance include:

• If you are suffering from stress or worry, or even just a lack of sleep, please contact a Driver Manager or ARL Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) it may just help to prevent you from having an operating incident.

• If you feel that you may be affected by drowsiness or fatigue, which you are unable to deal with yourself, advise a suitable manager.

The driver had been issued with the 2011 ‘Drivestyle’ guidance, and with the 2021 ‘Stay on Track’ and ‘Summer Brief’ guidance.

Although ARL was unable to demonstrate that the driver had been issued a copy of the 2017‘ 24/7 Railway and fatigue management’ guidance, the driver reported that he knew, from his training, that he was supposed to report if he believed that he was too tired to safely undertake his duties.
Managing attendance

To control levels of absenteeism on its Anglia services, ARL’s human resources department operates a ‘Managing for Attendance’ (MFA) procedure.

This procedure originated on these routes in the 1990s and aims to ensure that staff who are fit to work attend when rostered, while taking account of the welfare of staff who are not fit to work.

This procedure monitors the attendance of staff when rostered and seeks to identify the reasons for non-attendance so that any underlying issues can be identified and jointly addressed by the employee and by their managers.

This states that:

• Employee welfare is an imperative and ARL will promote and support employee health and well-being. ARL aims to take a balanced approach between welfare concerns and absence control. The well-being of our employees depends on taking adequate time off when they are unfit through sickness or injury. Arriva Rail London will operate most successfully and cost effectively when all tasks are fully staffed.

• Managers must balance their concern about employees who are sick or injured with the responsibility towards ensuring that all employees who are fit to work are at work.

The procedure consists of four stages, each of which is independent, and are triggered by defined numbers of absences and lost days over a defined period:

• 2 separate absence periods or 5 days total absence over 13 weeks; or

• 5 separate absence periods or 10 days total absence over 52 weeks

Once a stage is triggered, there is a monitoring period of up to 52 weeks where managers expect to see improved attendance.

The managers also talk to the individual to understand what the causes of the absence are and to discuss how these causes can be addressed or accommodated.

If sufficient improvement is observed, then the process ends.

If improvement is not observed, using the same trigger levels, then the process proceeds to the next stage, where the discussions involve more senior levels of management.

The driver had had a number of absences from work since the start of 2018.

In 2018 he had been signed off as sick for seven weeks due to an injury.

This did not result in the MFA procedure being triggered.

A four-week absence in 2019 resulted in stage one of the MFA process being triggered, but his attendance was deemed to have improved, and the process was ended.

He was also off work for 14 weeks in 2020 due to a combination of furlough and COVID-19, but this did not trigger the MFA process.

In 2021, before the accident, the driver was off work for a total of 16 weeks, due to a combination of his employer signing him of as unfit for duty and a subsequent illness.

His managers offered him support on several occasions during this absence; this was carried out by letter as they were unable to reliably contact him by telephone.

The MFA process was again triggered when he returned to work in May 2021, and the resulting monitoring process was still in place at the time of the accident.
Identification of fatigue by Arriva Rail London

Arriva Rail London did not identify that the driver was fatigued when he started his shift

A supervisor was present when the driver signed on for his shift at Chingford on the morning of the accident.

Although the supervisor chatted with the driver on the morning of the accident, he did not detect that the driver was significantly fatigued or otherwise unfit for duty.

Part of the supervisor’s role was to ensure that drivers sign the declaration of fitness when they start their shift.

They also have a desk-based role managing any roster issues that arise on the day due to drivers being delayed, or not being available, and arranging for alternative cover.

The supervisor’s job description states that they should ‘as far as practicable ensure through personal observation, that traincrew are fit for duty at the time of booking on and that they present themselves in full uniform and are in possession of the required equipment and documentation’.

As a result, there was no requirement for the supervisor to carry out a formal fatigue assessment at sign- on, such as questioning drivers about their sleep pattern.

ARL’s risk assessment also did not identify the supervisor role as a mitigation against driver fatigue.

However, supervisors were expected to raise any obvious signs that a driver was not fit for duty.

Where a driver is obviously under the influence of alcohol, or other substances, it is possible that a supervisor would be able to detect this.

