Marcus' Model Railway Journey

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L-R David Horne. LNER Managing Director and Lia Nici MP for Great Grimsby

The validation exercise involved extensive work and collaboration across the industry.

Among those involved were Rail Operations Group (ROG), which provided a Driver and Train Manager Route Conductor to support LNER's safe operation over the route, Network Rail which is responsible for the tracks and infrastructure, and Hitachi Rail which built the train involved in the exercise.

L-R Sir Edward Leigh MP for Gainsborough and David Horne LNER Managing Director

Among those who have campaigned for direct services between Cleethorpes and London King's Cross and were at their respective stations to welcome the test train were local MPs Lia Nici, MP for Great Grimsby, Cleethorpes MP, Martin Vickers, and Sir Edward Leigh, MP for Gainsborough.

David Horne Managing Director at LNER said: “This is a really positive step to see whether LNER can reinstate its direct services between Cleethorpes and London King's Cross. It is early stages yet and there is a lot more work to do to see whether these services can come back for the first time in decades, but today we have shown that with willpower and cross-industry collaboration, we might be able to see LNER services connect Cleethorpes to London once again.”

In the last financial year, London North Eastern Railway carried one million more passengers than it did in 2018-19, and leads the way in encouraging people to return to travelling by rail.

According to the latest figures from the Office of Rail and Road, the company has topped the table for franchised operators for the last two years.
27th June 2023

Škoda Group to modernise and maintain 280+ locomotives in Egypt​


Egyptian Loco's

Škoda Group is to modernise and maintain at least 280 electro-diesel locomotives for Egyptian National Railways (ENR).

The project sees Škoda Group expanding into Africa, and consists of two contracts, together worth over one billion euros, for:
  • the overhaul of locomotives over a period of nine years
  • full-service maintenance up to fifteen years.
Škoda Group believes that these contracts underscore its focus on also providing life cycle full-service and modernisation.

Signing the contracts

The project will begin with the company modernising two prototype locomotives at its production and service site in Šumperk in the Czech Republic.

It will then modernise, overhaul and maintain the rest of the locomotives in Egypt.

The group will provide training specifically for the prototypes, with Egyptian workers gaining the expertise they need to carry out the work to European industrial standards.

Škoda will work with ENS to recruit and retain workers.

Škoda Group will review and renew the components of ENR's locomotives, overhaul their drives and pneumatic parts, modernise their braking systems and electrical wiring, install new control panels in the driver's cabs, and check and modify the TCMS train control system.

After this, the locomotives will undergo a major design makeover.

Egyptian Type AA22T Diesel Locomotive
Didier Pfleger, Chief Executive Officer of Škoda Group, said, “These contracts mark a historic milestone for Škoda Group. With our strong record of accomplishment in servicing and modernisation, we are uniquely positioned to deliver superior locomotive rehabilitation and overhaul services. Our aim is to use our skills and experience to build lasting relationships and make a long-term contribution to improving the quality of the rail sector in the Middle East and Africa. The success of being awarded with this project is further confirmation of our strategy of expanding into foreign markets. I would like to thank the Egyptian government and Minister of Transport H.E. Kamel al-Wazir for the trust they have placed in us,”
Marek Herbst, Senior Vice President Service at Škoda Group, said, “We are excited to bring enhanced reliability, availability and safety to the Egyptian national railways and passengers. Over the next nine years, we will deliver at least 280 rehabilitated and overhauled locomotives to Egypt with an extended service life of another 15 to 20 years. We will perform up to 15 years of full-service for these locomotives. We are convinced that full-service is the most efficient way for our customers to receive quality care and maintenance for their entire fleet of vehicles,
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27th June 2023

Mum highlights need for rail safety on anniversary of son’s death​


Harrison's Story

The mother of a young boy who was electrocuted on the railway has called for children to be taught about rail safety as a matter of urgency.

Six years ago today, 27th June, 11-year-old Harrison Ballantyne died after he trespassed into a rail freight yard and came into contact with overhead live wires carrying 25,000 Volts.

Harrison's mother, Liz Ballantyne, has joined with Network Rail and British Transport Police (BTP) to urge parents and carers to talk to their children about the dangers to be found on the railway, and they should do this as a matter of priority before the school holidays begin.

