Delegate Directives

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Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation

This thread shall be used to collate Delegate Directives issued by the World Assembly Delegate pertaining to the management and organisation of the executive.
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Delegate Directive #1: Thursday, 24 October 2019


Committee Guidelines

This document is a directive from the Delegate pertaining to the organisation of the oversight committees.

Section 1: Committee Overview and Responsibilities
  1. There will be a committee tasked with External Affairs responsible for oversight pertaining to the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Defence, and World Assembly Affairs.

  2. There will be a committee tasked with Internal Affairs responsible for oversight pertaining to the Ministries of Communications, Radio, Culture, and Home Affairs.

  3. The Committees will be responsible for providing additional oversight over the Executive Ministries according to the aforementioned division.

  4. The Committees may ask questions of official Delegate and Ministerial reports as they are released; to seek further information or clarification, or may ask the Minister other questions relevant to that Minister’s area of responsibility.

Section 2: Membership and Governance
  1. Each committee will consist of an initial four members (“members”); 2 members appointed by the Delegate and 2 members appointed by the Delegate on the advice of the Speaker of the Regional Assembly.

  2. Members may not simultaneously serve as a Deputy Minister or Minister for any Ministry relevant to the committee they are a member of.

  3. A member’s service on a committee will not prohibit their contribution as an executive staff member to a Ministry, should they wish to serve in such a capacity.

  4. Members shall serve for a term of two months.

  5. Upon the appointment of the four initial members, the members shall elect a committee chair by majority vote. If members are unable to elect a committee chair, the longest serving citizen on the committee shall serve as chair. No person shall be elected Committee Chair to a full or partial term in three consecutive terms.

  6. Additional members may be nominated to serve on the committee by the Committee Chair. Nominations must be approved by a majority vote of the committee’s members, before the nominee can be appointed by the Delegate to serve on the committee.
Section 3: Committee Meeting Protocol
  1. The Chairperson may call committee meetings.

  2. The Delegate will provide a meeting room on the Executive Server for use by each Committee. The Speaker and Delegate shall have viewing rights to each meeting room.

  3. The presence of a majority of the committee members is necessary for the meeting to take place.

  4. The Committee(s) may invite the Delegate or a relevant Minister to attend the meeting to answer committee questions.

  5. All minutes and transcripts of the Committee meetings will be published publicly unless a majority of present members vote to classify some segment of the meeting, or the Delegate requests a segment of the meeting be classified.
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Delegate Directive #2: 24 October 2019


Defining the Relationship Between the Government of The North Pacific
The North Pacific University

1. The Importance of Education in the Region:

In service to a community it has always been right and vital that a place of knowledge and intellectual pursuit be maintained so that ideas, culture, and camaraderie among citizens and other friends of the region can thrive and develop solutions that help the greater community and world. The Executive Council of The North Pacific acknowledges this and desires that a dignified and fair relationship be forged between the institutions of learning and the institutions of government so that together their missions may be more rightly accomplished. Here forth shall that relationship be drafted so that together government and university may flourish and serve the people under their responsibility.

2. Freedoms of the University and the Academia:

2.1 It is understood that the University must be able to govern itself according to its own rules and traditions for those that can manage the academic pursuit are academics themselves who understand both process and quality of material.

2.2 The North Pacific University shall remain self governing under the charters and documents it ratifies in order to accomplish this. Its limits shall be set by the laws of the region. No document or protocol of any sort may contradict a statute of law in the region since the positive law that has been instituted through legal process holds precedent over any protocol of the university. The second article of the Bill of Rights is duly remembered:

“Each Nation's rights to free speech, free press, and the free expression of religion shall not be infringed, and
shall be encouraged, by the governmental authorities of the region. Each Nation has the right to assemble, and
to petition the governmental authorities of the region, including the WA Delegate, for the redress of grievances.
The governmental authorities of the region shall act only in the best interests of the Region, as permitted and
limited under the Constitution.”

2.3 The university as an organized body with the means of self government is duly protected by this clause to make public the fruits of study, academic discourse, and the discussion of a variety of subjects.

2.4 The government though an overseer by no way shall infringe on this pursuit and entrusts the managing of content to the university itself. Through the university the government duly fulfills its calling to “encourage” expression of ideas.

3. Responsibilities of the University and the Academia:

3.1 Even with the significant degree of autonomy, the university stands as a representation of the government and its overarching mission to serve and give order to the region of The North Pacific. There is a mutuality of this relationship for as the government respects and promotes the university, the university must also work with and be in dialogue with the needs of the government.

3.2 As a representation of the region, the university must be responsible and maintain a level of accountability to the people of the region through the government. It does not exist for its own sake but to serve the people just as the government must.

3.3: The University Executive

3.3.1 The University Executive shall consist of the Chancellor and other senior executives established in the University Charter.

3.3.2 The University Executive (excluding the Chancellor) is responsible for the nomination of a Chancellor. This nomination shall be submitted to the Delegate who then may confirm or reject the nomination after discussion with the university’s governing body.
3.3.3 The term of the Chancellor shall run parallel to the delegate’s term, but his or her office is not vacated until a confirmation from the delegate has been reached.

3.3.4 Frequent meetings between university leadership and the delegate or a representative therein are encouraged so that the dialogue between these two mutual bodies may never crumble.

3.4 The Chancellor

3.4.1 The Chancellor in his or her duties must maintain a university system that is respectful both internally and externally. The respect and prestige of the body is dependent upon the quality of the content and conduct of academics within the university.