However, it would be much more difficult for a supervisor to detect that a driver was excessively tired or fatigued and, in this case, the supervisor did not.

This difficulty is reflected in ARL’s processes for managing fatigue through the driver booking on process.

These were largely reliant on drivers themselves being able to identify when fatigue was going to affect their ability to undertake their duties, and reporting this, rather than the onus being on a supervisor to detect it.
Arriva Rail London’s awareness of the driver’s home circumstances

Arriva Rail London did not realise that the driver’s home circumstances meant that he may have been at an elevated risk of being fatigued when atwork.

The driver had been off work a number of times in the years preceding the accident.

In addition, a medical assessment in February 2021 resulted in him being signed off work with a condition related to his home circumstances.

A further assessment in April 2021 confirmed that he was fit to resume duties on a managed, gradual basis.

On his return to work, ARL initiated the MFA process and this resulted in a discussion between the driver and his manager regarding his attendance record and the reasons for the absences.

There was a further such discussion in September 2021 after a three-week sickness-related absence.

Discussions during the fitness assessment, and during the subsequent return to work and MFA meetings, meant that ARL was aware of the issues that the driver was having at home.

This was recorded by ARL as being a cause for the driver's absences.

There is no evidence that, during these discussions, the driver specifically highlighted the effect that these factors were having on his level of fatigue at work or the effect that this was having on his ability to stay alert.

However, the driver assumed that his employer would be aware that he may be more likely to be fatigued at work because of what had been reported about his home circumstances.

This meant that ARL did not realise that the driver was likely to be fatigued when arriving at work and hence at risk of not always being able to carry out his duties safely.
The presence of recreational drugs

The driver tested positive for a recreational drug, and it is possible that its presence affected his situational awareness.

ARL operates a random drug and alcohol testing policy.

Samples are typically taken from 5% of safety-critical staff every year.

Additional testing is also undertaken for new staff at appointment, and after incidents or accidents (known as ‘for cause’ testing).

The driver had last been randomly tested in July 2019 with the result being negative for the presence of both drugs and alcohol.

Immediately after the accident, ARL arranged for the driver to be ‘for cause’ tested for alcohol and drugs.

Although he passed the alcohol test, the urine test for drugs showed positive for a breakdown product of cocaine.

A hair test taken by BTP five weeks after the accident also tested positive for signs of cocaine.

RAIB commissioned a toxicology expert to interpret the drug test results.

They concluded that the urine test indicated that it was likely that the driver had taken cocaine within the one or two days immediately before the accident.

They also stated that the hair analysis confirmed that there had been historical use of cocaine over an undefined period, and that it was not possible to determine whether this usage was over the long or short term.

The toxicology expert stated that the use of cocaine can lead to acute psychological effects which can increase an individual’s alertness and attentiveness.

It can also affect cognitive behaviour, including an individual's ability to drive a vehicle, and this could have affected the driver’s situational awareness and judgement at the time of the accident.

The toxicology expert also stated that there can be a rebound effect following cocaine use that can result in profound tiredness.

This could have been exacerbated by the driver’s lack of sleep, resulting in an effect on his alertness.
6th July 2023

Railway pioneer, Robert Stephenson, celebrated by Lumo and Beamish Museum

The Newcastle-based rail operator has become the museum's first business partner and will see both heritage and community celebrated together​


Steam train at Beamish

Beamish Museum has recently revealed that Lumo, a 100% electric train company based in Newcastle, has become its very first Business Champion in a bid to recognise and support the incredible heritage of the North East.

The partnership formed thanks to Lumo's commitment in celebrating the 200th anniversary of Newcastle upon Tyne-based Robert Stephenson & Co, the world's first locomotive works!

Robert Stephenson opened the locomotive factory on South Street on Forth Banks in Newcastle in 1823 at the age of just 19.

The factory saw the development of railway icons, Locomotion No. 1 and Stephenson's Rocket and in more recent years, the site has been regenerated to become the Stephenson's Quarter.

The rail operator's offices are actually based on the same site as Robert Stephenson & Co and in order to celebrate this apt coincidence, saw a commemorative logo designed for the bicentenary of the works opening.