Harrison’s Story


To watch video click link: ""

Harrison’s Story is about 11-year-old Harrison Ballantyne, who tragically lost his life when he was electrocuted by overhead power cables after straying into a rail freight depot to retrieve a lost football.

He was hit by 25,000 volts of electricity.

There was nothing his friends or paramedics could do to save him.

Harrison died at the scene.

Harrison lived in a small village, not served by a railway station.

His mother, Liz Ballantyne, said: “I had never realised that I needed to educate my children about the dangers of the railway as I never realised how close the railway was.”

Drew Ballantyne, Harrison’s father added: “Harrison didn’t touch the overhead power cables on that day. I didn’t know that electricity could jump and arc, and I doubt that he did either.”
Last year, a short film titled Harrison's Story was released that told the tragic tale of Liz's son.

It forms part of Network Rail and BTP's anti-trespass You vs Train campaign and has since been seen by hundreds of thousands of school children, helping to significantly reduce incidents of trespassing in the high-priority areas where it has been shown.

Since then, Harrison's family has collaborated with the rail industry to create another film that builds on Harrison's Story.

It is being used as a training tool to provide guidance on how to improve risk management processes.

Since Harrison's death, a great deal of work has taken place in the rail industry and the film shows the progress that has been made, and provides a reminder of the tragic consequences that can happen when things go wrong.

The You vs Train campaign is designed to demonstrate to the public the dangers present on the railway, to deter them from trespassing, and keep them safe from harm. The campaign tells that:
  • trains can travel at speeds up to 125mph, and if the brakes are applied a train can travel the length of 20 football pitches before it comes to a complete stop;
  • electricity is used to power trains is on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with voltages of 25,000 Volts in overhead lines and 750 Volts in third rail supplies;
  • electricity can harm without even coming into contact with it, as electricity can jump and arc just as it did in Harrison's case.
Further information about the You vs Train campaign can be found at

Trespassing on the railway is a huge problem, with thousands of incidents recorded each year. Last year, there were 18, 517 cases of trespass on the British rail network, of which 20%, around 3,700, involved young people under 18.

Although that was a drop in the number of incidents involving young people, overall figures remain too high, with almost one for every mile of track in the country, and are yet to drop to pre-Covid levels.

Ms Ballantyne said: “The summer holidays should be about freedom and I always encouraged Harrison to go out and have adventures. I taught him about “stranger danger” and to be careful around water, but I just hadn't realised that I needed to teach him about rail safety as there was no railway station near our village.

“I learnt of its importance too late, but I don't want others to suffer as I have. Please sit down with your children and loved ones and talk to them about the dangers present around, the railway so they know how to keep themselves safe whilst they are out having fun.”

Louise McNally, trespass prevention lead at Network Rail, said: “Harrison's Story has been a powerful reminder of the devastating impact that trespass can have, not only to the trespasser but also their loved ones and the wider community. It is important that we share his story and learn lessons from it so that we can ensure that another family does not suffer as the Ballantynes have.”

BTP Superintendent Alison Evans added: “As the summer holidays approach we urge parents and carers of young people to talk about trespass and rail safety and warn them of the dangers of straying onto the railway.

“We continue to share Harrison's story in the hope that it will resonate with others and make a difference.

“The rail network can be a deadly place; trespassing can result in devastating injuries or death. Please spread the word to stay off the tracks – it could just save a life.”
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27th June 2023

Transport for London Celebrates PRIDE


Bus and Train - PRIDE TfW
Joining forces with Transport for London (TfL), an array of LGBTQ+ personalities, including renowned Drag Race star Bimini, stylist extraordinaire Gok Wan, talented DJ and writer Nick Grimshaw, and the remarkable dancer Queen MoJo, are uniting to commemorate Pride throughout London's extensive transport network.

As part of a vibrant poster campaign, these luminaries will share their personal journeys, interwoven with other captivating LGBTQ+ narratives, alongside eye-catching vehicle wraps.
These initiatives precede London's momentous Pride celebrations on Saturday, July 1st.

Gok Wan

The purpose of the poster campaign is to amplify the voices within the LGBTQ+ community, inspiring passengers to embrace their own stories under TfL's empowering theme, #EveryStoryMatters.

