The Yeran Bureau of Anomalies - B’aswâƛar Yeśer


B'aswâƛar Yeśer (B'Y)
(pronounced: [bʱazwaːt͡ɬaʁ jəʒəʁ] or "bhazwatlarr yuhzhuhrr")

Mission Statement
It is an undeniable fact that there are certain events, entities, and items on the planet Eras that are wholly or partially inexplicable by the processes and philosophies of modern natural science. The names and explanations for these anomalous things are varied, be they witchcraft, divine miracles, sorcery, science that humans simply don't understand, or, to some, complete fabrications. Regardless, we interact with them, some on almost a daily basis. In the Stan Yera, a land and people whose ties to the real and natural have always been looser than most, this is more true than most. Thus it is with these premises in mind that Sfan K'ter, our Federal Premier and first among equals, established the B'aswâƛar Yeśer, or the "Bureau of Anomalies" in Mercanti, to document, manage, and, where necessary, contain and eliminate anomalous occurrences or items.

Our Bureau was established as the B'aswâƛar Ânk'aynâ (Office for the Aed Kaenë) soon after the conclusion of the Civil War in the first few months of 1997, as a branch of the Diplomatic Corps that was intended to interact with the Ânk'aynâ (The Aed Kaenë) populations within the Stan Yera in order to facilitate aid from the government and ensure cooperation with the new regime. Quickly, the Bureau's mission and responsibilities expanded to their present day scope, and the Office was separated from the Diplomatic Corps and established as an independent Bureau within the Federal Government in 2003. Since then, it has been our goal to be the go-between between the anomalous and the mundane, the supernatural and the natural, and the inexplicable and the explicable.

Signed Maśal Kîvańħa, Administrator of the B'aswâƛar Yeśer since 2010

This thread is a place of documentation for various anomalous or "magical" things in the Stan Yera. The term "anomaly" and its derivations will be used to describe everything, though alternate explanations (in universe folklore, etc.) will be noted within the description body. While it will probably likely contain primarily entries on anomalous events, entities, and items, I may see fit to write short stories describing the operations of the Bureau of Anomalies or include artwork and descriptions of research stations, personal equipment, and vehicles used by the Bureau.
A Guide to Entries
Entries regarding anomalies follow a standard format in order to ensure efficient and precise cataloguing by the Bureau. As such, we view it as necessary to brief readers of this list on the format itself, as well as specialized language and terminology used within entries, to ensure complete understanding. All entries follow the following format: 1) the Anomaly's common name in the native language of its country of origin (most often Yeran, as this Bureau specializes in Yeran anomalies), followed by its translation into Mercanti (if extant), and optionally by its name to the Aed Kaenë, if applicable, 2) the Anomaly's type; whether it is an entity (or group of entities), location, item, event, 3) the danger the Anomaly poses to humans on a seven (7) point scale using the basic color terms of Yeran, plus a "not applicable" option, 4) the Anomaly's rarity, ranging from unique Anomalies to relatively common ones, 5) the Anomaly's classification level in regards to official public knowledge (regardless of folkloric knowledge of said anomaly); public releases of information regarding anomalies omit this step, and lastly 6) a brief description of the Anomaly including its appearance (if applicable), where it is found, specifics regarding the danger it poses and other relevant information as the Entry-writer sees fit to include.

Glossary of Terms

Anomaly Type

Entity: Any Anomaly that occurs normally as a singular instance and is a living creature or plant. Anomalies that have multiple instances but are almost always seen alone are grouped under this classification.
Entity (Group): Any Anomaly that occurs normally as a group of instances and is a living creature or plant. This includes populations of individuals such as the Aed Kaenë as well as Anomalies that can only ever be encountered in groups to the Bureau's knowledge.
Location: Any Anomaly that occurs as a static or moving whole location. These Anomalies may range in area from the size of a single room or smaller to vast swathes of territory, but always refer to the anomalous location itself, never anomalous items, events, or entities that may appear or occur within the territory. Said items, events, or entities will receive a separate entry and a notation of their relation to the location in both entries.
Item: Any Anomaly that occurs as an item/object or a group of items/objects. It is important to note that otherwise inert objects displaying intelligence are properly classified as Entities rather than Items.
Event: Any Anomaly that occurs as an action or event on its own, rather than one specifically caused by one of the other categories (except Locations, where Events that occur within Locations are still classified as Events in their own right). The Event may be instantaneous or sustained over any period of time.