The logo is displayed at the rail operator's offices and also on one of its trains.

Beamish Museum is already home to a good number of Stephenson exhibits and to mark the special anniversary weekend, Lumo sponsored an all-electric shuttle bus which supported visitors getting to and from the museum.

Lumo electric shuttle bus

Martijn Gilbert, Managing Director of Lumo, said: “Lumo takes great pride in its North East roots and is deeply committed to supporting the communities we serve while celebrating our rich industrial heritage.”

“As we join forces with Beamish this year as its inaugural Business Champion, we also join the region in commemorating the bicentenary of the founding of the Stephenson Locomotive Works. On the very site where railways were first imaged, Lumo is now reimagining rail. The North East has always been a hub for railway innovation, and we're now building on that legacy with our cutting-edge, sustainable rail service delivered by local individuals. In doing so, we aim to enhance connectivity, foster tourism and propel the region forward into an even brighter future.”
6th July 2023

Eurostar is official travel partner of British Olympic Association​


Eurostar - Taking The Teams To Victory Photoshoot In Paris

The Eurostar Group has announced that it has signed an agreement to be the official travel partner of The British Olympic Association (BOA).

The British Olympic Association is the National Olympic Committee (NOC) behind Team GB. Under the agreement, Eurostar Group (a partnership between Eurostar and Thalys) will provide the British team with travel to Paris for next year's Olympic Games.

Gwendoline Cazenave, CEO of Eurostar Group, signing the agreement with the British Olympic Association

Eurostar Group has confirmed that it will also support ParalympicsGB with its travel arrangements so that they are the most sustainable and appropriate accessible transport options for Paralympics athletes and will soon be making an announcement about relevant arrangements.

Eurostar Group aims to be the prime mover for sustainable travel in Europe and has welcomed the chance to support Team GB and reduce its carbon footprint during its trips to the Olympics.

GB Olympic athletes next to Eurostar

For the Olympic Games in London in 2012, Eurostar was the official transport provider for French and Belgian athletes, and for this year's Olympics and Paralympics in Paris will provide transport for the Belgian and Dutch Olympians and Paralympians.

GB Paralympic athletes next to Eurostar

Gwendoline Cazenave, CEO of Eurostar Group, said “We are all preparing to welcome our customers to these unforgettable moments in Paris in 2024. The Paris Games aim to be the greenest ever, we are therefore delighted to support British Olympians by offering them the most sustainable journey possible between London and Paris.

“We are all proud in the Eurostar Group to “take the team to victory”. Carrying the Olympic team on our trains encourages all of us to give our very best.”

Andy Anson OBE, CEO of the British Olympic Association says: “The British Olympic Association (BOA) is delighted to officially welcome Eurostar Group as the official travel partner of Team GB.

“Our fantastic athletes will be able to take full advantage of the daily direct trains between London and Paris, the home of next year's Olympic Games.

“Performance is always at the heart of our planning and this partnership means we can provide our Olympians with the comfort, flexibility and excellent service that Eurostar Group always offers. I, therefore, extend a warm welcome to Eurostar Group and look forward to our collaboration.”
6th July 2023

New Rolling Stock Ordered for ETHNON RAIL :)

To go with the other two GWR Mk3 coaches (R4915A and R4915C) that arrived the other day.

ManufacturerProduct CodeTitleScaleQty
HornbyR4781JMk3 TSO trailer second open 42554 Coach H in GWR greenOO Gauge (1:76 Scale)1
HornbyR4781LMk3 TSO trailer second open 42016 Coach J in GWR greenOO Gauge (1:76 Scale)1
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6th July 2023

Inside The Train Shed

Today I'm going to start painting the baseboards.

First I have to give the woodwork a bit of a sandpapering.

Stir the paint, make sure I've got everything I need before I start, in case of spillages.

I started the job late today, so I'm not sure how much I'll be able to get done.

Temperature inside the shed is 24°C so not too bad to work in.

7th July 2023


News story

Overspeed incidents at emergency speed restrictions

Published: 7th July 2023

Overspeed incidents at emergency speed restrictions at Wood Green Junction and Melton Lane level crossing on 11 and 12 June 2023.