This year, TfL's posters will showcase a diverse range of individuals, including the dynamic drag superstar Bimini, the esteemed Gok Wan MBE, the mesmerising dancer and fashion enthusiast Queen MoJo, the hilarious comedian Dee Allum, the captivating drag queen Asifa Lahore, as well as dedicated TfL staff members.

Additionally, the campaign highlights TfL's commitment to fostering diversity by showcasing the creativity of its workforce through designs, poems, and craftwork.

Commuters will also encounter uplifting quotes from LGBTQ+ literature, such as the impactful “Soft Lad” by Nick Grimshaw, available as e-books on TfL's Book Club website, adorning the whiteboard posters in various stations.

Furthermore, the London transport network has undergone a captivating transformation with the incorporation of unique and vibrant designs on select TfL services.

A London bus, a London Overground train, an Elizabeth line train, and an Underground engineering train have been enveloped in these captivating designs, shaped by the lived experiences of the LGBTQ+ community.

Reflecting the remarkable diversity of London, these vibrant designs will captivate the attention of people across the city, extending as far as Essex and Reading.

Passengers traveling on the route 63 bus between Honour Oak and King's Cross have already had the pleasure of experiencing these captivating designs, on display since mid-June.


With a profound commitment to supporting Pride and the LGBTQ+ community, TfL has actively participated in the London parade since 2006.

On July 1st, the London bus adorned with the Pride design will accompany TfL representatives in the Pride in London parade.

During this momentous event, the TfL contingent will march under banners representing the Women, Faith, RACE, Carers, Parent and Guardians, and Disability Colleague Network groups, alongside the OUTbound banner, highlighting the multifaceted nature of London's LGBTQ+ communities.

TfL will also have a notable presence at the London Trans+ Pride, Croydon Pride, UK Black Pride, and Bi Pride events.

In its continuous pursuit of inclusivity, TfL has implemented various initiatives, including the introduction of diversity traffic signals, the use of rainbow-wrapped vehicles across the transport network, community-inspired posters, and the regular display of inclusive roundel designs bearing the vibrant colours of Pride flags throughout Pride celebrations.


Bimini, a drag artist who is part of the campaign, said: “It's incredible and amazing to highlight people's experiences of being part of the LGBTQ+ community cause it's not always easy for everyone. If you're younger and you see people speaking about what they've been through, it makes you feel seen and heard.”

Deputy Mayor for Transport, Seb Dance, said: “As London's Pride celebrations approach, I'm delighted that we are once again using the TfL network to celebrate our fantastic LGBTQ+ communities. From sharing the stories of Londoners to wrapping trains in this distinctive livery, we are joining together to show the world that in London we celebrate our diversity.”

London Night Czar, Amy Lamé, said: “Our LGBTQ+ communities make an enormous contribution to life in our capital and this year's campaign across the transport network is a wonderful way to celebrate that. Across the globe too many people still face prejudice because of who they are, and we are seeing very troubling efforts to stifle hard won rights, so it is more important than ever that we stand together in solidarity and celebration.”

Patricia Obinna, TfL's Director of Diversity & Inclusion, said: “This year's Pride campaign on our network seeks to amplify the important voices and rich stories within the diverse LGBTQ+ community. Services across TfL are displaying a vibrant design in support of the LGBTQ+ community and this year's corporate message of “Every Story Matters” has also been brought to life through our partnership with well-known LGBTQ+ personalities and with the unwavering support of our Colleague Network Group, OUTbound, who helped to shape this campaign.

“We are proud to continue to support Pride by sharing Pride messages across our network, and we hope people connect with the different stories as they travel on our network.”
27th June 2023

Alstom’s hydrogen train enters service in Charlevoix, Quebec​


Alstom iLint Quebec

On Friday 17 June, one hundred passengers travelled on the Coradia iLint in the first ever hydrogen train journey in North America.

The train travelled ninety kilometres from the Parc de la Chute-Montmorency in Quebec City to Baie-Saint-Paul,through the UNESCO-listed Charlevoix Biosphere Reserve along the St. Lawrence River.

The Coradia iLint generates its own energy using fuel cells, and is powered by green hydrogen.

The journey it made is a first in Canada and in the USA.

This means that Quebec province is the first jurisdiction to run a train with zero direct emissions powered by green hydrogen.