Anomaly Danger

Yayûl: Poses virtually no danger to humans if interacted with. Despite this, individuals are advised to maintain caution when interacting with these Anomalies regardless, as their anomalous nature may produce unexpected responses.
Mangiy: Poses little or easily avoidable danger to humans if interacted with. While it may be possible for Anomalies of this level to seriously injure (psychologically or physically) or even kill humans, it is unlikely and/or easily avoidable.
Kaycun: Poses some danger to humans if interacted with. While posing little more active threat to humans than "Mangiy" Anomalies, "Kaycun" Anomalies are more unpredictable and are therefore more dangerous.
Walań: Poses a moderate amount of danger to humans if interacted with. While danger is still avoidable when interacting these anomalies, death or severe injury is far more possible than lower tier Anomalies. Citizens are advised to avoid interacting with Anomalies of this level or higher unless absolutely necessary.
Tyâľ: Poses a high amount of danger to humans if interacted with, and is highly unpredictable.
Añaś: Poses a great amount of danger to humans if interacted with, is unpredictable, and commonly actively seeks to inflict injury or death on humans or other entities. Evacuation or martial law may occur if Anomalies of this danger level enter or interact with population centers.
Kâras: Poses an immense amount of danger to humans if interacted with, even to large groups and trained personnel. Death or severe and permanent injury are almost certain to occur if not immediately neutralized, contained, or escaped from. Anomalies of this danger level are cause for evacuations of entire towns and declaration of martial law if they come near population centers.

Anomaly Rarity

Extinct: Anomalies known to have existed at some point, but no longer exist. This may also include anomalies whose properties have vanished or whose populations have been so diminished as to no longer interact with humans.
Unique: Anomalies where only one instance is known to exist of said Anomaly.
Mythic: Anomalies whose existence is not directly confirmed and documented by the Bureau, but a large amount of evidence points to the existence of.
Extremely Rare: Anomalies that only a few instances of exist, or whose existence is isolated enough from humans that encountering it is incredibly unlikely unless actively sought out.
Rare: Anomalies that exist in some number, but are incredibly unlikely to encounter for a variety of reasons.
Uncommon: Anomalies that may exist in notable populations but are unlikely to be encountered outside of a specific region, or Anomalies that are widespread but not in sizeable numbers.
Common: Anomalies that humans are likely to encounter throughout their lives. May exist in large numbers, or actively seek out humans to interact with.

Anomaly Classification Level

Unclassified: Anomalies whose information is publicly available, including to those outside the Stan Yera.
Level 1: Anomalies whose information is readily available on request to residents or visitors of the Stan Yera, but is restricted from outside access via censoring of communications discussing them or fine of individuals who leak said information.
Level 2: Anomalies whose information is available only to scholars of the anomalous or government officials. Dissemination of information regarding Level 2 Anomalies will result in censoring of said information, a large fine, and jail time.
Level 3: Anomalies whose information is available only to government officials directly concerned with the anomalous (either those in the Bureau, or those working with the Bureau). Dissemination of information regarding Level 3 Anomalies will result in censoring of said information, revocation of the offender's government position (if applicable), and jail time.
Level 4: Anomalies whose information is available only to Bureau personnel as well as the Federal Premier and selected high ranking officials. Dissemination of information regarding Level 3 Anomalies will result in censoring of said information, revocation of the offender's government position (if applicable), and indefinite detainment without trial by Bureau personnel.
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Entry No.: #ÂA35-0002*
Ânśînkaw | 'Forest Demons' | Aed Xììnkááł
Anomaly Type: Entity
Anomaly Danger: Tyâľ
Anomaly Rarity: Rare
Anomaly Classification: Level 1 (special)

Anomaly Description:

The Ânśînkaw are a class of usually solitary Anomalous Entities found within the Stan Yera. They are notable for their highly varied appearances, extreme aggression towards humans and Ânk'aynâ, extreme durability towards most physical trauma, and reality warping effects that occur in their presence. As the Ânśînkaw are highly varied in appearance, no single physical description is possible, but a number of physical bauplans within this class of Anomaly are known to exist.

