Delegate's Office and Questions Thread

Is your cabinet finally complete, @Simone?

I wanted to give a more informed reply when the election for Justice is concluded, since Vivanco was in the Cabinet but took the opportunity to run for Justice. I congratulate them on their successful election.

I promised a cabinet of 11 (including myself and VD), plus 5 officials attending cabinet. That makes 16 people. I now have 15 people in the cabinet as Vivanco has not returned (given they've been elected justice). I have decided a chief of staff is less necessary at this stage and preferred an extra advisor, and Cards decided not to attend cabinet.

Obviously RL considerations taken place so there may be changes from time to time.
I was rather expecting that the answer to my question would identify the provision or provisions of the Legal Code under which the ban had been executed.

The Border Control (BC) powers were exercised pursuant to LC 7.3.22. The ability to post to RMB (regardless of whether a post is made) is covered by LC 7.3.22. The delegation of BC powers is pursuant to LC 7.2.9.
It's now a week since you provided the mid-term address for Cabinet for look at and provide feedback, based on a comment you made in the Citizens chat, which you expected to post on the 12th.

Can you provide an ETA on when it will posted or are you too busy with the WA GA?
It's now a week since you provided the mid-term address for Cabinet for look at and provide feedback, based on a comment you made in the Citizens chat, which you expected to post on the 12th.

Can you provide an ETA on when it will posted or are you too busy with the WA GA?

I have had to rewrite the mid term address a couple of times due to internal feedback, and there's also a number of issues I want to resolve first - announcements coming shortly.
The Ministry of Communications' survey on this administration's approval ratings has been closed for over one week now. Does the government plan on releasing the results of this poll?
The Ministry of Communications' survey on this administration's approval ratings has been closed for over one week now. Does the government plan on releasing the results of this poll?
Yes. The Ministry of Communications will release a TNN segment on the approval poll results and later down the lane will take another one and compare the results in a TNS article.

The volunteer writing said articles needs time to properly analyse the results and create a report on it. Patience is a virtue.
Delegate Directive 5 has been amended to include this change in Section 2, Article VI:
Officers in the North Pacific Army may be authorised to lead missions or particular divisions of the North Pacific Army by the High Command.
Delegate Directive #4: Executive Government Activity Directive has been updated to reflect the fact that the Minister of Radio position no longer exists. In particular, the "Minister of Radio" has been removed from Article 2, section 2.

Article 2: Acting Chair of the Executive Council

2. If the Vice Delegate is unable to chair the Executive Council or does not name a new acting chair, then it will revert to the following order:

  1. Minister of Foreign Affairs
  2. Minister of Defense
  3. Minister of World Assembly Affairs
  4. Minister of Home Affairs
  5. Minister of Culture
  6. Minister of Communications
    Minister of Radio
  7. Other Delegate appointed officials of the Executive Branch in order of appointment
For his titanic efforts towards restoring TNP's World Assembly Development Program, I hereby bestow the Delegate Service Award to @Kaschovia. A well-deserved one for over a year of dedication to the project.

P.S. I may redesign the award into something nicer when I can find the time. Being Delegate is busy work!
I find it staggering that our current delegate has decided to drop forum voting (and it seems, as well as IFVs, since @Jinkies hasn't sent one for about 10 days) on World Assembly resolutions altogether, and gone back to doing executive fiat and voting against all GA proposals.

I know the policy to go back to doing executive fiat was announced in the month one update, but this abrupt change in WA voting policy was not in the election platform from Picairn at all which actually did mention IFVs but not scrapping the long-standing tradition of forum voting.

Edit: added the link to the month one update
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I find it staggering that our current delegate has decided to drop forum voting (and it seems, as well as IFVs, since @Jinkies hasn't sent one for about 10 days) on World Assembly resolutions altogether, and gone back to doing executive fiat and voting against all GA proposals.