Alstom's Coradia iLint being recharged with hydrogen

The train's hydrogen fuel cell emits only water vapour during operation, making it much quieter than other trains, which benefits both passengers and those living or working close to tracks.

The Coradia iLint has travelled more than 220,000 kilometres in eight European countries since entering commercial service in Germany in 2018.

It is now operating in commercial service on two networks in Germany.

To date, European clients have ordered 41 trainsets.

On 15 September last year, the Coradia iLint travelled a record distance of 1,175 kilometres without refuelling.

The loco has a top speed of 140 kmph (87 mph) and accelerates and brakes with a performance similar to a standard regional diesel train.

Crucially, it achieves these performance levels without the noise and emissions of other trains.

It boasts several innovative features: clean energy conversion, flexible energy storage in batteries, smart traction and energy management.

The loco was designed for non-electrified lines.

Several companies and authorities are involved in the project, including Alstom, the Government of Quebec, Chemin de fer Charlevoix, Train de Charlevoix, Harnois Énergies, HTEC and Accelera by Cummins.

Alstom Coradia iLint hydrogen train completes three months of testing in regular passenger service in Austria in 2020

Alstom will use the opportunity presented by this pioneer journey to assess what to do next in developing an ecosystem for hydrogen propulsion technology.

The Hydrogen Research Institute of the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières will help Alstom with its assessment.

The company also sees this as an opportunity to increase its market in Canada and the USA, centred around its new innovation centre located in Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville, Quebec.

Alstom describes the primary mission of this centre as developing platforms with hybrid, battery or green hydrogen propulsion specifically adapted to the North American market.

The centre benefits from the availability of more than seven hundred Alstom engineers currently working in the city to speed up the decarbonisation of rail.

Alstom employs 1,800 people in Quebec.

Claude Choquette, President of Groupe Le Massif and Chemin de fer de Charlevoix, “This project is made possible thanks to the collaboration of Chemin de fer de Charlevoix, which is owned by Groupe Le Massif. In addition to defining new foundations for sustainable tourism, the hydrogen train's launch allows many visitors from around the world to discover Charlevoix while creating value for the entire region.”

“Harnois Énergies is a partner in this project, positioning itself not only as a hydrogen producer, but also as a distributor. The hydrogen used will be produced at our Quebec City station and will then be transported via high-pressure tanks to Baie St-Paul. Harnois Énergies is focused on the future and keeps an open mind. Energy diversification is at the heart of the company's priorities,” explains Serge Harnois, President and CEO of Harnois Énergies.

Alison Trueblood, General Manager of Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Technologies at Accelera, said,“As Accelera continues to innovate, we're guiding customers through energy transition roadmaps by providing end-to-end hydrogen solutions,” “This includes advancing traditional transportation methods, like passenger trains, through the adoption of zero-emission technologies and enabling industry infrastructure with hydrogen-producing electrolyzers. Together with Alstom and many other partners, we are advancing hydrogen propulsion technology in the North American market.”

Michael Keroullé, President of Alstom Americas, said,”We are very proud to see our Coradia iLint hydrogen train onboard and carry its first North American passengers here in Quebec. Alstom is fully involved in the decarbonization of mobility in the world and particularly in America. Hydrogen technology offers an alternative to diesel and demonstrates our ability to provide more sustainable mobility solutions to our customers, agencies and operators, as well as passengers. It will also provide an extraordinary showcase for Quebec's green hydrogen ecosystem, which is under development.”
27th June 2023

Northern issues Bingo card with excuses used by fare dodgers​


Fare Dodger Bingo

To coincide with today, Tuesday, 27th June being National Bingo Day, Northern has published a bingo card listing the least original excuses used by fare dodgers on its services.

Every year, Northern's conductors and revenue protection teams interact with millions of customers.

95% of whom do the right thing and have a valid ticket for travel. However, 5% attempt to travel without a ticket, and their excuses are all remarkably similar, including vanishing purses and wallets, mystery benefactors paying for their ticket at a later date, and false claims of ticket machines not working which is something that staff have been able to check since May last year.
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On board train ticket checks

Other excuses include passenger's tickets being on mobile devices that have run out of power.

That was addressed earlier this year following Northern entering a partnership with mobile phone charge provider BattPoint.