Forward-facing CCTV from the train involved at Melton Lane level crossing
On 11 June 2023, a 20 mph (32 km/h) hot weather-related emergency speed restriction had been imposed at Wood Green junction, near Alexandra Palace station in north London.

By the end of that day, three trains operating in passenger service had reported passing over the restriction whilst travelling at far greater than the restricted speed.

On 12 June 2023, a 20 mph (32 km/h) hot weather-related emergency speed restriction had been imposed at Melton Lane level crossing, between Brough and Ferriby stations, near Hull.

By the end of that day, two trains operating in passenger service had been reported as passing over the restriction whilst travelling at far greater than the restricted speed.

We have undertaken a preliminary examination into the circumstances surrounding these incidents.

Having assessed the evidence which has been gathered to date, we have decided to publish a safety digest.

The safety digest will be made available in the next few weeks.
7th July 2023



Concert season sees 60,000 people taken home safely by train


TfW Major Event Cardiff

FIVE major concerts in Cardiff over five weeks has seen the rail industry come together to get people home safely.

Beyonce, Harry Styles and Coldplay brought their world class tours to the Welsh capital, drawing in fans from north, west and south Wales as well as Bristol, London, Gloucester, Birmingham and Hereford.

Between the events over May and June, 58,851 were taken home safely by train the same night plus several thousand who had stayed over and travelled home the following day.

Each event was treated as a ‘Category A’ with a dedicated event plan in place to ensure the large numbers could be managed safely.

With the mid-week concerts all finishing at around 10:30pm, extra services had to be planned in over and above the normal timetable.

In total, 150 extra services ran after the five concerts between Transport for Wales, Great Western Railway and Cross Country Trains.

Special Events manager for Transport for Wales, Jonathan Goode, said: “We love seeing major events in Cardiff and there is always a brilliant atmosphere in the city.

“Mid-week night time concerts are always a challenge as people want to get home the same night for work and school the next morning, but on a usual timetable there would only be a few services left.

“So we do our best to put on as many extra trains and carriages as we can deliver and we’re really proud that together with our rail industry partners and the BTP that we were able to get 60,000 people home safely.”

GWR Customer Service & Operations Director, Richard Rowland, said: “Cardiff Central was incredibly busy following these concerts and we’re really proud to have come together as part of the railway family to help take people home safely.

“Being able to provide additional trains alongside our normal timetable services made a big difference and I’d like to say a big thank you for the patience shown by customers as we helped to manage queues following the events.”

Superintendent Andy Morgan for British Transport Police in Wales said: “Major event management can be complex at times, and often includes tens of thousands of additional passengers travelling across the rail network to and from Cardiff on the same day.

“We plan well in advance and we strategically place our uniform and plain clothed officers where we know they will best keep the travelling public and rail colleagues safe aboard trains and at stations.

“We review every event to ensure we identify any areas for improvement and adapt the next plan accordingly, and we always do this alongside all the key partners, as this is without doubt a team effort.”

Nick Millington, route director for Network Rail Wales & Borders, added: “It’s great to see the railway industry in Wales come together to get thousands of people in and out of Cardiff for these incredible events.

“Working with our industry partners, we are determined to continue to enable the mass transport of passengers for such events, keeping people safe and providing an enjoyable and timely service.”

The next major events in the Principality Stadium see Wales take on England and South Africa over the summer as they gear up for the Rugby World Cup
7th July 2023



WATCH NOW: Network Rail teams up with Wales-based production company to promote railway safety

Region & Route: Wales & Western: Wales & Borders


Badger's Wood

A special episode of the online YouTube children’s series ‘Badger’s Wood’ has been released to promote railway safety in partnership with British Transport Police Cymru.

The one-off episode, titled ‘Railway Danger,’ depicts Inspector Badger and his trusty sidekick, Sergeant Squirrel, stop nearby rabbits from trespassing on the railway after they lose their football.

The furry heroes arrive just in time to prevent a serious incident from happening in Badger’s Wood and then promptly educate the young rabbits on railway safety - ‘It is very dangerous for anyone to be playing near or on a railway line’ can be heard being said by Inspector Badger.

