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A Treaty on Time Travel
Category: Global Disarmament | Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Morover | Onsite Topic
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.The World Assembly,
Taking note that many nations have always been captivated by allure of time travel and that, to the best of this esteemed body’s knowledge, time travel has not yet been invented, nor have any provisions been put in place regulating this wonderful yet dangerous scientific practice,
Inferring, since there is no science currently proving time travel to be impossible, that for the time being, it should be assumed that it is possible and the practice may be discovered in the near or distant future,
Mindful that, upon the innovation of such a practice, events involving it will likely begin occurring at such a rapid pace that international protocols will not be able to be made quickly enough to adequately address the event, and attempting to ensure that this Assembly is adequately equipped for such an event to occur,
Enacts the following provisions into World Assembly law:
- The Time Enforcement and Mishap Prevention Office (TEMPO) is established, and charged with handling all matters relating to Time Travel within the World Assembly.
- In the event that any technological advancement or technique is developed, discovered, or otherwise obtained by a member of the World Assembly, they are required to inform TEMPO of the practice, as well as provide the information required to perform the act. TEMPO should document this information and keep an up-to-date record of all methods of time travel presently accessible and available. Under no circumstances will TEMPO facilitate in the exchange of this information, and it shall only be used for purposes within the committee. Further, it is incredibly strongly recommended that nations cease efforts to invent or otherwise discover time travel or similar technologies.
- Should any techniques of time travel ever exist that allow travel back to the time of this resolution passing, TEMPO should send a representative back in time to the World Assembly chambers, to inform the organization of the existence of time travel and how to utilize it. They should also detail additional rules that may be required to govern such a practice and provide detailed failsafes for the same. TEMPO may, upon their discretion, choose to not send a representative back if doing so would cause a paradox or similar situation.
- Performing time travel on the premises of any territory owned by the World Assembly is not permitted unless one or more of the following applies:
- The traveler is a member of TEMPO working on official World Assembly business;
- The traveler submitted an application to TEMPO for this instance, and the request has been approved by the organization - requests should only be approved if it is deemed to be a necessity to uphold the timeline, and it creates comparatively fewer and less severe paradoxes or other similar situations;
- The traveler is on a mission absolutely necessary to preserve the timeline that was urgent and could not await proper approval by TEMPO.
- The deliberate and intentional meddling in historical events by any World Assembly member-nation through the creation or sending of any liaisons through time is strictly prohibited. The flow of time should go on as it always has, and every effort possible within the World Assembly’s jurisdiction should be made to prevent history from being changed.
- The intentional creation of reality-altering paradoxes through the use of time travel is outlawed, and perpetrators will be prosecuted to the highest extent of the time-authorities. All hail the time-overlords.
- The use of time travel in order to subvert the governing rules, practices or resolutions enacted by the World Assembly, past, present or future is not permissible.
- In the case that the actions of a time traveler result in the creation of a separate timeline, alternate dimension, calamity of the highest degree, or the inadvertent execution of a significant historical figure, the traveler in question is obliged to inform TEMPO immediately of such so that remedial actions may be taken.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
For | Against | Abstain | Present |
3 | 12 | 2 | 2 |
"A Treaty on Time Travel" was defeated 3,602 votes (22.6%) to 12,306 (77.4%).
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