3.4.2 The Chancellor must not hesitate to dismiss or criticize content that is discriminatory, unacademic, or harmful to the university and even the region as a whole. The state of the government and the state of the university reflect on one another, and so both together must strive for transparency, respect, and the common good.

3.4.3 The Chancellor is formally appointed by the Delegate of The North Pacific and is required to take the Oath of Office.

3.4.4 The Chancellor may be removed by the University Executive by majority vote, by the Delegate of The North Pacific by proclamation, or by the Regional Assembly in accordance with the Constitution of The North Pacific.

3.5 The University Staff

3.5.1 The University shall employ Executive Staff to assist the Chancellor and the University Executive in the performance of their duties.

3.5.2 The University Staff shall be promoted to the region by the Executive Council of The North Pacific with applications housed within the Executive Staff application thread.

3.5.3 The Chancellor or their designee shall be responsible for the prompt processing of applicants to join the University Staff.

Edit: struck out by @Simone in capacity as delegate, 20 May 2024.
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Delegate Directive #3: 19 November 2019


Charter of The North Pacific Cards Guild

Article 1: Establishment of the Guild
  1. The role of The North Pacific Cards Guild (“the Guild”) is to help promote activity in the trading cards aspect of NationStates, and instruct members of the region in how to develop their collections.

Article 2: Leadership of the Guild
  1. The Guild is led by the Guildmaster, who oversees and is responsible for all of its activities.
  2. The Guildmaster is appointed and dismissed by the Delegate of The North Pacific, or their designated Executive Officer, at their discretion.
  3. The Guildmaster shall appoint members of the Cards Council and shall be the chair of the Cards Council.
  4. The Guildmaster must maintain citizenship in the North Pacific.

Article 3: Guild Membership
  1. Guild membership is available to all residents of The North Pacific who have not otherwise been banned from the Guild.
  2. Guild membership will be managed and regulated by the Guildmaster.
  3. Each Guild member must designate a nation as their card collecting nation.
  4. Guild membership is required to participate in non-executive card programs and exchanges.
  5. Guild regulations may be set by the Guildmaster and Cards Council as needed. Regulations may not supersede the Guild Charter.

Article 4: Card Council
  1. The Cards Council is a group of citizens dedicated to supporting the Cards Guild and the North Pacific Cards Program.
  2. Council members will run a personal card farm for the purpose of supplying cards to the North Pacific Cards programs via gifting to the regional nation.
  3. Gifting requirements shall be set by the Cards Council with the consent of the Guild Master.
  4. Council members shall vote on any new card program proposed by the Guildmaster or Executive government. The vote shall be on the ability of the Card Guild to support the proposed program. The vote shall be non-binding on the Delegate.

Article 5: Prohibited actions
  1. Guild members may not heist other Guild members’ card collecting nations, or The Northern Light nation. Heisting is defined as the act of attempting to sell a card to another Guild member’s puppet without that member’s permission, when the other Guild member is already attempting to sell said card to that puppet from their designated card collecting nation.
  2. Guild members may report violations of this section to the Guildmaster.
  3. The Guildmaster will adjudicate any such reports and, if they determine that a violation has taken place, may remove a Guild member from the Guild, and ban them from membership for a period between one and six months.

The old charter has been superseded by the new charter on 26 August 2024 by @Simone as Delegate, following the recommendation of the Cards Working Group.

The North Pacific Cards Guild

This document is a directive from the Delegate pertaining to the establishment and operations of The North Pacific Cards Guild. This Directive shall also serve as the Charter of the Cards Guild.

Article 1: Establishment of the Guild

  1. The role of The North Pacific Cards Guild (“the Guild”) is to help promote activity in the trading cards aspect of NationStates, and instruct members of the region in how to develop their collections.

Article 2: Leadership of the Guild

  1. The Guild is led by the Guildmasters, who oversee and are responsible for all of its activities.
  2. The Guildmasters may appoint other members of the Guild to assist in the execution of the Guildmasters’ duties, as the Guildmasters see fit.
  3. The Guildmasters are appointed and dismissed by the Delegate of The North Pacific, or their designated Executive Officer, at their discretion.

Article 3: Guild Membership

  1. Guild membership is available to all citizens of The North Pacific who have not otherwise been banned from the Guild.
  2. Guild membership will be managed and regulated by the Guildmasters.
  3. Each Guild member must designate a nation as their card collecting nation.

Article 4: Prohibited actions

  1. Guild members may not heist other Guild members’ card collecting nations, or The Northern Light nation. Heisting is defined as the act of attempting to sell a card to another Guild member’s puppet without that member’s permission, when the other Guild member is already attempting to sell said card to that puppet from their designated card collecting nation.
  2. Guild members may report violations of this section to the Guildmasters.
  3. The Guildmasters will adjudicate any such reports and, if they determine that a violation has taken place, may remove a Guild member from the Guild, and ban them from membership for a period between one and six months.
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Delegate Directive #4: 27 January 2021


Executive Government Activity Directive

This document is a directive from the Delegate regarding the Executive Council of the North Pacific and its continued activity during the temporary absence of the Delegate.