‘Railway Danger’ was produced exclusively for Network Rail and British Transport Police to help promote railway safety awareness following Railway Safety Week 2023 - an industry wide and industry led initiative focusing on rail safety for all and aims to bring rail safety to the forefront of people’s minds across a dedicated week; keeping safety firmly in the spotlight and sharing ideas and best practice across industry colleagues.

The show is produced by Walters & Jones Productions Ltd, a small independent production company based in the Vale of Glamorgan, Wales.

The series is shot entirely on location in the woods and fields around Barry using glove puppets and other props.

Mark Jones, the series’ co-creator, has been involved with children’s TV since the early 1980s and learnt script writing from Gerry Anderson (Thunderbirds, Stingray, Captain Scarlet, etc).

Mark has written more than 50 children’s books and created ‘Time To Sleep Stories.’

Network Rail and British Transport Police teamed up with Mark for the railway education episode following two special episodes of Badger’s Wood for the South Wales Police Schools Education Unit on anti-social behaviour and how to dial 999 in an emergency.
‘Railway Danger’
To watch video click link: Inspector Badger and his team arrive just in time to stop the young rabbits from going on to the railway tracks.

Nick Millington, route director for Network Rail Wales & Borders route, said: “Rail safety is a priority for us in Network Rail. We are always looking for new ways to reach as many people as possible when promoting railway safety.

“There is a lot of creative talent in Wales, and we are so pleased to be working with Walters & Jones Productions Ltd to help us reach children and parents to further raise awareness and continue to educate on this important issue.

“Thank you, Inspector Badger and Sergeant Squirrel. Great job!”

Superintendent Andy Morgan for British Transport Police in Wales said: “The dangers of the rail network are very real and can result in life-changing injuries and, in some cases, can result in death. A stark reality, but a reality none the less.

“Changes in train timetables, unexpected freight trains, trains that are quieter and faster than ever before and the increasing electrification of hundreds of miles of track makes for a very dangerous place to be. The tracks are for trains and not for people, so please stay off them!

“We know that educating people at a young age is the best way to highlight these dangers and to help reduce the number of young people either playing near the rail network or even partaking in illegal trespassing.”

Mark Jones, co-founder of Walters & Jones Productions Ltd, added: “As the producer of Badger’s Wood, I was delighted to be approached by Network Rail to use our characters to emphasise the importance of safety and raise awareness about the dangers of children playing on or near railway lines.

Our special episode, ‘Railway Danger’, will hopefully entertain, educate and ultimately protect young viewers.”

Kellyann Jones, community safety manager at Network Rail Wales & Borders, added: “This is a fantastic and innovative way of reaching out to our younger railway users and children who live near the railway on the importance of behaviour and safety when in and around our infrastructure.

“Railway safety not only ensures the general wellbeing of the public, but also prevents delays, disruption and aids in the running of a reliable railway for passengers.”
7th July 2023

New Cutting-Edge Rail Research and Innovation Centre for South Wales​


South Wales is set to become a hub of railway research and innovation as a consortium of esteemed universities, including Cardiff, Swansea and Birmingham, secures a £15 million grant from the UK Research Partnership Investment Fund (UKRPIF).

The Railway Industry Association (RIA) Wales & Western has expressed its delight at the news, highlighting the potential for ground-breaking advancements in the field.

This substantial investment from UKRPIF will lay the foundation for establishing a world-leading Centre of Excellence for Railway Testing, Validation, and Customer Experience.

The new centre will be located at the Global Centre of Rail Excellence (GCRE) site, currently being developed near Onllwyn in the scenic Neath Valley.

Renowned industry partners such as Siemens, Atkins, Unipart, RSSB, GCRE, Knorr Bremse, Aegis, Angel Trains, Eversholt Rail, Furrer+Frey, Razor Secure, SLC Rail, EnServe, TRL, BBA, Vanguard, MoniRail, and EneRail are joining forces with the universities of Cardiff, Swansea, and Birmingham to shape this pioneering venture.

Many of these industry partners are also members of the RIA.