As a last resort, some passengers pretend to be asleep during ticket inspection.
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Orange magstrip railway tickets

By investing in the largest network of digital ticket infrastructure of any train operator in the country, buying a ticket on Northern is easier, either via Northern's app, its website, or from one of over 600 ticket vending machines across its network.

In 2022/23, 108,681 reports of attempted fare evasion were investigated by Northern's Debt Recovery & Prosecutions Unit, which resulted in 53,344 Penalty Fare Notices being issued, attending 301 court sittings, helped to secure 14,072 convictions, and recouped £2.9m (£2,851,883) of lost revenue for the taxpayer.
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Northern Train

Prosecutions for fare evasion are made under the provisions of the Regulation of Railways Act 1889 and the Railway Byelaws made pursuant to the Transport Act 2000, whilst those suspected of ticket fraud are prosecuted under the Fraud Act 2006.

Commenting on the challenges facing conductors and revenue protection staff, Jason Wade, head of retail operations for Northern, said: “Our colleagues have seen every tactic and heard every excuse.

“Everyone has a legal duty to buy a ticket before they board one of our trains. Why some people think they're exempt from that rule is, quite frankly, a total mystery to me.

“There are eight excuses on the bingo card – and I know some of my colleagues wouldn't have to wait very long to call a full house.

“There are so many ways to buy a ticket these days – there really is no excuse.”
28th June 2023

Drones shoot short film of Embsay & Bolton Abbey Steam Railway​


Olivia Cambridge flying DJI Matrice M30T drone

Drones have created unique footage of the Embsay and Bolton Abbey Steam Railway in action.

This is the first time that the Railway has been filmed from the air.

The broadcast-quality film is two minutes long and was shot earlier this year, when snow was on the ground in the Yorkshire Dales.

It provides a 360-degree view of the railway, including signal boxes, miles of track and sidings, and extensive engine sheds.

Networx3 UAV's drones were at the Railway carrying out detailed inspections of the engine sheds' roofs, in preparation for green energy company Squirrel Energy installing solar panels to help reduce skyrocketing electricity bills.

While on site, the drone pilot took the opportunity to make a short promotional video for the Railway.
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Embsay Steam Railway


Networx3 spent a few days at Embsay filming the Steam Trains and Platform

The drones that filmed the footage were provided by Networx3 UAV, whose newest drone pilot, Olivia Cambridge, created a short film showcasing the railway from the air.

The high-definition footage that the Matrice M30T and DJI Avata drones recorded includes a steam train at full speed and parked locomotives seen from one hundred feet in the air.

The drones then swoop to the roofs of three carriages being hauled by 78-year-old Hunslet no.2705 Beatrice.
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Embsay station

The drones move along the tops of the carriages and then film along the length of the train and fly backwards through the engine sheds.

Next, the drones move down the empty train track at the level of a locomotive driver, giving a driver's eye view as the loco pulls out of 135-year-old Embsay station

The 134-year-old Embsay and Bolton Abbey Steam Railway runs on a former route of the Midland Railway, and is run by a team of volunteers and a small number of paid staff.

It runs along 4.5 miles of track and hosts historic rolling stock including the 1887 Queen Victoria Saloon owned by Stately Trains.

It welcomes tens of thousands of visitors each year.

Drone pilot Olivia Cambridge said: “Networx3 UAV might be known for roof surveys, wind turbine inspections and safety work in gas pipelines but our drones can also film beautiful and atmospheric footage like this.

“Our video shows off the sights and sounds of this picturesque heritage railway and follows ex-colliery workhorse locomotive Beatrice through plumes of steam as she makes her way into the historic Embsay Station with its restored Victorian features.

“We're delighted that we've been able to capture the powerful magic of this majestic steam engine in all her glory.”
28th June 2023

Welsh Government commits to improve Wrexham-Bidston (Borderlands) line​


Transport for Wales Class 230

Lobby group Growth Track 360 has welcomed commitments to improve services on the Borderlands Line from Transport for Wales and the Welsh Government.

GT360 met with Lee Waters MS, Welsh Government Deputy Minister for Climate Change and senior managers of Transport for Wales (TfW), and secured promises of improvement.

Services on the line have been unreliable over recent times, with passengers experiencing a steady deterioration since last winter, resulting in services being suspended.