Article 1: Absence of the Delegate

1. To invoke Section 7.8.62 of the Legal Code, the Delegate must have failed to publicly communicate with the region regarding any duties of the Delegate. Casual conversation, simple sporadic posts, or communication that is irrelevant to the Delegate's duties will not be considered for determining if a Delegate is absent from their office.
2. In the event the Vice Delegate or Executive Council invoke Section 7.8.62 of the Legal Code, they must provide a minimum of twelve (12) hours for all non-absent members of the Executive Council to cast their votes. The vote will conclude when an absolute majority has been reached, when all members of the Executive Council have voted, or after forty-eight (48) hours. All members of the Executive Council must be informed of the vote. Each non-absent member of the Executive Council must express their vote by posting either "Aye," "Nay," or "Abstain" in response to the vote announcement.
3. If a majority of the Executive Council votes to declare the Delegate absent, the Acting Delegate must declare this result to the Regional Assembly as soon as possible.
4. The Acting Delegate may not remove members of the Executive Council for refusing to vote to declare the Delegate absent. Once they resume their duties, the Delegate may not remove members of the Executive Council for voting to declare them absent.
5. Members of the Executive Council and their staff are not obligated to carry out any order made by the Delegate while Section 7.8.62 of the Legal Code is in effect and should only do so if the Acting Delegate authorizes the action.

Article 2: Acting Chair of the Executive Council

1. The Vice Delegate will be the acting chair of the Executive Council in the absence of the Delegate.
2. If the Vice Delegate is unable to chair the Executive Council or does not name a new acting chair, then it will revert to the following order:

  1. Minister of Foreign Affairs
  2. Minister of Defense
  3. Minister of World Assembly Affairs
  4. Minister of Home Affairs
  5. Minister of Culture
  6. Minister of Communications
  7. Other Delegate appointed officials of the Executive Branch in order of appointment

3. The acting chair of the Executive Council shall work to continue the business of government and maintain activity within the Executive, but unless granted by the Delegate, does not have the authority to appoint or dismiss members of the Executive Council or their deputies, or any member of staff appointed by the Delegate.
4. Unless approved by the Delegate, the acting chair may only make announcements or respond on behalf of the Delegate or Executive Council with the approval of the majority of the Executive Council that is not otherwise absent from their duties.
5. The acting chair of the Executive Council may designate another member of the Executive Council as chair.
6. The acting chair provisions may be invoked seventy-two (72) hours after the Delegate ceases any form of contact with the Executive Council.
7. The acting chair provisions will cease to be in effect when the Delegate engages in any form of contact with the Executive Council.
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Delegate Directive #5: 16 February 2021


This document is a directive from the Delegate pertaining to the management of the North Pacific Army. This directive will replace the NPA Code of Governance.

Article I: Role
  1. The North Pacific Army is the military of The North Pacific that exists to protect The North Pacific and its vital regional interests.
Article II: Leadership of the North Pacific Army
  1. The Delegate of The North Pacific (“Delegate”) is the Commander-in-Chief of The North Pacific Army.
  2. The Delegate will appoint a Minister of Defence (“Minister”) to oversee the day to day activities of The North Pacific Army.
  3. The Minister shall appoint, whenever the position is vacant, the Chief of Staff of the North Pacific Army to oversee the operational affairs of the North Pacific Army. The Chief of Staff serves at the Minister's pleasure.
Article III: Membership of The North Pacific Army
  1. Any member of The North Pacific may apply to join The North Pacific Army by swearing the oath prescribed in the legal code.
  2. The Minister of Defence or their designee will be responsible for approving or rejecting applications to join The North Pacific Army.
  3. The Minister of Defence or their designee may remove members of The North Pacific Army if they are no longer a resident of The North Pacific, if they have been banned from the North Pacific’s Forums, or if they have violated any section of this directive.
  4. Members of the North Pacific Army are not permitted to serve in regional militaries of regions sanctioned under clause 7.7.48 of the Legal Code.
  5. Members of The North Pacific Army agree to make their World Assembly nation(s) available to serve the interests of The North Pacific for the duration of their service.
Article IV: Operations
  1. The North Pacific Army will only carry out operations authorised by the Delegate of The North Pacific or the Minister of Defence. The Delegate and Minister of Defence may grant other members of the North Pacific Army’s High Command the authority to approve operations.
  2. The North Pacific Army will prioritise the defence of The North Pacific and its allies at all times.
Article IV: Military Promotions and Awards:
  1. The Delegate or the Minister may award promotions and may demote members of the North Pacific Army.
  2. The Delegate or the Minister may grant special awards and honours for distinguished service to Members of The North Pacific Army.
  3. The Minister of Defence will upon taking the oath of office automatically assume the rank of General and member of the North Pacific Army’s High Command for the duration of their service as Minister.
  4. The Chief of Staff of the North Pacific Army will upon taking the oath of office automatically assume the rank of General and member of the North Pacific Army’s High Command for the duration of their service as Chief of Staff.
Article V: The North Pacific Army’s High Command
  1. The North Pacific Army’s High Command will be comprised of extraordinarily experienced, loyal and knowledgeable officers to assist the Minister of Defence in providing leadership to the North Pacific Army.
  2. The Delegate or the Minister may assign members of the High Command to oversee particular divisions or policy areas of the North Pacific Army.
  3. Members of the High Command serve at the pleasure of the Minister of Defence, and shall hold the rank of Colonel or General.
Article VI: The North Pacific Army Officers
  1. The North Pacific Army Officers will be comprised of Members who have participated successfully in multiple missions, demonstrated leadership ability and loyalty to the North Pacific Army and its rules.
  2. Officers in the North Pacific Army may be authorised to lead missions or particular divisions of the North Pacific Army by the High Command.
  3. Officer ranks in The North Pacific Army include:
    1. General (GEN);
    2. Colonel (COL); and
    3. Lieutenant (LTN);
Article VII: Enlisted Personnel
  1. All applicants in the North Pacific Army will begin their service at the rank of Private.
  2. The ranks of enlisted personnel include:
    1. Warrant Officer (WO);
    2. Staff Sergeant (SSG);
    3. Sergeant (SGT);
    4. Corporal (CPL);
    5. Private First Class (PFC); and
    6. Private (PVT).
Article VIII: Loss of the Delegacy Contingency Plan
  1. The North Pacific Army recognises that the Delegate is a position established by the Constitution of The North Pacific.
  2. A rogue Delegacy is defined as a state in which the elected Delegate has been replaced by an individual not authorised to hold that position, or where the elected Delegate has violated the constitution and the rights of citizens.
  3. Should the North Pacific Army recognise a rogue delegacy, the North Pacific Army will recognise the authority of the Acting Legal Delegate (the Vice Delegate or the next nation in the line of succession) and follow their orders.
Article IX: TresVille: Confidential Forum Area
  1. The specified confidential headquarters of The North Pacific Army shall be located here:
  2. All matters discussed in this forum are confidential. Any public or private discussion with unauthorised members about the contents of this forum will result in disciplinary action.
Article X: Hall of Honour
  1. The Hall of Honour shall commemorate individuals who have had a significant impact on the North Pacific Army.
  2. To be inducted to the Hall of Honour, the Member must be nominated by an Officer using the below template. Members may not nominate themselves. Nominations must receive a second and a third nomination in order to proceed to the next stage.
  3. NPA High Command shall create a thread to allow for discussion amongst Members on the merits of the nomination. The minimum discussion period is one week.
  4. After the minimum discussion period, High Command will hold a vote of all Officers of the North Pacific Army. The vote will be open for seven days.
  5. In order to be admitted to the Hall of Honour the nominee must achieve a three-fourths majority in favour of admission.
  6. An inductee to the Hall of Honour shall receive the following:
    1. Lifetime membership of the North Pacific Army and exemption from discharge;
    2. The “Honoured Soldier” role on Discord.
  7. Membership of the Hall of Honour may be relinquished by the resignation of the member, or removed by the Delegate or the Minister of Defence.
  8. The template for nominations to the Hall of Honour is as follows:
    1. Name of Nominee:
    2. Rank of Nominee:
    3. Summary of Service to the NPA.