Exciting plans are underway for the state-of-the-art facilities, with construction slated to commence later this year.

Once completed, the Centre of Excellence will facilitate crucial research, testing, and validation activities related to the railway industry.

It will also aim to enhance the overall customer experience, revolutionizing the way we perceive and interact with rail transportation.

This transformative initiative promises to position South Wales at the forefront of global railway innovation.

With its collaborative approach and cutting-edge infrastructure, the Centre of Excellence for Railway Testing, Validation, and Customer Experience is set to propel the region's railway industry into a new era of growth and progress

Robert Cook, RIA Wales & Western Lead said: “This investment is a vote of confidence in research and innovation in South Wales and will help secure the future development of the rail industry right across the UK. The funding and the partnership between these three universities is good news for RIA members and the supply sector, and will help the governments in Cardiff and Westminster to build a more effective integrated public transport network.

“We and our members look forward to working on this with Cardiff, Swansea and Birmingham universities in the months and years ahead”.
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7th July 2023

‘Awake The Giant’: update on restoration of steam locomotive 92240​


loco 92240

Work to overhaul and restore steam locomotive 92240 ‘9F' is continuing, with progress made in the three months since the last update.

Recent work has concentrated on the tender, with its outside being rubbed down and filler applied.

The filled areas currently appear as mint green patches.

Members of Bluebell Railway's 9F children's club have helped with the restoration.

At a recent meeting, they helped to rub down the steps to the cab and tender, and to apply filler and primer.

Club members also joined the restoration team at Bluebell on Parade, a popular event at which visitors were able to see the progress of work on 92240 and to visit the footplate.

Restorers have also loosened the running plate bolts, in order to prepare the front end for the loco's move into the workshop.

Over the last few months, 92240 has been moving in and outside of ‘Steamworks!' and was based in the maintenance shed for ‘Bluebell on Parade'.

Work has also continued on wire brushing and cleaning the rust within the water tank.

92240 had a water scoop under its tender, because when it ran on the mainline, it would collect water from the water troughs that were located along the track.

However, the Bluebell line does not have water troughs, so restorers decided to remove the scoop from the locomotive.

92240 will be filled either by the water cranes through the top of the tender or at low level in the yard.

The team's working parties, led by Andy and Martin are held on the second Saturday of each month. Volunteers are welcome!

The work to restore 92240 has been attracting attention, with the ‘Awake the Giant' team attending an increasing number of events.

The project has featured in several railway publications, including Bluebell Times, Bluebell News, Rail Advent and Steam Railway magazine.

The Railway describes the response from these articles as “amazing and very supportive”, and reports that it has boosted the financing of the overhaul.

Ken has been ordering and creating new ‘Giant' lines of merchandise that is now available to buy from the stand and the Bluebell shop.

Recent additions include rulers and coasters.

Mark is working hard on the next issue of ‘Giant Gazette', which will be available soon.

Enthusiasts can buy a single issue or subscribe by emailing

The ‘Awake the Giant' Photo Competition is still open and runs until the end of the year.

This year sees the introduction of new categories for all ages. The categories for this are;

15s and under
  • ‘Bluebell at its Best' (any photo of the Bluebell)
  • ‘Visitors and Galas' (any photo representing Bluebell visiting locomotives and Galas)
16s and over
  • ‘Bluebell in Bloom' (any photo of Bluebell's home fleet)
  • ‘Visitors and Galas' (any photo representing Bluebell visiting locomotives and Galas)
Both age groups
  • ‘Flying Scotsman Flies South' (Flying Scotsman at the Bluebell Railway 2023)
Details can be found on the ‘Awake the Giant' page on the Bluebell Railway's website.

Winners will be announced in January 2024.

Finally, Tom N has started planning a new publication about 92240, and is also started building an archive of 92240's arrival at the Bluebell Railway and working days.

If you have any materials that you are willing to add to the archive and publication, please contact Tom N at

Donations to the fundraising campaign to restore and overhaul 92240 are gratefully received and can be made here.
7th July 2023

Streamlined steam locomotive to visit Devon this Saturday​


60007 'Sir Nigel Gresley'

Steam locomotive 60007 Sir Nigel Gresley, sister locomotive to the world-famous ‘Mallard', will be visiting Devon this Saturday (8th July 2023) as it hauls The English Riviera Express.