The most common of these types is that of a quadrupedal and animalistic form. Individuals of this type take the appearance of extremely malnourished, rotting, or mummified animals with no known living and non-anomalous correlate, but most often feature lupine, ursine, cervine, or caprine traits (it is notable that species from each of these groups exist within the Stan Yera). Often the supposed head of the Entity is claimed to be a skull (typically of an abnormally large deer, bear, goat, or wolf, with no correlation to the apparent form of the body) or wooden mask (of the same creatures), but in actuality the head of these Entities is superficially humanoid, but atrophied and partially sunk into the main body. Autopsies of neutralized specimens reveal empty or sewn shut eye sockets, despite these Anomalies displaying the apparent ability to see, and numerous thin and exceptionally sharp teeth, similar to that of predatory deep-sea fish. Reality warping effects due to these Entities are often minor and uncontrolled, and includes minor warping of perception of time, negatively affected mental states of Humans and Ânk'aynâ, increased decay of dead plants and animals in its vicinity, and reduced light levels in its vicinity. Physical strength and speed are anomalously high, and entities are often capable of tearing down old growth trees and reaching land speeds in excess of 40km/h. Durability to physical trauma is exceptional, however, sustained fire by infantry weaponry is considered sufficient in neutralization if the head and limbs are targeted, which may confuse and stun the entity. Incendiary weaponry is considered most effective. This type is most often found in remote forests and tundras, far away from most people, and is rarely encountered outside of the snowy season, when increased activity and aggression is seen.

The other of these types is very similar to the first. The most notable difference is the physical body, aside from the head. Entities of this type have humanoid bodies, with either digitigrade or non-digitigrade legs. These bodies are, like the previous type, often apparently extremely malnourished, mummified, or rotting. In comparison, it is common to see among examples of this type woody or plant-like growths at the top of the spine or other limb joints, although this is not universal. Anomalous affects are considered mildly stronger than the previous type and may sometimes include physically slowing the reaction time of humans or Ânk'aynâ in the area if not noticed, and Anomalously fast plant growth in its vicinity, often to hinder movement of people that it is hunting. Strength, speed, durability, and environment are all considered to be equivalent to the previous type.

These anomalies are most often assumed to be intelligent to much the same degree a human or Ânk'aynâ is, though prone to impulsiveness, lapses in judgement, and often reduced mental capacity or reasoning capability due to sustained mental or physical trauma. Some do not display person-level intelligence at all, and simply operate on predatory instincts.

Classification Level: Level 3

Another entity type of this Anomaly is available to Level 3 access. It is described below. This type is also assigned the danger level of Añaś or Kâras depending on the reality warping effects individuals of this type control. Anomalies of this type are also considered Extremely Rare.

A far rarer form of this Anomaly exists within the Stan Yera. Anomalies of this type are almost always humanoid in physical appearance, but are widely varied in physical appearance, and cannot be assigned any major common traits aside from an occasional association with fire and often grotesque, gory, and abnormal physical features. Study of Entities of this type were instrumental in demonstrating that the Ânśînkaw originated as Ânk'aynâ sorcerers who were adversely affected by an undescribed ritual, as their physical appearance, reality warping affects, and what displayed intelligence and language skills Bureau agents have been able to gather from interactions have indicated a connection to Ânk'aynâ myth, history, and religion. Individuals of this type do not often display anomalous physical strength or speed comparable to the two "lesser" types detailed above, but are considered vastly more dangerous due to their massively increased control over reality warping affects, and the strength and variety thereof, which may include being able to enthrall people, inflict wounds and anomalous sicknesses and toxins from a distance, create fire, blind individuals or groups of people, dissipate most incoming mundane weaponry, control plant growth, freeze water and melt ice and snow, severely affect perception of time and space, and make themselves imperceptible, among other capabilities that the Bureau has yet to officially document in practice. Extreme caution is to be used when engaging Entities of this type, and neutralization may not be entirely possible in many instances. Thus it is recommended to use mundane, such as sustained heavy weaponry and extremely high lumen electric lights, or anomalous means, such as anomalous items or employing Ânk'aynâ still capable of warding or light producing magic, to drive off Entities of this type from encroaching onto inhabited land. Entities of this type are most often found near ruined Ânk'aynâ settlements from the height of their old civilization in the isles and northern craviter. However, the Ânśînkaw are unconfirmed to exist outside of the Stan Yera for reasons unknown. Entities of this type are assumed to be highly intelligent (often more intelligent than the average human or Ânk'aynâ) and universally malicious towards persons, though sometimes prone to lapses in reasoning and what might be described as apparent hallucinations.