Article I: Role
  1. The North Pacific Army is the military of The North Pacific that exists to protect The North Pacific and its vital regional interests.
Article II: Leadership of the North Pacific Army
  1. The Delegate of The North Pacific (“Delegate”) is the Commander-in-Chief of The North Pacific Army.
  2. The Delegate will appoint a Minister of Defence (“Minister”) to oversee the day to day activities of The North Pacific Army.
  3. The Minister may appoint Deputy Ministers to assist them in the carrying out of their responsibilities.
Article III: Membership of The North Pacific Army
  1. Any member of The North Pacific may apply to join The North Pacific Army by swearing the oath prescribed in the legal code.
  2. The Minister of Defence or their designee will be responsible for approving or rejecting applications to join The North Pacific Army.
  3. The Minister of Defence or their designee may remove members of The North Pacific Army if they are no longer a resident of The North Pacific, if they have been banned from the North Pacific’s Forums, or if they have violated any section of this directive.
  4. Members of the North Pacific Army are not permitted to serve in regional militaries of regions sanctioned under clause 7.7.48 of the Legal Code.
  5. Members of The North Pacific Army agree to make their World Assembly nation(s) available to serve the interests of The North Pacific for the duration of their service.
Article IV: Operations
  1. The North Pacific Army will only carry out operations authorised by the Delegate of The North Pacific or the Minister of Defence. The Delegate and Minister of Defence may grant other members of the North Pacific Army’s High Command the authority to approve operations.
  2. The North Pacific Army will prioritise the defence of The North Pacific and its allies at all times.
Article IV: Military Promotions and Awards:
  1. The Delegate or the Minister may award promotions and may demote members of the North Pacific Army.
  2. The Delegate or the Minister may grant special awards and honours for distinguished service to Members of The North Pacific Army.
  3. The Minister of Defence will upon taking the oath of office automatically assume the rank of General and member of the North Pacific Army’s High Command for the duration of their service as Minister.
Article V: The North Pacific Army’s High Command
  1. The North Pacific Army’s High Command will be comprised of extraordinarily experienced, loyal and knowledgeable officers to assist the Minister of Defence in providing leadership to the North Pacific Army.
  2. The Delegate or the Minister may assign members of the High Command to oversee particular divisions or policy areas of the North Pacific Army.
  3. Members of the High Command serve at the pleasure of the Delegate of The North Pacific.
Article VI: The North Pacific Army Officers
  1. The North Pacific Army Officers will be comprised of Members who have participated successfully in multiple missions, demonstrated leadership ability and loyalty to the North Pacific Army and its rules.
  2. Officers in The North Pacific Army may be authorised to lead missions by the High Command.
  3. Officer ranks in The North Pacific Army include:
    1. Colonel (COL);
    2. Major (MAJ);
    3. Captain (CPT); and
    4. Lieutenant (LTN).
Article VII: Enlisted Personnel
  1. All applicants in the North Pacific Army will begin their service at the rank of Private.
  2. The ranks of enlisted personnel include:
    1. Warrant Officer (WO)
    2. Sergeant (SGT);
    3. Corporal (CPL);
    4. Private First Class (PFC); and
    5. Private (PVT).
Article VIII: Loss of the Delegacy Contingency Plan
  1. The North Pacific Army recognises that the Delegate is a position established by the Constitution of The North Pacific.
  2. A rogue Delegacy is defined as a state in which the elected Delegate has been replaced by an individual not authorised to hold that position, or where the elected Delegate has violated the constitution and the rights of citizens.
  3. Should the North Pacific Army recognise a rogue delegacy, the North Pacific Army will recognise the authority of the Acting Legal Delegate (the Vice Delegate or the next nation in the line of succession) and follow their orders.
Article IX: TresVille: Confidential Forum Area
  1. The specified confidential headquarters of The North Pacific Army shall be located here:
  2. All matters discussed in this forum are confidential. Any public or private discussion with unauthorised members about the contents of this forum will result in disciplinary action.
Article X: Hall of Honour
  1. The Hall of Honour shall commemorate individuals who have had a significant impact on the North Pacific Army.
  2. To be inducted to the Hall of Honour, the Member must be nominated by an Officer using the below template. Members may not nominate themselves. Nominations must receive a second and a third nomination in order to proceed to the next stage.
  3. NPA High Command shall create a thread to allow for discussion amongst Members on the merits of the nomination. The minimum discussion period is one week.
  4. After the minimum discussion period, High Command will hold a vote of all Officers of the North Pacific Army. The vote will be open for seven days.
  5. In order to be admitted to the Hall of Honour the nominee must achieve a three-fourths majority in favour of admission.
  6. An inductee to the Hall of Honour shall receive the following:
    1. Lifetime membership of the North Pacific Army and exemption from discharge;
    2. Access to all forums and discord channels that are viewable to NPA soldiers;
    3. The “Honoured Soldier” role on discord.
  7. Membership of the Hall of Honour may be relinquished by the resignation of the member, or removed by the Delegate or the Minister of Defence.
  8. The template for nominations to the Hall of Honour is as follows:
    1. Name of Nominee:
    2. Rank of Nominee:
    3. Summary of Service to the NPA.
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Delegate Directive #6: 16 February 2021