The tour will originate in Wolverhampton, with the train being hauled to begin with by a Class 47.

Departing Wolverhampton at 05:00am, the train will pass through Tame Bridge Parkway (05:11), Stourbridge Junction (05:49), Kidderminster (06:03), Droitwich Spa (06:19), Worcester Shrub Hill (06:32), Cheltenham Spa (07:04), Severn Tunnel Junction (07:55), Newport (South Wales) (08:12), Pilning (08:48), Bristol Temple Meads (09:33) and Taunton at 10:27, where 60007 Sir Nigel Gresley is attached to the train.

Departing Taunton at 11:00, the steam locomotive will pass through Exeter St Davids (11:35), Dawlish Warren (11:52), Newton Abbot (12:16), Paignton (12:34) and Kingswear at 13:09.

After time at Kingswear, 60007 will depart at 16:35 and will pass through Paignton (17:21), Dawlish (17:51), Tiverton Parkway (18:45), Taunton (19:24 – Diesel hauled from here), Bristol Temple Meads (20:15), Severn Tunnel Junction (20:41), Newport (South Wales) (21:03), Cheltenham Spa (22:12), Worcester Shrub Hill (22:41), Droitwich Spa (22:52), Kidderminster (23:07), Stourbridge Junction (23:21), Tame Bridge Parkway (23:53) and Wolverhampton at 00:09.
7th July 2023

35 more double decker trains to be produced for Austria

Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) has placed the order as part of the framework agreement from 2022.​


ÖBB Railjet [KISS]

Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) is working with Stadler in order to replace the Austrian local and long-distance transport fleet.

Stadler has now received a further order for 35 new KISS double-decker multiple units worth approximately €600 million as part of the 2022 framework agreement, which could see up to 186 of the double-decker units ordered.

This latest order follows a call-off for 41 KISS double-decker multiple units from the agreement last year and will see a further 14 six-car trains which will be used on long-distance services alongside 21 KISS vehicles which will support local travel.

The trains will see a staggered deployment, which is anticipated to begin in mid-2026.

The KISS double-decker multiple units have proved to be extremely popular with Stadler's customers across 14 countries due to its spacious and innovative design.

This latest order comes as a great vote of confidence for the Swiss railway and rolling stock manufacturer, demonstrating its commitment and willingness to support the project.

KISS new double-deck multiple units from Stadler

Peter Spuhler, Executive Chair of Stadler's Board of Directors, said:
“Stadler and ÖBB have set themselves the goal of jointly modernising Austrian rail transport. With its high degree of innovation, our KISS model is an essential solution for passenger- and environmentally friendly rail transport – on both local and long-distance routes. We would like to thank ÖBB for their trust in us. We look forward to working together to deliver the next generation of double-decker multiple units for Austria”

ÖBB CEO, Andreas Matthä said: “At ÖBB, the passenger boom continues: Long-distance transport recorded a total of 41.6 million passengers in 2022 – even surpassing our previous record year of 2019. Not only are we very proud of this result, but we are also implementing other measures to further increase capacity on our trains. We are investing in the heart of our long-distance service – the Railjet – and will be adding modern Railjet double-decker trains to the existing fleet for the first time,”

The KISS platform has been in operation since 2010 and provides a vehicle suited to both long-distance and local services, offering excellent capacity and the very latest facilities.

The impressive vehicle, which can reach speeds of up to 200km/h, sees approximately 380 seats when used in a four-car configuration which is suited to local service.

The six-car long-distance train offers passengers around 480 seats with first-class options and two catering facilities.

The new double-decker multiple unit offers around 380 seats in the four-car configuration for local transport.

The KISS double-decker multiple unit's latest design has been carefully designed in order to meet the needs of passengers, such as those travelling for work or leisure.

Each car features a low-floor entrance and a multi-purpose area which provides space and ease of accessibility for those travelling with bikes, pushchairs or luggage.

The vehicles also feature specially dedicated wheelchair spaces which include height adjustable tables.
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