[SC - PASSED] Repeal: "Condemn Jakker"

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Winter Kingdom
TNP Nation
Boston Castle

Repeal: "Condemn Jakker"
Category: Repeal | Target: SC #112
Proposed by: Dakota| Onsite Topic
Replacement: None​

Security Council Resolution #112 “Condemn Jakker” shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

The Security Council,

Acknowledging the existence of SCR#112 "Condemn Jakker", a resolution which denounced the actions of a longtime member of The Black Hawks for sowing chaos all over the world through numerous invasions,

Noting however that on January 27 2022, The Black Hawks, committed to protecting their own members from harm, banished Jakker from the region and removed all privileges the nation held. Jakker would cease to exist within 48 hours of this impromptu exile, wiped out with their leader prevented from founding another nation ever again,

Believing that with Jakker now having ceased to exist, they no longer remain "a threat to world-wide peace and sovereignty of many regions" as claimed by SCR#112,

Regretting even the necessity of this resolution in the first place,

Hereby repeals SCR#112 "Condemn Jakker".
Note: This is an internal discussion on a [Last Call] or equivalent draft proposal currently on the NS forums, in order to establish an internal opinion prior to submission. Should the proposal be altered, its text in this thread will be a modified and an appropriate notice will be posted.

Internal Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

"Repeal: 'Condemn Jakker'" was passed 15,298 votes (93.1%) to 1,131 (6.9%).
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This proposal seeks to repeal the condemnation of Jakker following their disgracement from the international community.

In this case, the fewer words the better. While we are not privy to Jakker's actions which got them disgraced, we know that they were under circumstances that shocked the multiverse. That their own community rejected them ignominiously prior to their disgracing merely confirms our instinct: this is a nation that is not worthy of anything other than our eternal ire, but they are not worthy of the wider recognition that the Security Council grants.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the Security Council Resolution at vote, "Repeal: 'Condemn Jakker'".

Our Voting Recommendation Dispatch--Please Upvote!
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This proposal has received the necessary approvals to enter the formal queue. Barring it being withdrawn or marked illegal, it will proceed to a vote in approximately 78 minutes at Minor Update.
"Repeal: 'Condemn Jakker'" was passed 15,298 votes (93.1%) to 1,131 (6.9%). This is author Dakota (Salem)'s 2nd Security Council Resolution authored.
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