[SC - PASSED] Reflections On 2021

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Greater Cesnica

TNP Nation
Greater Nabeul

Reflections On 2021
Category: Declaration | Type: Declare
Proposed by: Andusre, Co-authored by: The United Peoples of Centrism | Onsite Topic

The Security Council,

Wishing to reflect on the previous year to highlight, document and opine on its most prominent events;

Joyfully welcoming the inception of the Partnership for Sovereignty - a Security Council voting bloc committed to defending regional sovereignty and the rights of natives - in January and congratulating the bloc on its expansion to include 9 like-minded regions by the end of the year;

Fascinated by The North Pacific’s Cards Symposium in February which not only brought the leaders of prominent nations in the international artwork trade to give 4 Question and Answer sessions and 1 lecture to other leaders aspiring to trade their nations' artwork, but also organised the Card Awards to recognise nations that have left a significant impact in the artwork trade, for better or worse;

Frowning at the destruction of the inter-regional communication hub in The Embassy by a group of invaders and appreciative of the successful efforts to restore it, allowing the region and the world at large to recover from much of the damage inflicted by the raiders;

Meaning to express its admiration for the NationStates General Exhibition in March, which included a diverse array of events on topics such as international artwork collecting, leadership of military organisations, the Security Council and more Question and Answer sessions with assorted leaders of prominent nations, thus giving representation to a wide number of communities and information to new nations wishing to learn more;

Acclaiming the rise of Farnhamia to be rated best nation in the world in April after thousands of nations globally were consulted on the issue;

Marveling at the legendary force of 115 World Assembly nations that came together from all over the world, in a display of unbreakable anti-fascist unity, to destroy the fascist and highly antagonistic region Genua in May;

Jarred by the diplomatically-explosive debacle between the United Regions Alliance (URA), The North Pacific, The West Pacific and The Pacific and the Union of Force in June over the refounding of The Socialist Syndicalist Union, catalysing the end of the Consortium project;

Jovial over the invention of the Patriotism and Food Quality scales by the World Census, giving nations a new way to define and distinguish themselves in culinary and patriotic ways;

Jubilated by the invention of Declarations, giving this body the ability to express opinions and detail events in a non-binding fashion and introducing the newest Security Council resolution category since the advent of Liberations in 2009;

Amazed by the eclipsing of Koem Kab, which has hosted the most valuable gallery of international artwork for years, by Giovanniland and Mikeswill in August;

Showing great, yet confused, appreciation for the inexplicable population spike in September, which brought many regions a much-needed injection of energy following months of stagnation and decline;

Observant of The West Pacific’s Purgelympics in October, seeing the feeder region eject over two-thirds of its nations and temporarily bringing its population from over 6,500 to less than 2,000;

Offering its congratulations to Ko-oren for winning the World Cup 89 - the nation's first ever victory in such an international sporting event;

Needing an explanation of why a second mysterious population spike graced the world in November, yet still positively welcoming of the new nations and the growth they have brought;

Determined to recognise the service of One Small Island, which became the longest-serving World Assembly Delegate of a Warzone of all time in December;

Delighted by the liberation of China from invaders by a record-breaking 122 nations from across the world, breaking yet another all-time record of updaters this year;

However noting that these recollections are only up-to-date as of the time of passage and thus may not be reflective of the opinions of the future on these topics;

Hereby declares that:

2021, though a year which brought many challenges and misfortunes, overall has been a positive year of growth, stability and inter-regional peace; and

The world enters 2022 with ample reason for optimism and hope.

Co-author: The United Peoples of Centrism
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

“Reflections on 2021” has passed 9,406 votes (68.5%) to 4,318 (31.5%).
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This proposal recounts the events of 2021 across NationStates. The authors pay attention specifically to events in military and political gameplay, while also mentioning events in the international artwork, national statistics, and NationStates sports community.

There are several deficiencies with this resolution. For instance, the lack of mention of the World Assembly at all beyond the mention of the introduction of Declarations. Be it important resolutions to gameplay like the repeal of SCR#268, the appointment of a new member to the GA Secretariat, or the passage of important resolutions like "Death Penalty Ban", this resolution fails to mention arguably the most important body in international affairs. It could also do more, as several pointed out, to appraise roleplay communities and other regionally politically salient happenings.

That being said though, we are amenable to the goals of this resolution and believe that, for its faults, it is an upstanding summation of the year's events. We can begrduge its lack of appraisal for some events without rendering its non-appraisal as disqualifying.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the Security Council Resolution at vote, "Reflections on 2021".

Our Voting Recommendation Dispatch--Please Upvote!
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This proposal has received the requisite approvals to enter the formal queue. Barring it being withdrawn or marked illegal, it will proceed to a vote in three hours and sixteen minutes at Major Update.
For. Not mentioning that bleeding heart woke catastrophe that is the death penalty ban seems to me to be positive.

This misses a lot of important events including ones that TNP was involved in (eg. quorum raiding in January, N-Day, Z-Day, etc.).

This misses a lot of important events including ones that TNP was involved in (eg. quorum raiding in January, N-Day, Z-Day, etc.).
Do you want this to happen?

After Valentine Z, Raziel is possibly THE most deserving nation of a Commendation. Your opposition of Reflections on 2021 - which is "Determined to recognise the service of One Small Island, which became the longest-serving World Assembly Delegate of a Warzone of all time in December" - may jeopardise further celebration that is currently being drafted by Noble Titans and Morover. It may also put formal recognition of worthy nations and regions such as Ko-oren, Giovanniland, and even The North Pacific itself at risk.
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This misses a lot of important events including ones that TNP was involved in (eg. quorum raiding in January, N-Day, Z-Day, etc.).
Can we just pass a resolution commending how The North Pacific is Great Again in 2021 and will be even more GREAT AGAIN in 2022?
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“Reflections on 2021” has passed 9,406 votes (68.5%) to 4,318 (31.5%). This is author Andusre’s 3rd Security Council Resolution.
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