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Reducing Light Pollution
Category: Environmental | Industry Affected: All Businesses-Mild
Proposed by: Minskiev | Onsite Topic
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.The World Assembly,
Observing that light pollution contributes to increased energy consumption, ecosystem disruption, astronomical interference, the night sky being “washed out”, and many more negative consequences, hereby:
- Creates, within WASP, the Department of Illumination Management (DIM), and tasks DIM with certifying outdoor artificial lights that:
- significantly (as determined by DIM) reduce glare (scattered, bright light), sky glow (light misdirected into the sky), and light spill (light extending beyond the light beam angle);
- use long-wavelength light with a color temperature at or below 3000 K instead of short-wavelength light with a color temperature above 3000 K;
- use light shields or light cutoffs (so that no light extends beyond 90 degrees from the center of the light beam and the light intensity between 80 and 90 degrees from the center of the light beam is no more than 10% of the light’s intensity at the center of the light beam) to concentrate light and prevent light spill;
- use systems, such as motion sensors or automatic on-off systems, that ensure that the light is only on when (generally or strictly depending on the system) necessary; and
- are only as bright as necessary.
- Mandates that governments and companies of member states must stop using, as soon as possible, outdoor artificial lighting that is not certified by DIM if that luminaire (lighting unit) is over 1,800 watts, and strongly recommends that individuals use DIM-certified lighting,
- Instructs member states to cut down on outdoor artificial lighting that pollutes excessively (so that lights emit only as much light as necessary for the intended purpose) or develop better, more environmentally-friendly alternatives wherever plausible, including but not limited to decorations, vehicles, lighthouses, and urban areas,
- Requires member states to factor in and reduce light pollution when developing land in urban or otherwise high-light-pollution areas to not produce light clutter (clustered, concentrated, and inefficient or poorly-planned outdoor lighting),
- Further tasks DIM with creating dark sky reserves, that shall be as free from light pollution as possible (which will be enforced by the member state of that dark sky reserve), from land with exceptional sky quality, natural darkness, and a periphery that preserves the dark sky of the core of the dark sky reserve,
- Defines, for Section 5, a "dark sky reserve" as land possessing a distinguished, high quality of a nocturnal environment and starry nights, that is specifically protected for its scientific, natural, educational, or cultural value, heritage, or public enjoyment, in the opinion of DIM and the member state of the dark sky reserve collectively.
- Directs member states to educate their populaces on light pollution, including the causes, effects, and solutions to light pollution,
- Allows member states to seek money from the WA General Fund only to purchase and install DIM-certified lighting, which the WAGF must give to that member state if the WAGF finds that the member state cannot afford DIM-certified lighting without severely hurting that member state's finances, and
- Strongly encourages individuals to do what they can to limit their energy consumption.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
For | Against | Abstain | Present |
1 | 13 | 0 | 1 |
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