[SC - DEFEATED] Liberate Ukraine

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Boston Castle

Liberate Ukraine
Category: Liberation | Target: Ukraine
Proposed by: United Terinova | Onsite Topic

The Security Council,

about the situation developing in Ukraine,

ASSERTING that the sovereignty of Ukraine should be solidified by this august body,

ASSURING those in Ukraine that no incursion by invaders will lead to their destruction,

SEEKING to take preventative action with this pre-emptive liberation resolution,

WISHING our Ukrainian brothers and sisters safety and security in all facets,

Hereby Liberates Ukraine.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

“Liberate Ukraine” has been defeated 2,468 votes (17.1%) to 11,982 (82.9%).
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Liberate Ukraine aims to protect the region of Ukraine and preserve their independence by means of a preemptive liberation. The justification is to assure the residents of Ukraine that if this resolution passes, their sovereignty will not be abridged.

It is highly likely that an invasion of Ukraine on NationStates will never occur due to the executive founder of that region still existing. Thus, we can only deduce that this resolution is but a thinly veiled reference to the threatened real-life invasion of Ukraine by Russia. However, oblique references to a bleeding-heart humanitarianism are almost certainly not in play. This submission is just a ploy to delay "Liberate the Mystical Council" proceeding to vote, a liberation of a region under an active threat of destruction from raiders, one of whom is the author who is an RO in the region under threat. When an author abuses the tensions and events of the real world for nothing more than in-game profit, we find it a disgusting tactic and a revolting abuse of legitimate World Assembly mechanisms. Some may call our stance moralism, but we can assure the wider community that the false veneer of this resolution fooled no one.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against the Security Council Resolution at vote, "Liberate Ukraine".

This IFV Recommendation was written in collaboration with our World Assembly Legislative League partners.

Our Voting Recommendation Dispatch--Please Upvote!
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Even if you ignore the fact that it's capitalising on an IRL crisis there is also the fact that it is outright queue stuffing to block the Liberation of The Mystical Council from passing before raiders destroy the region. Hard against (non-WA).

Physical intervention in Ukraine is more likely to escalate tensions with Russia more than provide true independence for the Ukrainian people in any meaningful form. A proxy war has long existed and Russia is looking to flex its muscles wherever it can. It is irresponsible and unwise to intervene in Ukraine and doing so may well legitimize Russia's claim over Ukraine to a greater extent in their eyes.
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