And king Apollo,
son of Zeus,
made answer to her:
“Let us arouse the stalwart spirit of horse-taming Hector,
if so be he will challenge some one of the Danaans in single fight man to man to meet him in deadly combat.
So shall the bronze-greaved Achaians be jealous and stir up one to fight singly with goodly Hector.”
So spake he and the bright-eyed goddess Athene disregarded not.
Now Helenos Priam’s dear son understood in spirit their resolve that the gods in counsel had approved;
and he went to Hector and stood beside him,
and spake a word to him:
“Hector son of Priam,
peer of Zeus in counsel,
wouldest thou now hearken at all to me?
for I am thy brother.
Make the other Trojans sit,
and all the Achaians,
and thyself challenge him that is best of the Achaians to meet thee man to man in deadly combat.
It is not yet thy destiny to die and meet thy doom;
for thus heard I the voice of the gods that are from everlasting.”
So said he,
and Hector rejoiced greatly to hear his saying,
and went into the midst and refrained the battalions of the Trojans with his spear grasped by the middle;
and they all sate them down:
and Agamemnon made the well-greaved Achaians sit.
And Athene withal and Apollo of the silver bow,
in the likeness of vulture birds,
sate them upon a tall oak holy to aegis-bearing father Zeus,
rejoicing in their warriors;
and the ranks of all of them sate close together,
bristling with shields and plumes and spears.
Even as there spreadeth across the main the ripple of the west wind newly risen,
and the sea grows black beneath it,
so sate the ranks of Achaians and Trojans upon the plain.
And Hector spake between both hosts:
“Hearken to me,
Trojans and well-greaved Achaians,
that I may speak what my mind within my breast biddeth me.
Our oaths of truce Kronos’ son,
enthroned on high,
accomplished not;
but evil is his intent and ordinance for both our hosts,
until either ye take fair-towered Troy or yourselves be vanquished beside your seafaring ships.
But in the midst of you are the chiefest of all the Achaians;
therefore now let the man whose heart biddeth him fight with me come hither from among you all to be your champion against goodly Hector.
And this declare I,
and be Zeus our witness thereto;
if that man slay me with the long-edged sword,
let him spoil me of my armour and bear it to the hollow ships,
but give back my body to my home,
that Trojans and Trojans’ wives may give me my due of burning in my death.
But if I slay him and Apollo vouchsafe me glory,
I will spoil him of his armour and bear it to holy Ilios and hang it upon the temple of far-darting Apollo,
but his corpse will I render back to the well-decked ships,
that the flowing-haired Achaians may entomb him,
and build him a barrow beside wide Hellespont.
So shall one say even of men that be late born,
as he saileth in his benched ship over the wine-dark sea:
‘This is the barrow of a man that died in days of old,
a champion whom glorious Hector slew.’
So shall a man say hereafter,
and this my glory shall never die.”