TfW removed trains from the Borderlands line as it redeployed Class 150 diesel locomotives to other parts of the Wales and Borders network.

The Class 150s were needed to stand in for Class 175 locos, which had to be withdrawn from service for repairs following several engine fires.
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Class 175 at Cardiff Central

Train services returned to the Borderlands line in April, using new Class 230 trains.

The new trains are refurbished London Underground stock, and are not yet running to time as they experience “teething” problems.

Growth Track 360 is a public-private partnership established in 2016, with the goal of cross-border transport connectivity with specific emphasis on rail.

It works with the Welsh Government, Transport for Wales, Liverpool City Region Combined Authority, Mersey Dee Alliance, Ambition North Wales, Transport for the North, and the private sector.

Growth Track 360 Chair and Leader of Cheshire West & Chester Council, Councillor Louise Gittins, said: “Growth Track 360's focus is to improve future rail services by seeking new investment in the rail infrastructure of North Wales, Cheshire and the Wirral. Local concerns about services on the Wrexham to Bidston Line required Growth Track 360 to make representations to the Welsh Government to improve the operation of existing services on the Borderlands Line. Poor service delivery and delays to the introduction of a long-promised half hourly service saw a steady erosion of passenger confidence in the service.

“The Minister, Lee Waters MS, Deputy Minister for Climate Change in the Welsh Government has responded. Along with the senior management of Transport for Wales, the train operator, he has apologised for poor services on the line and sponsored the development of an improvement plan.

“Credit is due to the Minister for his intervention and to the senior staff in Transport for Wales for entering into a constructive dialogue with local stakeholders to improve services. Growth Track 360 expects that the drivers, engineers and guards working the new Class230 trains are equally engaged in the process of improvement.

“The Borderlands Line has great potential to link three major employment zones and provide good access from Wrexham and Flintshire to Liverpool by public transport. The Minister, Transport for Wales and local stakeholders are all committed to work together to deliver reliable, improved services that will help drive passenger and economic growth.”
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Meeting for Members of Parliament from North Wales, West Cheshire and the Wirral in the House of Commons

Growth Track 360 Vice Chair and Leader of Flintshire Council, Councillor Ian Roberts, said: “I welcome the commitment of Transport for Wales to restore train services which run to time by:

• Resolving outstanding technical issues with the new Class 230 trains
• Dedicating the Class 230 fleet to the Borderlands Line
• Working with drivers, guards and maintenance staff to operate the new Class 230 stock to their full capability.

“When Transport for Wales have restored hourly trains that run on time, they will introduce a new, hourly limited stop service which, with the existing hourly service, will offer half hourly services and accommodate freight services on the Line.

Transport for Wales has also committed to improve:

• Information services for passengers
• The availability of ticket purchase options
• The management of Rail Replacement Bus Services, which they pledge to keep to a minimum, as they do not suit the line and the local road network.

“These commitments are a platform for restoring confidence in the ability of Transport for Wales to improve services in the future.”

Ashley Rogers, GT360 Business Representative, Chief Executive of the North Wales Mersey Dee Business Council, said: “Performance on the Borderlands Line measured by punctuality and cancellations significantly underperforms average performance for both Transport for Wales and the UK. The recognition that services have not been good enough enables close collaborative working between the Welsh Government, Transport for Wales and local stakeholders to improve services.
It is really encouraging to see that the Minister wishes to involve local stakeholders in monitoring progress on the line. Growth Track 360 has proposed performance measures and timescales for improvement and looks forward to working with the Minister to help deliver an improved Borderlands service for all passengers and our communities.”
28th June 2023

Steam locomotive 76077 to be paired with authentic BR2A tender​


Tender Wheels

Toddington Standard Locomotive Limited, which is restoring Standard Class 4 2-6-0 no. 76077, has announced that it will be coupled to a new BR2A tender of the type that it was coupled to during its working life on British Railways.

Four of the class including 76077 were rescued from Woodham's scrapyard in Barry, but 76077 lost its tender while at Barry to 76017, whose tender had been sold to Briton Ferry steelworks for conversion to a steel billet carrier.
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76077 at Barry in 1985

The intention was that as the restoration team didn't have the correct axles and roller-bearing axle-boxes for a BR2A tender, a larger BR1B tender would be constructed instead, as that was: a type used by the class on the Southern Region.