Classification Level: Level 4

A final entity type of this Anomaly is available to Level 4 access. This type is assigned no official danger level due to its nature, but should not be considered safe to interact with if encountered. Anomalies of this type are considered Extremely Rare, as with the previous type, due to only a small number of instances of this type being said to exist, and an even smaller number being confirmed to exist by the Bureau. Pending further investigation, this type may be separated into two distinct types, one receiving the Mythic rarity classification, and the other retaining the Extremely Rare classification.

This final type of this Anomaly is by far the rarest in existence in the Stan Yera. Anomalies of this type may take on any physical appearance, and it is rumored that some do not have a physical appearance (which may have warranted their description as a location or event, if not for the clear description sentience), including that of apparently physically normal Ânk'aynâ or even humans. However, their anomalous nature is such that their presence triggers feelings of unease, fear, and revulsion in persons who look at them, which makes integration of these Entities into population centers difficult and thus considered not an issue. Entities of this type are assumed to be Ânk'aynâ who successfully completed the same unknown ritual that created the other three types described in this entry. Information regarding the capabilities of this type is limited, and all but unconfirmed by the Bureau, but is assumed to be, through folkloric descriptions by humans and Ânk'aynâ, far in excess of the already significant capabilities of the previous type. Entities of this type are not suggested to be inherently malicious towards persons, as with previous types, but are highly dangerous, unpredictable, and should not be trusted. There is no known way to contain them, but thankfully they appear mostly uninterested in seeking out population centers, and in the rare event they do make an appearance, are largely discrete and non-destructive in their activities, although coinciding missing persons reports and murders in the areas they appear in are common. These events are, however, easy to separate to the general public, and any anomalous occurrences attributed to these Entities are assigned to other causes. It is assumed that Entities of this type specifically inhabit the ruins of the towers they built while still Ânk'aynâ, or in temple complexes in which they originally resided before the ritual that created them.

Additionally, Anomaly #ÂA64-0014 (commonly called Fâyek'aw) is assumed to be a member of this Anomaly and specifically this type as well. However, they are described in detail in distinct entry and differ in several ways from even this rarest type, warranting the separate entry and classification status.​

*Footnote: I chose to start this thread's Anomaly entries with what would, in canon, be considered the second entry within the Bureau of Anomalies's databases. Entry #0001 would be the Aed Kaenë and will possibly be provided at a later date in this style of entry. I chose the Aed Xììnkááł as the first entry to write in this thread because, simply put, they are the longest standing and 'most known' anomaly of the Stan Yera in the community. Thus, they serve as the perfect mascot of a Yeran anomaly: dangerous, mysterious, inexplicable, and uniquely Yeran.
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Dwaśyitîńaye | The Coward's Steps | D'àçyithíínwáa
Anomaly Type: Location
Anomaly Danger: Walań
Anomaly Rarity: Extremely Rare
Anomaly Classification: Level 2

Anomaly Description:

The Dwaśyitîńaye are a set or sets of steps found within the mountainous and glacial regions of Stan Ħînkuwiśtê. It is currently unknown if multiple copies of the Dwaśyitîńaye exist or if the Dwaśyitîńaye is a singular location that is capable of anomalously changing in geographical position, however certain features remain constant over all encountered instances of the Anomaly. The Anomaly is in all cases carved into the surrounding terrain and formed of the same material. In glacial regions, the steps are reported to not appear on or in glacial ice, but in outcroppings of stone within the glacial field. The manner in which these steps were carved appears to have been primarily via hammer and chisel in a manner consistent with non-anomalous steps found dating to the Old Ânk’aynâ B Culture. Notably, the Dwaśyitîńaye bear no signs of wearing due to foot traffic or other forms of natural weathering, but do bear patterns of carbonization and smoothing of the step faces in a manner which would suggest the steps were subjected to extremely high heat for an extended period of time. The vertical surfaces of the steps bear elaborate carvings in bas-relief depicting scenes of Ânk’aynâ sun worship, sacrifice of humanoid figures, which are presumed to be human based on the apparent age of the steps, and ritual cannibalism. Notably, the scenes of sun worship are almost always defaced in a deliberate manner with either carved or painted phrases in a script presumed to date to the Old Ânk’aynâ C Culture or later, as it bears some similarities to the Proto-Yeran script but is visually distinct. Both the carvings and paintings look to be hastily performed, though the paint is extremely well preserved and composed of a mixture of ash, ochre soil (notably not prominent in the region the Dwaśyitîńaye appear), blood, iridium dust, and animal fat (of unknown origin). At the moment, the language is undeciphered, but repeated symbols and strings of symbols suggest some common theme or repeated words and phrases among the defacing. Some scenes not depicting sun worship are similarly defaced, but neither to the extent nor regularity that the sun worship scenes are.

