[GA - PASSED] LEO Force Restrictions

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Greater Cesnica

TNP Nation
Greater Nabeul

LEO Force Restrictions
Category: Civil Rights | Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Tinhampton, Co-authored by: Greater Cesnica, Sanctaria | Onsite Topic

Concerned that there currently exists no universal standard to regulate the use of force by law enforcement officers on duty in member states,

Recognising that no sapient right can be fully realised without the right to life, which is often infringed upon as a result of the excessive use of force by such officers, and

Believing that the introduction of such a standard will help protect individuals of all backgrounds (including members of vulnerable or historically marginalised groups) from unwarranted police brutality...

The General Assembly hereby:
  • defines, for the purposes of this resolution:
    • a "LEO" (law enforcement officer) as a person employed by law enforcement in a member state in the course of their employment as such, and
    • the use of "excessive force" by a LEO against a person as the use by that LEO of significantly more force than is necessary in the situation to restrain and subsequently detain that person,
  • orders all entities that employ LEOs to:
    • ensure, through education and in practice, that their LEOs do not use force against suspected criminals or any other person when the use of less forceful measures has not been ruled out (whether on the scene or in retrospect),
    • educate their LEOs on when the use of force constitutes excessive force, as well as on when the use of those items described in Article c(ii) is appropriate, and
    • regularly review incidents where the use of force was exercised by LEOs to ensure that such use did not constitute the use of excessive force,
  • mandates that LEOs:
    • not use excessive force against any person,
    • carry, in addition to any other class of weapon or item they are permitted by the nation they work in to carry, less-than-lethal items intended to help restrain or detain suspected criminals (such as batons, irritant spray and tasers) to that effect, and
    • wear body-worn cameras linked to any official vehicles they may be associated with which automatically turn on when those vehicles' lights or sirens activate; those cameras must neither be turned off unless their recording capacity is fully utilised nor have any of their recordings deleted unless they have been backed up in a secure third location,
  • requires that LEOs:
    • avoid causing death or life-changing injury to any person unless the life or bodily sovereignty of any person (including the LEO in question) is, or likely would be, placed in immediate danger by that person, and
    • ensure that people they have harmed under Article d(i) receive any basic first aid necessary for their survival,
  • compels member states to criminalise the use of force by LEOs that contradicts Articles b to d, and to punish any entities that continue to employ LEOs that have administered force in contradiction of such Articles, and
  • strongly recommends that entities that employ LEOs ensure that they are accompanied by at least one other LEO when on duty.

Co-authors: Greater Cesnica, Sanctaria
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

"LEO Force Restrictions" has passed by a vote of 11,403 (75.8%) to 3,631 (24.2%).
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This proposal seeks to place limits on the activities of law enforcement officers. Specifically, it seeks to limit the use of excessive force by officers and provide for the monitoring of officers-both to facilitate investigation should excessive force be used and to ensure that excessive force be used. The authors also compel member states to mandate that officers convicted of using excessive force be fired from their jobs as LEOs in member states.

These measures can only be described as "common-sense". We have no objections to the content of this resolution or the measures proposed therein. Additionally, we applaud the authors for their inclusion of clauses (e) and (f), (e) for its understanding of the second half of the adage about "one rotten apple spoiling the rest of the bunch", and (f) for its protection of LEOs in a subtle way that enhances the protections afforded the citizens of member states in this resolution.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the General Assembly Resolution at vote, "LEO Force Restrictions".

Our Voting Recommendation Dispatch--Please Upvote!
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I don't really have anything against this resolution because it really is recommending nothing that a reasonably trained Police/Paramilitary force would not do.

The really annoying use of the word "sapient life" is actually hurting the cause - Tinhampton, am looking forward to your argument otherwise. It's bad for two reasons: (1) there's hardly any legislation that defines this term properly, even in England and Wales (and I understand you live in England) and the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Act 2021 for example defines "sentience" not "sapient" (2) sapient would imply "mentally sound" (under say OED) which basically hurts the case against the mentally disabled. Please check the OED, and, for that matter, no, the Cambridge dictionary does not count.
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This proposal has received the necessary approvals to enter the formal queue. Barring it being withdrawn or marked illegal, it will proceed to a vote at Friday’s Major Update.
The liberation of the working class is the job of the worker alone. If fear for oppression exists then there's nothing legislation within the WA could do to stop it, shy of foreign invasion at least.
If you, the hypothetical minority, have nothing to lose then why not organise and fight for your freedom? I fear this legislation would be no more than just symbolic and for that reason the Comrades' Assembly votes Against.
"LEO Force Restrictions" has passed by a vote of 11,403 (75.8%) to 3,631 (24.2%). This is author @Tinhampton's 12th General Assembly Resolution passed (8th as submitting author) and co-authors Sanctaria's 7th and @Greater Cesnica's 9th.
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