More importantly, suitable axles and axle-boxes had been sourced from a Class 40 diesel, which would have brought a significant cost saving compared with having manufacturing new BR2A-type axles and axle-boxes.

As discovered at the Bluebell Railway

However, last month, new wheelsets were purchased from the Bluebell Railway which had acquired them from Briton Ferry steelworks as potential spares for the BR2 tender behind the Bluebell's Standard class 4 4-6-0 no. 75027.

TSLL approached the last year with a view to acquiring them, which led the Bluebell to confirm that they were unlikely ever to use them and were happy to sell them to TSLL for an undisclosed sum.

They were inspected by TSLL Engineering Director Andrew Meredith and Chairman Chris Irving, who found them to be in generally good order despite being stored outside for some 40 years.

Checking the condition of the tyres

To meet the cost of acquisition, transport, and full refurbishment an appeal was launched to ‘buy a spoke' for £350 or half a spoke for £175, and that has already raised 75% of the required total.

Anyone wishing to donate to the appeal can find details of how to ‘sponsor a spoke' at

TSLL's marketing director Ian Crowder points out: “The discovery of these wheelsets at the Bluebell was a welcome but unexpected opportunity and immediately made construction of a BR2A tender affordable.”

Explains Andrew Meredith: “There remains plenty of wear on the tyres and we were still able to turn the axle-boxes by hand, even though the distinctive Timken covers are missing which allowed ingress of water. However, I suspect the bearings will need replacement.

“The agreement reached with the Bluebell Railway is of clear benefit to both organisations and we collected the wheelsets in early May. The tyres have since been re-profiled and the wheelsets delivered to LMS in Loughborough, where the axle boxes are now being removed for overhaul. The wheels and axles are being shot-blasted and painted ready for when they can be used in a new-build BR2A tender.”

Andrew Meredith points out that construction of the tender is likely to start after the locomotive returns to steam.

He says “The engine will initially run with a hired-in tender and I'm keen that this should be a BR1B – this means that the shareholders who were in favour of the larger tender will at least see their engine with one for a couple of years or so.”

Paul Russell, Locomotive Engineering Director of Bluebell Railway Plc commented “I am delighted that these wheelsets, which we acquired many years ago and are now unlikely ever to need, have found a good home and that we have been able to make a positive contribution to the restoration of 76077. I look forward to seeing 76077 enter service and I hope the locomotive will be able to visit the Bluebell one day.”

Ian Crowder added “This is a magnificent result and it was enthusiastically embraced by our shareholders. We are extremely fortunate and grateful to have so many supporters keen to see 76077 returned to steam as soon as possible and I think the generous response for construction of a BR2A tender – the type that was attached to the engine from the beginning – really speaks for itself.”
28th June 2023

TransPennine Express celebrates the world’s first locomotive works 200th anniversary

The rail operator has named one of its Nova 1 trains 'Diligence' in recognition of the works.​


‘Diligence' at Darlington Station

Wednesday the 28th of June has seen TransPennine Express celebrate the bicentenary of the world's first locomotive works.

The rail operator unveiled Nova 1 train 802208 with its new name, ‘Diligence' at Darlington Station, in order to mark the bicentenary of Robert Stephenson & Co.

Paul Staples, Fleet Director at TPE, said “Robert Stephenson counts amongst Great Britain's finest engineers of the 19th century.”

“It's an honour to pay homage to such a pioneer in our industry by naming one of our Nova 1 trains after one of his own iconic locomotives.”

In 1823, was established in Forth Street in Newcastle upon Tyne and became a renowned name in the manufacturing of locomotives and the very first of its kind, dedicated solely to building railway engines.

‘Diligence' unveiling at Darlington Station

The impressive Forth Street site had seen 3,000 locomotives built by 1899 when a new company was created, Robert Stephenson and Company Limited, which saw the opening of the Darlington works.

Paul added:“'Diligence' reminds us of where rail in the UK started, with our newly named Nova 1 now sharing a name with one of the first locomotives on the Stockton and Darlington railway.”

“It's wonderful to think that 200 years after the first Stephenson locomotives worked in the north east, our modern bi-mode trains – one of which is bearing the same name – are carrying tens of thousands of people each year in the same region.”

