Redrafting Telegram Templates!

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Election Commissioner
TNP Nation
An agenda for this term was to review our telegrams templates and to redraft or remake the ones that were out dated. The time has come to enter creativity mode and edit the templates that you feel need to be changed. Here are two that are required to be rewritten and you should take a look at first before continuing with the other templates.

1. We need a new template called "RMB Posters for Ministry of Media" as we have individuals ones for the old Minstry of Comms and the old Ministry of Radio. For inspiration here are the previous templates: Template 13: RMB Posters for Communications and Template 14: RMB Posters for Radio

2. Template 10: WA Endorsers for NPA needs updating considering TNP has had a change of alignment and this has been reinstituted.

Those are templates that are required to be updated and there are probably several more that need updating too. Therefore you should take a look here to find all templates used by MoHA. There might be information that's wrong or information that needs to be added to the templates, Or it could simply be that you can write a much better version of that template than the current one! Remember to charm and enchant your reader so they'll do exactly what the telegram says! That's what I call recruitment!

It can be good to communicate with the other staffers via the discord channel or by posting the name of the templates you're interested in reviewing/revamping here so we don't get several people working on the same template. Remember that this is not a competition about who can write the best so you won't need exceptional writing skills. Feel free to give feedback to other staffers's templates too!

Your favourite hamster,
I've made some minor changes to the first two whilst used bits and pieces from the radio and comms templates that I liked to create the Media template

New Foundlings for the forum

Hello there!

I noticed that you founded in our region. Congratulations! I hope you are enjoying NationStates and being in The North Pacific. You are lucky to have been founded in a region that gives you so many opportunities, but there is more that you could have access to.

The North Pacific has a forum, which is the best way to get involved in our region. On the forum you can apply for citizenship, join the North Pacific Army, join the Executive Staff of TNP, join The North Pacific Community Centre - A place for sharing knowledge, discussion and debate on a myriad of subjects within it's Divisions. If you are a NS card collector you can join the Cards Guild and you can also get involved in role-playing.
Citizenship will allow you to vote in the Regional Assembly, the legislative body of TNP and run for regional offices such as Delegate, Vice Delegate, Speaker of the Regional Assembly, and Court Justice.
Joining the NPA will allow you to go on missions to defend The North Pacific and our allies as well as act as TNP’s main military force.
Our ministries are always looking for new members to the Executive Staff and you can choose the ministries that you want to be involved in.
The TNP forum has a very active role-play department and you can do almost anything with your country while role-playing.

So why wait?

You can register and create a profile on the forum here:

While you are at it apply for citizenship here:

If you are interested, join the NPA here:

You can access the role-play section of our forum here:

You can enter the halls of The North Pacific University here :

You can join the Cards Guild here :

If you have any questions about anything, please contact me.

Thank you,

[Your Name]
Issue Answerers for RP


I hope you’re enjoying your time playing NationStates so far, and I’m happy you’ve chosen to reside in The North Pacific. You seem to really like answering issues to shape and change your nation, but did you know that there's another world of possibilities available to you when it comes to building your nation? I’d like to tell you about one of the most lively and engaging aspects of the region: TNP’s RP community!

The North Pacific has an active role-play department where players can interact with each other’s nations. In addition to claiming land on a world map, you can sign treaties, fight wars, exchange ambassadors, and build up the story and culture of your nation. In RP, you have the power to flesh out your nation in an endless number of ways.

TNP currently has two main RP groups, one which is held on the regional forum, called “Eras,” and one that takes place on The North Pacific’s RMB (Regional Message Board), called “Strangereal.” Both communities have their own unique traits and merits, so you might want to try out one or both of them to find the right fit for you!

To get started with Eras, the forum RP, you can easily create a forum profile and then post your map claim in this thread:

To place a claim in Strangereal, the RMB RP, you can read this dispatch and contact one of the cartography mods with your claim.

There are also a few smaller, but popular RP maps you can partake in. To find out more about all of the RP maps in TNP use this Index:
Regardless of which RP universe you end up in, I highly recommend you check out TNP’s official RP Discord server, which is an awesome place where you can engage with other RPers and learn all about how to get started with your own role-play:
If you have any questions or trouble joining the forums or Discord server, please let me know and I’ll be happy to help!
Thank you,
[Your Name]
RMB Posters for Ministry of Media
Hello there!

I’ve noticed that you are an active poster on our Regional Message Board, and I hope you find our region’s community engaging and welcoming. Our close knit community does not start and end on the regional message board, it goes much further. I’d like to reach out to you about an opportunity available to you to become an inspiring writer, journalist, host or recorder for our Ministry of Media!

The Ministry of Media has a bit for everyone. It writes all of TNP’s publications, (including Polaris and The Northern Lights) and takes care of The North Pacific’s own YouTube channel! 

As a Ministry, Media is at the crossroads of external and internal affairs, and thus serves the twofold purpose of informing and entertaining our citizenry in TNP, while also representing our region abroad through its writing and its YouTube videos.  The articles and recordings we publish are seen by thousands of NationStates players within TNP, within our allied regions, and within the NationStates community as a whole.

If you love writing but feel like you lack experience, then don’t worry! We have experienced staff on our team that will help you get settled in.

Join the forums here:
Apply for citizenship here:
Join Ministry of Media now by using this link:
And check out our YouTube channel:

If you have any questions about The Ministry of Media, joining our forums, or anything else, don’t hesitate to ask!
Looking forward to seeing you on the forums,
[Your Name]
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