The Dwaśyitîńaye bear several anomalous properties aside from the lack of natural wear. The most evident is that the appearance of the Dwaśyitîńaye is both conditional and to some extent random. The first condition is that the steps only appear at sunset, between the period where the sun touches the horizon and disappears below it. This time period is not dependent on whether one can observe the sun from the current position of the steps, but does correlate to the latitude at which the steps appear. The second condition is that the steps will only appear to individuals or groups of three or less, human or Ânk’aynâ. The third condition is that the individual present, or one of the individuals present in the group, must offer up something of great importance to them. Below is a collapsed list of documented offerings that have successfully resulted in the appearance of the Dwaśyitîńaye.

  • Arterial blood, via the slitting or puncture of an appropriate blood vessel
  • Any amount of fingers
  • The individual's eye
  • The individual's tongue
  • The individual's Ńiśbyêl
  • The individual's child (child does not need to be present to be offered)
  • The individual's life partner (partner does not need to be present to be offered)
  • A portion of the individual's natural lifespan
  • The individual's sense of hearing
  • Any major organ of the individual
  • Mementos or keepsakes of 'sufficient importance'

Offered items or individuals appear to both rapidly mummify and be set alight by some anomalous heat source, desiccating and charring until reduced to a husk. Offered individuals do not need to be present to be offered, but will suffer the same fate as items or individuals present when offered. However, offerings, even if chosen from the list, do not guarantee the appearance of the Dwaśyitîńaye, though the offerings are taken regardless. Certain choices of offering appear to be more likely to make the Dwaśyitîńaye appear, specifically those pertaining to a loved one of the individual. For this reason, among several others, they are also known as Yeľśal Gweb'aśul, or in Mercanti, The Coward's Steps.

Upon the successful appearance of the Dwaśyitîńaye, the individual or group may ascend the steps. The rest of the Dwaśyitîńaye's anomalous properties may be observed at this point. Any subsequent individuals or groups that arrive at the base of the steps report that either the steps are no longer present, or that they are anomalously compelled to not ascend. With each step climbed, individuals note that it is increasingly more difficult to go back down the steps or even look back to where they came. Most individuals find it impossible to turn back at 9 steps up, and no recorded individuals have returned back down the steps after climbing 18 steps. After 21 steps, individuals universally disappear from view at the bottom of the steps, regardless of if they are observed remotely or by another individual. The reason for this disappearance is not known, and is anomalous in nature. While climbing the steps, individuals universally report feelings of fear, revulsion, extreme guilt, and in some instances hatred. These feelings are intensified when observing the carvings in the steps, and even moreso when said carvings feature the aforementioned defacing. Additionally, feelings of fear intensify the further one climbs. Said fear is described to be directed at some unknown pursuer or threat behind them when questioned. These anomalous properties make it difficult to gather information about steps further up the Dwaśyitîńaye, both in their number and what may or may not be carved or written on them.

Once out of sight of the base of the Dwaśyitîńaye, more of its anomalous properties will manifest. The amount of steps to reach the top will vary for each individual, even within groups. Some report only climbing for a minute, while others report climbing feeling like they have climbed the steps for hours or days. Regardless, once an individual reaches the top of the Dwaśyitîńaye, they will find themselves transported to a destination. Several destinations have reoccurred across individuals who have climbed the Dwaśyitîńaye. Below is a collapsed list of documented destinations once the top of the Dwaśyitîńaye are reached.

  • The top of the staircase within the individual's place of residence, if applicable
  • The front entrance of the individual's place of residence
  • The front entrance of a place of worship pertaining to the individual's religion
  • A distance of 50-300 meters from the outskirts or city limits of a settlement within the Stan Yera, on a road
  • The beaches of one of the three major lakes of the Stan Yera
  • A random point in the Stan Yera at minimum 20.12 kilometers from the point at which they ascended the Dwaśyitîńaye (it is notable that 20.12 kilometers is roughly equivalent to 45,000 cubits)
  • A random point within the central tundra of the Stan Yera
  • 50-100 meters off the coast of anywhere within the Stan Yera
  • The point at which they ascended the Dwaśyitîńaye

In addition to these common destinations, records indicate that some individuals that have ascended the Dwaśyitîńaye have not appeared to have exited at all. The chosen destination (or lack thereof) appears to be somewhat random as well, but, similarly to the appearance of the Dwaśyitîńaye, appears to have some correlation with the apparent 'selfishness' of the individual's offering to the Dwaśyitîńaye, with more 'selfish' answers resulting in apparently more ideal destinations.