Donald Heath OBE, Robert Stephenson Trust Chair said:“It's an honour to have witnessed the unveiling of ‘Diligence' at Darlington Station.”

“The creation of Robert Stephenson & Co, and the opening of the ‘locomotive factory' in 1823 was a milestone, not just in Robert's career, but also in the development of railways worldwide.”

“Robert Stephenson played a key part in the history of our railways and it's great that we are still recognising the impact he had.”
28th June 2023

Inside The Train Shed

It was a lot cooler in the shed today, 20 °C. :)

Completed the permanent attachment of the baseboards! :yaay:

To celebrate, I put the lanterns on. :lol:

Now I have to get some paint.

Baseboards attached and 'decks' cleared
29th June 2023



July 3-8 travel advice update


Cardiff Central

Transport for Wales (TfW) is reminding passengers of the importance of checking for the latest travel information with industrial action set to take place at the beginning of July.

The train drivers’ union ASLEF has announced its members at 16 train operating companies (TOCs) - including Avanti, CrossCountry, Great Western Railway and West Midlands Trains, who all run services in/out of Wales – will not be working any overtime from Monday 3 July to Saturday 8 July inclusive.

TfW is not involved in the industrial action but some of its services are likely to be busier than usual due to the reduced timetable put in place by other operators.

Monday 3 July to Saturday 8 July inclusive

As a result of the overtime ban among ASLEF members at 16 train operating companies, timetables at those operators may be subject to amendments in advance or short-notice changes.

TfW services will run as timetabled, but services may be busier than usual due to the industrial action taking place at the operators, particularly on the routes below:
  • Carmarthen - Swansea - Bridgend - Cardiff Central - Newport - Severn Tunnel Junction
  • Gloucester - Cheltenham
  • North Wales - Chester - Crewe - Manchester
  • Shrewsbury - Birmingham International
For the latest travel information visit Journey Check, the Transport for Wales website, or the award-winning TfW mobile app.

29th June 2023

Branch Line Society “Ips Witch” rail tour to East Midlands Parkway​


GB Railfreight double-headed pair of Class 50s

An unusual rail tour titled the “Ips Witch” has been organised by the Branch Line Society from Ipswich to East Midlands Parkway to raise funds for the Alzheimer's Society, as part of this year's fund-raising efforts by GB Railfreight.

The tour is being run on Sunday, 30th July, and will feature the unusual sight of a double-headed pair of Class 50s, thanks to the Class 50 Alliance.

All accommodation will be in First Class Mk.2 coaches, with guests able to guarantee a table for two.

Highlights include Colchester Up Goods, Marks Tey UPL, Chelmsford DPL, Manor Park Up Avoiding, Up Channelsea Loop, and Peterborough Construction Arrival / Departures.
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GB Railfreight Class 50s 50049 “Defiance” and 50034 “Furious”

The train will have a Buffet Car serving a wide range of hot and cold drinks, snacks, and light refreshments.

During the journey, a charity raffle will be held, with all proceeds being donated to the Alzheimer's Society.

The tour's provisional route and timings are:

Ipswich P4 (PU 11.15) – Colchester P1 (PU 11.35) – Colchester Up Goods – Marks Tey UPL – Chelmsford DPL – Manor Park Up Avoiding – Stratford P10A (PU 12.45) – Up Channelsea Loop – Up & Dn Canonbury – Finsbury Park – Down Slow 2 – Dn Fast – Welwyn Garden City – Stevenage – Huntingdon – Dn Slow – Peterborough P5 (SD 16.00) – Construction Arrival / Departures – New England North – Helpston Jn – Manton Jn – Melton Mowbray – Syston North Jn – East Midlands Parkway P1 (SD 17.00)

Anyone intending to travel on the tour should note that this is a one-way excursion.
29th June 2023

New Vehicles for ETHNON RAIL :)

Phil and Bob were moaning that they haven't got enough road transport for their team.

So I have bought three more vehicles to save them from walking the great wilderness, that is currently the baseboard. :lol:

First off, I have purchased Bedford TK Personnel Carrier.

76TK011 Oxford Diecast 1:76 British Rail Bedford TK Personnel Carrier

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