[SC - PASSED] Commend Pallaith

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Winter Kingdom
TNP Nation
Boston Castle

Commend Pallaith
Category: Commendation | Target: Pallaith
Proposed by: Hulldom | Onsite Topic

The Security Council,

Believing that nations which contribute immensely to regional infrastructure and capacity over a long period are commendable if these regional contributions benefit the rest of the world;

Acknowledging that one of the most prominent nations that falls under this category is the ghoul-filled domain of Pallaith (commonly known as Ghost);

Pleased by Pallaith’s work in reviving The Versutian Federation (TVF) through their sister spirit Ghostopolis, where they proceeded to increase regional stability by:
  • Leading The Versutian Federation’s revival in 2015 after a period of instability which threatened the future of the region by recruiting new nations to the region and establishing a new legal system for national leaders,
  • Serving as Delegate for multiple periods, increasing the visibility of TVF in the World Assembly by accumulating endorsements and haunting the General Assembly with Ambassador Geist, and
  • Expanding the diplomatic ties of TVF by strengthening ties with many prominent leftist regions, including their historical allies Democratic Socialist Assembly and Social Liberal Union;
Assured by Ghost’s work between September of 2016 and January of 2017 in reviving and professionalizing the North Pacific (TNP)’s Ministry of World Assembly Affairs by reintroducing the consistent publication of voting recommendations for the first time since 2014, a practice that continues to this day;

Thrilled by Pallaith’s work as TNP Foreign Affairs Minister to continue a project to catalogue information on TNP’s embassy regions, known as the World Factbook Project, which was later expanded upon, became a key part of the work of The North Pacific's Diplomatic Corps, and was incorporated in TNP’s diplomatic reports;

Appreciative of Pallaith’s service as Vice Delegate of The North Pacific wherein they encouraged sharing of endorsements between nations in that region and voting in the World Assembly by supporting the addition of prizes of lucrative international artwork for nations as part of the expanded World Assembly Development Project;

Applauding Ghost’s service as Delegate of TNP where they helped to reform the region in a variety of ways, such as:
  • Creating the Gameside Advocates, a group of nations which serves as a liaison between nations which use the Regional Message Board to communicate with their fellow leaders and the broader Government of the North Pacific so that the Government can better represent and serve all residents,
  • Working to revive the World Assembly Legislative League (WALL) through their to work to admit WA stalwart Europe, a move which occurred shortly after they relinquished the Delegacy, and
  • Ensuring that the premier publication of The North Pacific, The Northern Light, was more frequently published, a trend continued under El Fiji Grande;
Saluting Ghost’s commitment to making their presence known in the wider international community as they have through their personal philosophy of "optimistic diplomacy", or reaching out to regions which the North Pacific has not historically been allies with and finding common ground through shared experiences, a fact best observed through their organization of interregional coalitions and events such as:
  • The UPPERCUT Faction which successfully held its own during previous iterations of the regular nuclear apocalypses which befall the universe, partly as a result of Pallaith’s status as one of the Commanders of TNP’s atomic forces,
  • The Friendship Fair, which brought together The North Pacific’s treatied allies and several non-treated embassy regions in Osiris, the New Pacific Order, and the West Pacific in a cultural affair replete with all manner of fun and games,
  • The First World Assembly Symposium, an event which brought together stakeholders in the World Assembly to discuss the state of the body at-large and provide encouragement to new authors, and
  • RaiderVision 5, an interregional event whose fifth iteration was hosted by TNP which succeeded in uniting all those under the military umbrella in a joyous celebration involving performances of songs celebrating the art--this particular edition also boasted the largest number of entries of any edition to date; and
Relieved then that even though their unknowable form frightens us, their remaining revenants are indeed friendly and that they are thus deserving of the honor;

Hereby Commends Pallaith.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

"Commend Pallaith" has passed by 12,164 votes (82.2%) to 2,635 (17.8%).
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"Commend Pallaith" by Hulldom (Boston Castle) is a resolution which seeks to commend Pallaith (also known as Ghost) for his significant contributions to TNP and other regions. The resolution recognises Pallaith's extensive role in TNP Foreign Affairs, serving in many senior FA and WA related roles. It shows how he played a large role in improving the work of the Ministries as Delegate and advancing The North Pacific's Foreign Affairs. It also acknowledges Pallaith's significant contributions to TNP as Vice-Delegate, improving TNP's World Assembly Development Program, notable by incorporating trading cards. The resolution also highlights Pallaith's important role in the 2015 revival of The Versutian Federation (TVF), where he created a new legal system and led the region through tumultuous times.

Pallaith is without question one of the most influential members of TNP's government. His role as Delegate and foreign policy expert have been invaluable to the region. The TNP clauses on their own would have been enough for a commendation, but the resolution also mentions how Pallaith served as the leader of TVF as Ghostopolis through a tumultuous period in it's history. Thanks in part to Pallaith, the region emerged from this time a stronger region. What's more, the proposal is also well-written, and really tells the story of Pallaith's time haunting NationStates. It also playfully remarks on Pallaith's status as resident Ghost, haunting the game. Written by our Minister of World Assembly Affairs, "Commend Pallaith" leaves no doubts as to the nominee's worthiness.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the Security Council Resolution at vote, "Commend Pallaith".

Our Voting Recommendation Dispatch--Please Upvote!
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Erm? Is there an issue.
No, not really. You’ve obviously devoted a considerable amount of time to researching your nominee’s contributions to the wider NationStates world, which is something that I can appreciate, and I especially like how you included the words “if these regional contributions benefit the rest of the world;” in the first clause because it helps reject the argument of their contributions being region-specific even before that argument is made.

Beyond that, I don’t think you’ve leaned into the “Ooh, scary ghosts!” thing too much. It’s good to see a proposal that adds in a bit of nominee-specific flavouring here and there, otherwise every C&C would read the same. Overall, well done
Abstain - nominee is obviously deserving but we, as a region, have obvious conflicts of interest. I understand that this is an unpopular opinion.
This proposal has achieved the requisite approvals to enter the formal queue. Barring it being marked illegal, it will proceed to a vote at Wednesday's Major Update.
Not surprised that 10KI voted against it, but I think it's amazing to see TSP voting For the resolution
I’m probably the one SC author who’s not really focused on ideology so that helps. I made the point that any notes about R/D being clearly as supporting facts and not central tenets clear to XKI AND TSP on Commend Maowi.
"Commend Pallaith" has passed by 12,164 votes (82.2%) to 2,635 (17.8%). This is author Hulldom's 2nd Security Council Resolution passed.

Congratulations @Pallaith!
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