Analysis of the Dwaśyitîńaye are ongoing to determine its origin and any patterns that may exist within its anomalous behavior.
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Hânkêl Kirkarił | Dirge Ravens | Naarçî-íí
Anomaly Type: Entity (Group)
Anomaly Danger: Mangiy
Anomaly Rarity: Uncommon
Anomaly Classification: Level 1

Anomaly Description:

The Hânkêl Kirkarił are an anomaly found near and in graveyards, necropolises, crypts, old battlefields, morgues, and similar places where the dead are or were found in large quantities. Physically speaking, they superficially resemble the Yeran Raven (C. c. varius), being large black-feathered avians with the normal heavy beak, wedge-shaped tail, and shaggy throat feathers of a mundane raven. However, they differ significantly on closer inspection. First, Dirge Ravens have a single eye placed in the center of their skull, just above the beak. Based on recorded footage, this eye appears clouded and white, consistent with blinding due to old age. Other anomalous features include the legs, which are skeletal in appearance, and the presence of an atmospheric phenomenon surrounding each individual that resembles Witch Fire (more commonly St. Elmo's fire, elsewhere). Rarely, instances of the Dirge Ravens may appear entirely skeletal, or where their feathers and skin are translucent to transparent, revealing the skeleton beneath. Observed instances of this alteration in their appearance notes no anatomical anomalies in regards to the skeletal structure of the instances.

Instances of the Dirge Ravens always occur in groups of 9, an auspicious number in most cultures of the Stan Yera, including the Ânk’aynâ. Indeed, instances of the Dirge Ravens, or at least phenomena presumed to be them based on descriptions, date back to the Old Ânk’aynâ A culture, and possibly further (according to certain interpretations of rock art dating back to the Pine Burial culture). In recorded instances, Dirge Ravens have always appeared to living persons, usually alone, while they are in one of the aforementioned areas associated with death or the dead. Appearances are most common at or just after sunset, or otherwise when the sun is lowest in the sky (as certain portions of the Stan Yera receive 24 hours of sunlight during the summer). However, appearances of the Dirge Ravens have also occurred in the time of night colloquially designated 'The Witching Hour' (Ac'e G’umńeħêś, or 'The Hour of Curses' in Yeran).

Dirge Ravens are typically understood to be a form of psychopomp or omen of death (similar to Banshees). In almost all circumstances, Dirge Ravens appear to those whose death is imminent, or to those who are about to lose a close relation, such as an immediate family member, close friend, or romantic interest. It is generally understood that the time of their appearance indicates that said death will occur within 30 to 40 hours, or before two further sunsets have passed. This knowledge has resulted in a tradition in some areas of the Stan Yera for those who expect their own death (such as due to cancer) to hold a vigil within a graveyard in the hopes of obtaining some certainty regarding the time of their passing.

How the Dirge Ravens manifest is at the moment unknown. Eyewitness accounts and what few successful recordings of manifestations exist indicate that instances appear to become visible in a semi-circle facing the subject of their manifestation. Eyewitnesses describe instances appearing as if they had always been there and had not moved into position or 'teleported' via some unknown mechanism. Recorded footage corroborates these claims. One present hypothesis claims that the Dirge Ravens are to some extent capable of controlling the perception of individuals, but gathered infrared footage and other methods of detecting "invisibility" or perception altering capabilities do not show the presence of the Dirge Ravens before they manifest themselves, casting doubt on said hypothesis.

Eyewitness accounts also claim that Dirge Ravens are capable of speech. This has not been corroborated by recorded footage, but eyewitness accounts consistently report similar patterns. Instances are described as whispering or croaking short fragments in an as of yet unknown language. Eyewitnesses attempting to reproduce phrases they claim to have heard either produce phrases in no known language, or find themselves unable to recall any phrase they have heard. Researchers have recorded a number recurring phrases or sections of phrases, suggesting that Dirge Ravens do indeed speak some form of ordered speech that is as of yet unidentified and undeciphered.
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