This document is a directive from the Delegate pertaining to World Assembly voting policy.

Article 1: Thread Creation

  1. The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs will create an individual voting thread in the World Assembly Affairs subforum for every proposal that could foreseeably make quorum and vote in the near future in a timely manner. Each voting thread will be used for discussion and voting on their respective proposal.
  2. Voting threads will be titled with [GA/SC - Status] (Proposal Name). The Ministry will update the title of the thread when appropriate, and the vote counts of each thread regularly.
  3. When a proposal comes to vote, the corresponding voting thread should be stickied for the period of the vote and marked [GA/SC - AT VOTE - (stance)] (Proposal Name). At the end of a vote, the voting thread should be unsticked, locked, and updated to read [GA/SC - Passed/Failed/Discarded] {Proposal Name) with the results of the vote marked in the bottom of the OP in red (should the proposal have failed) or green (should the proposal have passed).
Article 2: Discussion and Voting eligibility
  1. All members able to see and post in the voting thread of a proposal may partake in discussion related to the proposal in the thread.
  2. All members who have their World Assembly member nation residing in the North Pacific or are currently deployed in a mission as a part of the North Pacific Army may have their votes counted in a voting thread. Members must satisfy these requirements for the entire length of time a voting thread is open.
  3. Members who do not satisfy the requirements in 2.2 should make a note on their vote signifying that it does not satisfy the requirements.
  4. Members who have switched their WA nation or status, or are voting for the first time in a thread should note their WA nation in their vote.
  5. Exemptions from 2.2 may be made in cases of military OPSEC or other extraordinary circumstances by the Delegate or the leadership of the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs.
Article 3: Powers and Duties of the Delegate
  1. The Delegate possesses full autonomy over their vote on all WA proposals.
  2. The Delegate should strive to update their vote in accordance with the voting thread tally as often as possible in a manner that does not diminish the influence of the regional vote.
  3. If the Delegate chooses to vote differently from the forum thread vote tally result, they must issue a statement regarding their choice which will be noted in the IFV linked to the proposal.
  4. In the case that a voting thread is not posted by the time a proposal is at vote, the Delegate may coordinate with Ministry leadership to issue a preliminary vote on the proposal. A voting thread should subsequently be created.
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Delegate Directive #7: June 29, 2022


Quorum Raiding Policy

This document is a directive from the Delegate pertaining to the North Pacific Army's execution of quorum raiding.