I know the policy to go back to doing executive fiat was announced in the month one update, but this abrupt change in WA voting policy was not in the election platform from Picairn at all which actually did mention IFVs but not scrapping the long-standing tradition of forum voting.

Edit: added the link to the month one update
I have not "decided to drop" forum voting nor IFVs, our policy with regard to WA voting policy hasn't changed except for our new alignment. I also do not blanket vote against all GA proposals: resolutions written by our friends and allies are welcome and regularly supported, and likewise, repeals - especially those targeting our enemies' resolutions - are also supported.

The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs will continue to issue IFVs and post forum threads. The recent lateness in our delivery is not the result of a unilateral decision, but rather because Minister Jinkies has been occupied with her real-life duties and commitments elsewhere, and staffers are not stepping up to help. Jinkies's situation is unfortunate, but it happens. We will look into ways to rejuvenate activity among staffers and motivate them to do the work.

On another note, our new alignment is not voting by "executive fiat". It simply means that the MoWAA will make recommendations to vote based on NatSov principles more often. The current GA proposal did not have a voting thread when it came to vote, so in lieu of that I consulted Jinkies's opinion and voted accordingly.

Lastly, I did not promise to preserve our (formerly) status quo WA alignment in my platform. My comment was an observation of our WA power and influence, not any explicit commitment. The new alignment was not imposed unilaterally by myself, it was approved by Cabinet consensus.
So... I'll come out ahead and do it - what's up, boss?
During ongoing diplomatic talks, TNP officials had a private conversation about our thoughts and strategy for the talks. Hulldom disagreed with the strategy and chose to inform one of the regions involved of what we had said, throwing the matter into chaos. I asked him to resign for this unprofessional and counterproductive act, and he did so promptly.
During ongoing diplomatic talks, TNP officials had a private conversation about our thoughts and strategy for the talks. Hulldom disagreed with the strategy and chose to inform one of the regions involved of what we had said, throwing the matter into chaos. I asked him to resign for this unprofessional and counterproductive act, and he did so promptly.
If this is true, and I've no reason to suggest it isn't, but if this is true, would you be willing to make a statement to the Regional Assembly in the Private Halls to fully explain the issue? Are you considering charges for espionage?
If this is true, and I've no reason to suggest it isn't, but if this is true, would you be willing to make a statement to the Regional Assembly in the Private Halls to fully explain the issue? Are you considering charges for espionage?
I will make a statement in Private Halls at a later date. I am currently working on getting our diplomatic talks back on track and finding a suitable replacement for the MoFA position, so it will take some time for the statement to be published. I have no plans to press charges for espionage at this time due to the nature of the leak and the sensitive information carried with it.
I will make a statement in Private Halls at a later date. I am currently working on getting our diplomatic talks back on track and finding a suitable replacement for the MoFA position, so it will take some time for the statement to be published. I have no plans to press charges for espionage at this time due to the nature of the leak and the sensitive information carried with it.
Can you provide the region with an indication of when this statement might come?
Following discussions with Minister of World Assembly Affairs Jinkies, I have added the following clause as Section 6, Article 5 of Delegate Directive #11:

The Delegate may vote, and the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs may recommend a vote, in opposition to the recommendation of any tag:WA mass World Assembly campaign telegram sent by a foreign nation or player targeting World Assembly residents of The North Pacific.
The manual recruitment bot has been taken down for 2 weeks now as a result of unfinished business with Europeia. Has the government made any progress on this and when can the issue be finally resolved?
The manual recruitment bot has been taken down for 2 weeks now as a result of unfinished business with Europeia. Has the government made any progress on this and when can the issue be finally resolved?
Just for the sake of expedient transparency, it's been my responsibility to handle this and a solution should be coming within the next couple of days.
Is a new Minister of Culture going to be appointed?
Yes, I plan on appointing a replacement. Over the past few days I’ve been having discussions with prospective candidates for the role and the process is in its final stages, so expect to see an announcement soon.