[GA - PASSED] Homelessness Mitigation and Protection Act

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Winter Kingdom
TNP Nation
Boston Castle

Homelessness Mitigation and Protection Act
Category: Social Justice | Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Xernon, Co-authored by: Hulldom and Maowi | Onsite Topic

The General Assembly,
Acknowledging the negative impact of homelessness on the health, social, and economic indicators of member nations, and
Believing that additional solutions are necessary for combatting homelessness,
Hereby enacts the following:
  1. For the purposes of this resolution:
    1. ''homelessness" refers to the lack of reliable access to physical housing and consistent housing amenities. This includes living on the streets, in temporary shelters and boarding houses, or with friends and relatives intermittently, and excludes those independently pursuing nomadic life-styles.
    2. "housing status" refers to whether an inhabitant is homeless or not.
  2. The Institute of Global Homelessness (IGH) is established and shall be responsible for:
    1. Collecting annual data from member nations pertaining to: the population of homeless inhabitants, measures taken by member nations to prevent homelessness, and the efficacy of those measures.
    2. Collaborating with member nations to establish annual homeless population reduction milestones, also referred to as homelessness reduction milestones, taking into account each member nation's resources and fiscal status.
    3. Researching innovative strategies in home construction, land use planning, and urban development to maximize affordable housing.
    4. Employing volunteer based efforts to construct permanent housing for homeless inhabitants in low resource member nations.
  3. Member nations must establish local housing agencies tasked with providing homeless inhabitants or inhabitants at risk of homelessness with housing resources and case management services.
  4. Member nations shall guarantee all inhabitants, regardless of housing status, the right to:
    1. Access and use spaces designated for public use, including public parks, sidewalks, libraries, and transportation, within their normal hours of operation and for their designated purpose. Cases where an inhabitant poses a clear and present danger to the safety of those around them shall be an exception to this clause.
    2. Register for and receive government documents and services.
  5. Member nations shall enact laws that prohibit discrimination in employment and employment-related decisions based on housing status. This excludes assessing an employee or candidate's geographic location when making employment-related decisions.
  6. Member nations must provide inhabitants experiencing homelessness with access to the following services:
    1. Emergency and preventative healthcare.
    2. Food assistance either directly via food vouchers or in collaboration with local food banks.
    3. Vocational training and job finding assistance.
  7. Member nations shall endeavor to achieve their homelessness reduction milestones. As part of this, member nations must:
    1. Create systems of welfare to assist low-income homeless inhabitants or inhabitants at risk of homelessness with security deposits, rent and utility payments, and housing search services.
    2. Establish nationally-based systems extending to local governments dedicated to the distribution of resources for the development of affordable housing.
    3. Implement permanent housing accommodations for the disabled and inhabitants with chronic health conditions who may be at an increased risk of homelessness. Such accommodations shall not be segregated from other residential communities nor shall they be considered an inheritable entitlement. Inhabitants retain their right to free movement.
    4. Create a homelessness strategy that targets youth populations experiencing child abuse, domestic violence, or parental substance use that may lead to youth homelessness.
    5. Facilitate full and free access to education for homeless children by providing them with the transportation and resources necessary to attend school.
    6. Enact laws that protect inhabitants from the loss of their residential property without legal justification or fair compensation. For purposes of this resolution, legal justification refers to foreclosure or seizure due to criminal or civil misconduct in accordance with the laws of member nations.
    7. Equip night shelters, whose primary function is to eliminate the challenges attributed to health risks and diseases encountered by lack of sleep or sanitary places to sleep, with security cameras, bathrooms, and heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems.
  8. The WA General Accounting Office (GAO) shall allocate and provide funds at the request of any member nation for the purposes of complying with this legislation, so long as the recipient member nation:
    1. Uses the funds exclusively to fulfill the mandates of this legislation, and
    2. Is deemed to be a low resource nation, or
    3. Is suffering from an economic downturn that renders it unable to achieve its homelessness reduction milestones.
Co-authored by Hulldom and Maowi.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

"Homelessness Mitigation and Protection Act" has passed 13,104 votes (86.4%) to 2,058 (13.6%).
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The resolution "Homelessness Mitigation And Protections Act" by Xernon with co-authors Boston Castle and Maowi aims to reduce homelessness and its impacts by using data-driven initiatives to reduce homelessness in member states. The resolution would implement programs to reduce the impact of homelessness, including by building new homeless shelters and housing resources. It would also provide citizens of member states with legal protection against losing their home without cause.

Homelessness is all too often an issue that is hidden from the public eye. Homelessness is a chronic issue that plagues the world and destroys lives and livelihoods. This resolution acknowledges this, and provides for a multi-pronged approach to combat homelessness. It aims to mitigate the impact on the lives of those who are homeless by creating support infrastructure for them, as well as providing them with the means to get a place to live again. It also aims to reduce the causes of homelessness itself by providing legal protections against unjustified eviction or forfeiture.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote FOR the General Assembly Resolution at vote, "Homelessness Mitigation And Protections Act".

Our Voting Recommendation Dispatch--Please Upvote!
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Addressing yet another noble cause. For.
Even though I'm the co-author, I want to address what the extent of my contribution was: I assisted Xernon with editing and cutting this when it was still being privately drafted. I didn't help with the content or anything.

That being said, I'm not convinced this is an international issue really. Against [Non-WA].
Against. This is establishing an expensive welfare system which I am against in principle.
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"Homelessness Mitigation and Protection Act" has passed 13,104 votes (86.4%) to 2,058 (13.6%). This is author Xernon's 1st authored General Assembly Resolution and co-authors Hulldom's 7th (1st co-authorship) and Maowi's 9th (2nd co-authorship).
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