Section 1: General Quorum Raiding Policy

  1. The North Pacific will engage in quorum raiding as a last resort after exhausting all other reasonable options to prevent a resolution from reaching queue. These measures include, but are not limited to, counter campaign, direct telegram to approving delegates or regional officials, contact via Discord or offsite forum.
  2. These measures will be employed at least 24 hours before a quorum raid may be conducted, unless the proposal is expected to hit quorum during an update prior to the 24 hour period expiring.
  3. Viable quorum raiding targets are proposals advancing fascist or hateful ideologies, proposals advancing the interest of enemies of The North Pacific, or proposals targeted in retaliation for similar action taken against The North Pacific or its allies. Additional targets not meeting these criteria will be reported to the Regional Assembly clearly outlining the reason for the exception.
  4. Regions targeted in a quorum raid will primarily be those aligned with fascists or other hateful ideologies (including those sharing embassies with such regions), those exempted from restrictions on The North Pacific Army, or those currently in a state of war with The North Pacific.
  5. If additional targets are needed to effectively conduct a quorum raid, The North Pacific Army will endeavor to target regions with minimal nations, or those with minimal community engagement, as well as regions which responded to attempts to diplomatically remove their approval of the resolution with clear support for the proposal and/or its aims which The North Pacific seeks to avoid.
  6. The North Pacific will endeavor to communicate to its allies or other concerned parties with an interest in preventing quorum raiding its intention to engage in a quorum raid at least one update prior to the operation. This communication will include a list of targets and The North Pacific will attempt to coordinate thee targets as best as it can with the other parties which may wish to engage in a defense of these targets.
  7. Following a successful quorum raid of any targeted region, The North Pacific Army will contact the region with an explanation of its action and communicate as clearly as possible the limited nature of the offensive action and the fact that there are no hostilities between the region and The North Pacific (unless hostilities are in fact ongoing).
Section 2: TNP-TSP Quorum Raiding Agreement
  1. Quorum raids or defenses conducted by either party will be treated like any other arbitrary R/D conflict.
  2. Fascist regions will not be defended. Regions that are not themselves fascist but share fascist embassies may be defended.
  3. Subject to both operational constraints and each region's laws and customs, each party will assist each other in raiding fascist regions as part of a quorum raid, at the other party's request.
  4. In the event the proposal targeted by the quorum raid is an SC proposal that benefits the causes of hateful ideologies, the parties will (if requested) provide support on the use of non-military diplomatic/outreach to prevent the proposal from gaining or maintaining approvals. If either party defends such a quorum raid, it will not be described as supporting or advancing hateful ideologies
  5. In the event a quorum raid is actively happening which targets both fascist and non-fascist regions, the available officer from the raiding military will contact the available officer from the defending military before each explicitly fascist target and the defending military will not defend that region, as is standard in all R/D operations.
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Delegate Directive #8: December 26, 2022


Release of Private Executive Records

This document is a directive from the Delegate pertaining to the release of private executive government records in accordance with Section 7.4 of the Legal Code (Freedom of Information Act).

Section 1: General Release Policy
  1. The Delegate will endeavor to release all legally mandated records consistent with Section 7.4 of the Legal Code as quickly as practicable, and will prioritize the release of specific records requested by citizens as part of the FOIA process as outlined in that section.
  2. All Discord releases will be facilitated by a bot or similar that will collect all channel logs for easy transmission and review. No release will be made without such assistance due to the potential loss of fidelity and the enormous amount of time involved in a manual copying of records.
  3. All specific records requested by citizens will be manually retrieved by the Delegate or individuals appointed to facilitate the release of records. Any records too general to be isolated or requiring significant review and retrieval will be subject to the same restrictions as outlined above.
Section 2: Archivist
  1. The Delegate will appoint one or more Archivists to assist in the release of private executive records and other FOIA requests.
  2. Archivists will be granted full access to all private executive forum threads or Discord channels. In the case of Discord channels all archivists will be granted the ability to make use of the bot or similar to collect channel logs.
Delegate Directive #9: December 26, 2022


Modern Gameplay Compact Sanctions

This document is a directive from the Delegate pertaining to the disposition of The North Pacific toward certain organizations which have engaged in aggression against The North Pacific.

The North Pacific is a signatory to sanctions implemented by the members of the Modern Gameplay Compact, of which The North Pacific is a member and obligated by treaty with the other signatories to take collective action in response to acts of aggression made against our regions. In accordance with the ruling of the Court of The North Pacific, the Delegate is unable to apply clause (a) of the first section of the sanctions to any resident of The North Pacific who is simultaneously a member of the sanctioned organizations.

The following regions/organizations are hereby sanctioned: The Brotherhood of Malice, The Black Hawks, The Communist Bloc, Sparkalia, and all regions which:
i. Constitute their territories or possessions;
ii. Are operated by their members and contribute to their military or support their cause;
iii. Have a treaty with them;
iv. Constitute the territories or possessions of regions mentioned in items ii or iii.

Members of the sanctioned regions/organizations are prohibited from:
a. participating in any events hosted by the signatory regions/organizations;
b. being members of coalitions, factions, etc. led by the signatory regions/organizations in NS events;
c. being included in/platformed by media or promotional events/endeavors produced by the signatory regions/organizations;
d. serving in a leading/command role in joint military operations hosted by the signatory regions/organizations

The signatory regions/organizations are prohibited from:
a. participating in any events hosted by members of the sanctioned regions/organizations or in any events hosted by regions/organizations in which members of the sanctioned region/organizations participate;
b. participating in coalitions/factions/etc led by members of the sanctioned regions/organizations or in which members of the sanctioned regions/organizations participate;
c. participating in any media or promotional events/endeavors produced by members of the sanctioned regions/organizations or in which members of the sanctioned regions/organizations are included/platformed;
d. participating in military operations hosted/led by members of the sanctioned regions/organizations, provided those operations are not exclusively anti-fascist in nature.

