[SC - DEFEATED] Declaration On China

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Greater Cesnica

TNP Nation
Greater Nabeul

Declaration On China
Category: Declaration | Type: Declare
Proposed by: Tinhampton | Onsite Topic


BELIEVING that, while the day-long occupation and subsequent liberation of China in December 2021 were mentioned in SC#379 "Reflections on 2021," this body should more prominently document those events as to educate present and future generations;

AWARE that China is a medium-sized region experiencing founderlessness which is therefore currently overseen by WA Delegate and State Councillor The Representative of Zhong-guo, a well-regarded resident endorsed by five natives which has never sought to do any harm to their region or its reputation;

NOTING that on the 19th of December 2021, The United Socialist States of Commie Raider Lesbians (CRL; a vassal state of Aleena Connolly/Wascoitan) seized the Delegacy of China for no good reason on behalf of an imposing coalition of raider and Independent organisations, defeating those from China and elsewhere who sought to defend native rule by just 37 endorsements to 33;

RECALLING that over the next 12 hours, CRL had accrued a handy 80 endorsements or so while Zhong-guo had received about 70: levels of support for the native administration that would no doubt have been much higher had the raider delegate, in the minutes before their stranglehold on power was confirmed, not banned eleven defenders from other regions who were endorsing the native incumbent;

INSPIRED by how, rather than betray or forget about their homeland, Zhong-guo persevered and calmly co-operated with China's allies on how best to take back control of their region, eventually moving to the international defender headquarters of Artificial Solar System after 21 hours to earn more allied endorsements;

THANKFUL that, while supporters of CRL failed to add to their hundred-strong occupying force as they tried to hang onto power, Zhong-guo attained an impressive 116 endorsements to return to the Delegacy that was rightfully theirs exactly a day after losing it, swiftly reversing the damage that their region had suffered and expelling every single nation that had assisted the CRL regime (including CRL themselves);

AFFIRMING that the diversity of this liberating force, rapidly organised and yet one of the largest of all time, as well as the single largest of 2021 - with participants varying from tenured leaders to nations that had never defended before - was key to restoring native rule in China and should serve as a model in how to build successful military coalitions;

RECOGNISING, in addition, that the endorsements Zhong-guo won on the 19th and 20th of December 2021 - all of them deeply and equally valuable in helping to preserve China's sovereignty - came from nations which moved into the region at very short notice, in contrast to the fairly constant stream of pilers that propped up CRL; and

CONVINCED that this body ought to recognise the acts of those who came to China's aid in its greatest crisis, as well as of those who sought to bring about its downfall, as one of the largest and most memorable examples of international conflict, challenge, and (ultimately) constructive collaboration:

  1. DECLARES that the recent invasion and liberation of China is deserving of study by raiders, defenders and natives alike (more so than many other military operations), given the many valuable lessons about tactics, strategy, resilience and fortune that it teaches;
  2. EXPRESSES its belief that the kind of diligent ingenuity observed in China should be widely and effectively imitated in the service of a sensible-minded international order; and
  3. WISHES the best of luck to The Representative of Zhong-guo and the other natives of China in their ongoing efforts to strengthen and rebuild their home.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

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This proposal is a declaration for the historical record of the raid on China. The author recounts the facts of the invasion before (1) exhorting gameplayers to study the effort and (2) wishing the natives of China well on their re-founding.

It goes without saying that we oppose this resolution. Not as a matter of pro-raider sentiment, but because of the timing of this proposal. Had it been submitted in the immediate aftermath of the invasion, it might be worth our consideration, but its overshadowing currently by the occupation of A Liberal Haven cannot be ignored. R/D is a constantly shifting world, to paraphrase the words of Lily, and when the game changes to the point that an operation loses its relevance in history as severely as that of China, we ought not recognize it.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against the Security Council Resolution at vote, "Declaration on China".

Our Voting Recommendation Dispatch--Please Upvote!
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This proposal has received the requisite approvals to enter the formal queue. Barring it being withdrawn or marked illegal, it will proceed to a vote at Sunday's Minor Update.
For all of WALL's insistence that A Liberal Haven has led us "to the point that an operation loses its relevance in history as severely as that of China, [thus] we ought not recognize it"...

16 minutes ago: Got the munchies real bad man voted for the World Assembly Resolution "Declaration on China".
For all of WALL's insistence that A Liberal Haven has led us "to the point that an operation loses its relevance in history as severely as that of China, [thus] we ought not recognize it"...

16 minutes ago: Got the munchies real bad man voted for the World Assembly Resolution "Declaration on China".
This doesn't make the point less valid lol

Against (non-WA), just a late news article.
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