[SC - DEFEATED] Commend Kyorgia

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Greater Cesnica

TNP Nation
Greater Nabeul

Commend Kyorgia
Category: Commendation | Target: Kyorgia
Proposed by: Minskiev | Onsite Topic

The Security Council,

Knowing that Kyorgia has contributed massively to NationStates through its military prowess and distinguished regional services; and certain that such colossal contributions should not go unnoticed by this council,

Applauding Kyorgia's commitment to the Rejected Realms (TRR), serving an impressive seven terms as Officer (Minister) at various points between November 2014 and April 2020, and in that time fostering Reject culture by hosting events such as Wisdom of the Crowds where delegations participated in a competition surrounding the theory that the median of many guesses is more accurate than one guess,

Thrilled that, in Kyorgia’s December 2015 to April 2016 term as Outreach Officer of TRR (the Officer responsible for increasing the Delegate’s endorsement count), Kyorgia showcased its immense talent with communicating between the region and its member states and increasing its region’s influence in the world stage through endorsement campaigns; TRR Delegate Libetarian Republics saw a 90% increase from its endorsement count at the beginning of Kyorgia’s term and from the endorsement count of the Delegate before (from 111 to 211),

Praising Kyorgia's 212-day term as World Assembly Delegate of TRR from May to December 2019, where it:

  • solidified TRR's relationship with the North Pacific (TNP) by signing the Unicorn Star Treaty between the two parties, thereby allying itself with a powerful region and a robust military power, keeping TRR secure;
  • oversaw the Epic Gamer Party alongside Officers Dead I Jack and A Leaf on the Wind, a joint cultural event between TRR and TNP, conducting a week of contests and games for nations to participate in and strengthening the cultural ties between the regions; and
  • showed support for the government of The East Pacific during the coup by Fedele, publishing statements, criticism, news articles, and foreign affairs preparation months before the coup and ultimately influencing the deployment of the Rejected Realms Army (RRA, TRR-affiliated military) to support the original (and widely believed to be the legitimate) government.
Acknowledging that Kyorgia (through the puppet state Arastaoir) served two terms as Statsminister of Balder in 2015, ensuring stability during a tumultuous transitional period following the resignation of its predecessors by managing the region's day to day affairs and keeping the government in check, improving communication between residents and officials via Balder's Regional Message Board and telegrams, and government approval polls, thereby improving the government's outreach to its regional nations and helping make Balder more inclusive,

Pleased that Kyorgia, with the puppet Congratulations On Being Featured since 2015, has supplied constant encouragement from its Foreign Office to the governments of small and upcoming regions and documented globally featured regions,

Inspired by Kyorgia's rich, 7-year military history and dedication to military affairs; seeing such an industrious military powerhouse, nefarious raiders mind-controlled the Kyorgian top brass (one possible suspect is known only as "E-girl serum") into participating in the invader sphere; among these invader organizations is the colorful Canterlot which Kyorgia unwillingly co-founded, intent on "spreading the colors of the rainbow and cartoon ponies across the world" through the abhorrent occupation of innocent regions and the heinous subjugation of native nations.

During Kyorgia's darkest hour, however, it saw the warm, bright light of defending; looking with disgust upon the suffering the unchecked wrath of evil brings, Kyorgia turned its back on invaders in 2017 when it was needed most by them and converted into a full-time diligent member of the RRA in 2020, further showing its dedication to TRR and its ideals. Its military (referred to as E-girls are ruining my life) has sieged the occupations of notable regions such as Boston, South Pacific, and Christmas,

Holding that any nation with accomplishments of such a wide range and grand scale deserves Security Council recognition,

Hereby commends Kyorgia.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

"Commend Kyorgia" was defeated 11,837 (82.2%) to 2,578 votes (17.8%).
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This proposal seeks to commend Kyorgia for a variety of exploits. The author highlights their involvement in the Rejected Realms’ government in promoting regional culture and security plus their service to TRR’s foreign affairs as well as their involvement in military gameplay first as a raider and then as a defender. This commend also highlights Kyorgia’s ownership of Congratulations on Being Featured, a nation that congratulates the featured region every day, and their tenure(s) as Statsminister of Balder.

The clauses the author included about the Rejected Realms highlighting the nominee’s promoting TRR’s regional security, putting on grand cultural events, and their adept skill as a diplomat at the highlight of this resolution. However, the rest of the resolution goes from bad to worse. It expounds on what were very short tenures as Statsminister of Balder that seem not to have been that notable. It highlights a transition awkwardly in ways that are, frankly, moralist in nature, not highlighting the accomplishments of Kyorgia’s tenure in military gameplay and instead highlighting their “s[eeing] the bright light of defending”. Additionally, we can applaud the longevity of their exploits in following the featured region, but it is still a subpar link in a resolution full of shoddy linkages for a commendation. We respect the nominee’s contributions, but we do not believe they are as yet a worthy target for a commend.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against the Security Council Resolution at vote, “Commend Kyorgia”.

Our Voting Recommendation Dispatch--Please Upvote!
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Present. I tend to avoid voting when I am unfamiliar with the subject in this case the history of The Rejected Realms. I changed this reply at Tinhampton's request.
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As much as I find Kyorgia a generally pleasant person to be around, I'm not entirely convinced they are commendable based on this draft. The TRR WAD stuff is easily the most commendable part and the defending (shocker, Hulldom leans slightly defender) as well. Against.
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Against. This resolution does not make the case at all that Kyorgia is commendable (and I'm not convinced that they are).
Forgot to note this last night, but this proposal has received the necessary approvals to enter the formal queue. Barring it being withdrawn or marked illegal, this proposal will proceed to a vote in approximately 40 minutes at Minor Update.
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