The signatory regions/organizations will:
a. oppose and vote against World Assembly resolutions authored or co-authored by members of the sanctioned regions/organizations;
b. support and vote for resolutions repealing resolutions authored or co-authored by members of the sanctioned regions/organizations (but may use discretion if the author or co-author of such a resolution is impacted by sanction a. or abstain if the author or co-author is at war with the signatory);
c. oppose and vote against World Assembly resolutions nominating members of the sanctioned regions/organizations for commendation/condemnation;
d. support and vote for resolutions repealing resolutions nominating members of the sanctioned regions/organizations for commendation/condemnation (but may use discretion if the author or co-author of such a resolution is impacted by sanction a. or abstain if the author or co-author is at war with the signatory);
e. support and vote for resolutions liberating regions occupied by members of the sanctioned regions/organizations (but may use discretion if the author or co-author of such a resolution is impacted by sanction a. or abstain if the author or co-author is at war with the signatory).

Previous wording on the last section:
The signatory regions/organizations will:
a. oppose and vote against World Assembly resolutions authored or co-authored by members of the sanctioned regions/organizations;
b. support and vote for resolutions repealing resolutions authored or co-authored by members of the sanctioned regions/organizations;
c. oppose and vote against World Assembly resolutions nominating members of the sanctioned regions/organizations for commendation/condemnation;
d. support and vote for resolutions repealing resolutions nominating members of the sanctioned regions/organizations for commendation/condemnation;
e. support and vote for resolutions liberating regions occupied by members of the sanctioned regions/organizations.

Current wording on the last section:
The signatory regions/organizations will:
a. oppose and vote against World Assembly resolutions authored or co-authored by members of the sanctioned regions/organizations;
b. support and vote for resolutions repealing resolutions authored or co-authored by members of the sanctioned regions/organizations (but may use discretion if the author or co-author of such a resolution is impacted by sanction a. or abstain if the author or co-author is at war with the signatory);
c. oppose and vote against World Assembly resolutions nominating members of the sanctioned regions/organizations for commendation/condemnation;
d. support and vote for resolutions repealing resolutions nominating members of the sanctioned regions/organizations for commendation/condemnation (but may use discretion if the author or co-author of such a resolution is impacted by sanction a. or abstain if the author or co-author is at war with the signatory);
e. support and vote for resolutions liberating regions occupied by members of the sanctioned regions/organizations (but may use discretion if the author or co-author of such a resolution is impacted by sanction a. or abstain if the author or co-author is at war with the signatory).

Edited by @Simone
23 June 2024
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Delegate Directive #10: September 15, 2023


The Gameside Advocates

This document is a directive from the Delegate pertaining to the Gameside Advocates.

Section 1: Organization
  1. The Gameside Advocates will be members of the Executive Staff serving within the Ministry of Home Affairs, and will be tasked with informing the gameside community of important news or events; with monitoring the Regional Message Board (RMB) for violations of NS rules and community guidelines and report such activity to regional officers for response; and with organizing and facilitating activities and other forms of engagement between members of the gameside and offsite communities.
  2. The Delegate will appoint a Lead Gameside Advocate to manage the Gameside Advocates and to determine which staff should be selected to serve as Gameside Advocates. The Delegate may also directly appoint Gameside Advocates.
  3. The Lead Gameside Advocate will announce all Gameside Advocate appointees and ensure that they take an oath of office, and will be appointed as a Regional Officer and empowered with suppression power on the RMB.
  4. The Gameside Advocates will have at least one appointee from the RP moderation team, or designated by the RP moderation team, to advise on RP guidelines and rules and to assist in their enforcement.
  5. The Gameside Advocate appointees should have experience posting on the RMB and should engage with the RMB regularly. The Lead Gameside Advocate will endeavor to appoint individuals who are active RMB posters and known members of the gameside community.
Section 2: Guidelines
  1. The Gameside Advocates may propose and draft guidelines for managing the RMB and for moderating it, and present these to the Delegate for final approval and implementation.
  2. The RP moderation team will determine and advise on guidelines for RMB RP to be enforced by the Gameside Advocates.
  3. No rules or guidelines for RMB RP will be implemented or executed without consultation with the RP moderation team.
  4. Guidelines must be prominently displayed and easily accessible for the gameside community to review.
  5. The Delegate will enforce the RMB Guidelines when exercising suppression and Border Control powers.
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Delegate Directive #11: 21 June 2024


This document is a directive from the Delegate pertaining to World Assembly voting policy.

This is a word-for-word import from the World Assembly Voting Policy (version 6) that has been operational since October 2023. To some extent it restores Delegate Directive #6 which was struck out.

Article 1: Voting Threads
  1. The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs (hereinafter "Ministry") will create an individual voting thread in the World Assembly Affairs subforum for every proposal that could foreseeably make quorum in the near future in a timely manner. Each voting thread will be used for discussion and voting on their respective proposal.
  2. Voting threads will be titled with [GA/SC - Status] (Proposal Name). The Ministry will update the title of the thread when appropriate, and the vote counts of each thread regularly.
  3. When a proposal comes to vote, its corresponding voting thread should be stickied for the period of the vote and marked [GA/SC - at vote - (stance)] (Proposal Name). At the end of a vote, a voting thread should be unsticked, locked, and updated to read [GA/SC - Passed/Defeated/Discarded] (Proposal Name) with the results of the vote marked in red (should the proposal have failed) or green (should the proposal have passed). A notation, if passed, may be added detailing the number of resolutions now passed by the author.
  4. Voting thread titles need not be identical to the templates above, but must still be to that effect.
Article 2: Voting Eligibility
  1. All members able to post in the voting thread of a proposal may partake in discussion related to the proposal in the thread.
  2. All members whose World Assembly member nation is in the North Pacific, or who are in the North Pacific Army, or on a military deployment on behalf of the North Pacific may have their votes counted in a voting thread. Members must satisfy these requirements for the entire length of time a voting thread is open.
  3. Residents who do not satisfy the requirements in 2.2 should note with their vote that they do not satisfy the requirements. If a resident is only eligible to vote under the third condition, said resident should name their deployed nation when voting.
  4. Members who have switched their status should note their change in status in their vote.
  5. The Ministry may specify a region on whose regional message board nations may vote. This region is currently "TNP Gameside Voting Box". Nothing in this section shall be construed as obligating the Ministry to maintain such a region.
  6. Votes on this regional message board shall be added to the voting tally for that proposal, counting for half of what a vote on the voting thread would. Votes shall not be counted if they are from nations not in the World Assembly, nations not in The North Pacific, or players who have already voted in the voting thread.
Article 3: Powers and Duties of the Delegate
  1. The Delegate possesses full autonomy over their vote on all WA proposals at-vote and over any proposal approvals they choose to exercise. In transitional periods, the outgoing in-game Delegate shall liaise with the incoming in-game Delegate regarding approving WA proposals and votes on at-vote WA proposals and follow their recommendations or orders.
  2. The Delegate should strive to update their vote in accordance with the voting tally in a manner that does not diminish the influence of the regional vote.
  3. If the Delegate chooses to vote differently from the vote tally result, they should strive to vote in accordance with the voting recommendation of the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs.
  4. If the Delegate cannot vote in conformity with either the vote tally result or the voting recommendation from the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs, they must issue a statement detailing why they cannot do so. The Delegate may use their discretion in whether to append this to the IFV linked to the proposal.
  5. If a voting thread is not posted by the time a proposal is at vote, the Delegate should coordinate with Ministry leadership to issue a preliminary recommendation on the proposal. A voting thread should subsequently be created and a formal recommendation crafted.
Article 4: Principles of the Transitional Delegate’s Vote
  1. The elected Delegate may instruct the in-game WA Delegate to vote a certain way on a World Assembly proposal. The in-game WA Delegate must comply with such an instruction.
  2. If no recommendation is given to the in-game WA Delegate, the in-game WA Delegate shall vote for the stance which leads the voting tally, if the leading side in the voting tally leads by two or more votes.
  3. If no side leads the voting tally by a margin of two or more votes approximately two days into the vote and there is no instruction to the in-game Delegate by the elected Delegate, the in-game Delegate shall vote in line with the voting recommendation of the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs.
Article 5: Guiding Principles of the Delegate’s Vote, Voting Recommendations, and General World Assembly Etiquette
  1. The Delegate shall refrain from voting For, and the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs shall refrain from recommending a vote For, any proposal authored by a resident of a region on the Civil Defense Siren.
  2. The Delegate and the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs shall, barring exceptional circumstances and a statement as to why the vote and recommendation For are necessary, refrain from voting For or recommending a vote For any proposal authored by a nation or player who is currently banned from The North Pacific or its off-site properties.
  3. The Delegate shall strive to vote For and the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs shall strive to recommend a vote For any proposal which has received majority support from Ambassadors to the World Assembly Legislative League (WALL).
  4. Officially sanctioned and endorsed counter-campaigning, or other methods of denying a proposal the approvals necessary to either achieve the formal queue or come to vote, should only be used in reference to proposals authored by players who fall into 5.1 or 5.2 or if the Delegate believes that the proposal’s arrival at vote would undermine regional security or interests.
  5. The Delegate and the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs may maintain a formal or informal list of individuals whose proposals shall not receive For votes or recommendations at their discretion.
  6. The Delegate may vote, and the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs may recommend a vote, in opposition to the recommendation of any tag:WA mass World Assembly campaign telegram sent by a foreign nation or player targeting World Assembly residents of The North Pacific.
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Delegate Directive #12: 21 August 2024

This Directive sets out conditions for awarding members and formers of the Executive of The North Pacific for their contributions to the region.

Article 1: Order of Polaris
  1. The Delegate may bestow the Order of Polaris medal and ribbon upon recipients as an award for outstanding service to the region over a sustained period.
  2. A recipient can receive multiple Medals and/or Ribbons for their contributions to the Executive. The Order of Polaris can be worn as a Medal and/or as a Ribbon, as desired.



Article 2: Delegate Service Awards
  1. The Delegate may give out awards, known as the Delegate Service Awards, for excellent service by a member of The North Pacific on a particular project.
  2. A recipient can receive multiple Delegate Service Awards for multiple projects.

Article 3: Eligibility
  1. The sole party determining who is granted the recognition outlined above is the Delegate.
  2. No Delegate may extend recognition to themselves.
  3. If a nominee rejects recognition offered by the Delegate, that recognition will not proceed.
  4. All recognition will be publicly declared and in the manner of the Delegate’s choosing. Any recognition that is subsequently revoked will also be publicly declared.
  5. Recipients must not be serving a judicial sentence for violations of the criminal code or be otherwise sanctioned or in disrepute, such as by serving an ongoing administrative punishment. Recipients must also not have been removed or barred from the executive staff.
  6. All awards will be displayed in the TNP University and will become a matter of public record in The North Pacific.
  7. “Delegate” refers to the Serving Delegate.


Directive issued by @Simone on 21 August 2024.
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