The Warlock of Firetop Mountain by Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson

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After you have suffered your third wound, you notice that your strength is ebbing.

Lose 1 skill point.

You deduce that this is yet another magical power of this foul creature and you feel a shiver of panic.

Will you continue or run?

If you want to Escape, pay the penalty and flee through the north door[360].

Otherwise the fight goes on.

If you defeat the creature, [135].

But from now on every third wound that the beast inflicts takes 1 point from your skill.

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The paintings are portraits of men.

Your spine shivers as you read the nameplate under the one on the west wall - it is that of Zagor, the Warlock whose treasure you are seeking.

You look at his portrait and realize you are pitting yourself against an awesome adversary.

You have the feeling that you are being watched and notice the piercing eyes following you as you move.

You find yourself drawn towards his portrait and your fear rises.

Lose 1 skill point.

Do you have the courage to try to combat the Warlock?

You may either leave through the north door straightaway (90) - but treat this as an Escape.

Or you may look through your pack for a weapon [340] to use against the Warlock's power.

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You remember Di Maggio's small, leather-bound book, and silently mouth the spell contained within its pages.

You shout loudly at the Dragon and it stops in its tracks.

It cocks its head to one side and eves you suspiciously.

You fling a stone at its head, and the rock bounces off its nose.

The beast lets out an angry cry and breathes deeply, a roaring sound being created from within its throat.

The Dragon exhales, and from between its teeth you can see another fireball building up.

You prepare yourself, and as the ball of flame comes from its mouth, you cry:

'Ekil Erif
Ekam Erif
Erif Erif
Di Maggio'

The fireball continues no further.

With an agonized scream, the Dragon tries to shake the flames from its snout.

But there the burning continues.

Squealing in agony, the Dragon turns its back and leaps into the blackness, flailing its head from side to side.

Click here [371].

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The sword is enchanted and will aid you in battle.

As long as you use this sword, you may increase your Initial skill by 2 points.

You may also add 2 points to your current skill value.

Add 2 points to your luck for finding this sword.

If you would rather keep your own sword, leave your skill as it is and just take the luck bonus.

Throw your old sword away [319].
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The mighty Giant lies dead!

You search his cavern and find little of use, although a purse in his belt contains 8 Gold Pieces.

You are a little concerned about the second chair; to whom does it belong?

You decide to leave the cavern the way you came.

But add 2 luck and 2 skill points for your victory.

Clich here [351].

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Apart from the boots, which you decide to ignore, there appears to be little of value in the cavern.

You decide to head back the way you came.

Click here [375].

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If you have the jewel from the Eye of the Cyclops, you hold it in front of the Warlock.

His intimidating stare turns to an expression of pain.

He obviously feels the jewel's power.

Suddenly his eyes turn white and his expression goes limp.

Your confidence gains as you realize you have won your first real battle.

Gain 2 skill points.

Put the jewel into your pack and leave through the north door.

Click here [90].

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You toss the Cheese across the room at the Rats and they scramble for it, nipping and scratching each other as they fight for it.

Having distracted them, you pass through the room and leave by the door in the north wall.

Add 2 luck points for your good fortune.

Click here [124].

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Looking through the tools you come across a mallet with a hardwood head and a chisel with a solid silver blade.

You may keep either of these if you are prepared to forfeit one of the items of equipment you are carrying.

If you wish to do so, make the appropriate adjustments to your Equipment List.

The noise from the north door gets louder and you move up to investigate.

Click here [96].

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As you step into the room, the door swings shut behind you.

As it closes, there is a click and a hiss.

From the centre of the ceiling, a jet of gas is filling the room with an acrid vapour.

You breathe and cough deeply.

You look at the door and then the key.

Will you return to the door and escape quickly (136) or hold your breath and dash for the key first (361)?

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The locked door bursts open and a nauseating stench hits your nostrils.

Inside the room the floor is covered with bones, rotting vegetation and slime.

A wild-haired old man, clothed in rags, rushes at you screaming.

His beard is long and grey, and he is waving an old wooden chair-leg.

Is he simply insane as he appears, or has this been some kind of trap?

You may either shout at him to try to calm him down (263) or draw your sword and attack him (353).

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You open the door to find the Werewolf's larder, a miscellaneous collection of bones and decaying meats.

The smell is nauseating, although a jar of pickled eggs seems to offer fairly palatable food.

If you wish to take these, there will be enough for two meals; add 2 points to your Provisions.

Back in the room you may now go out through the south door [66].
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Your opponent is surprised as you disappear in front of him, but he raises his hands as if to cover his eyes and he scans the room with an intense glare.

He can sense your presence but cannot make out exactly where you are.

You draw your sword and advance.

He tilts his head and sniffs the air.

You will have to fight him from a distance as, if he gets his hands on you, your invisibility will be no advantage.

But whilst you remain invisible, you have the following advantages:

You may add 2 to your dice roll when determining your Attack Strength.

Each successful attack will cause him 3 points of damage as, since he cannot see you, he cannot defend himself properly.

Each time he inflicts a wound on you, throw one die.

If the number is odd, he wounds you as normal.

If the number is 2 or 4, he only inflicts a 1-point wound.

If you roll a 6, you can parry the blow and he does no damage.

Resolve the battle:


If you win [396].
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The ear-piercing sound gets louder and louder.

The pain is unbearable.

Reduce your skill score by 1 for the agony.

You begin to grope in the dark for a wall.

Do you head for:

The west wall?Click here [355]
The north wall?Click here [265]
The east wall?Click here [181]
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The Cheese hits the portrait and bounces off.

You hear an evil laugh coming from the walls and realize the Warlock is mocking you.

You decide to leave the room by the north door [90].
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In the middle of the river, the bridge swings to and fro as it strains to take your weight.

The handrail comes away suddenly as you lean on it.

Roll one die.

A roll of 6 sends you plunging into the river below - Click here [158].

A roll of 1-5 means you regain your balance.

To go on [298].
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The door squeaks open on rusty hinges.

The room is dark and your eyes begin to adjust themselves as you close the door behind you.

You hear a shuffling in the room but before you can react, a blow to your head knocks you senseless.

Lose 2 stamina points and Click here [122].
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The slain creature crashes to the ground.

You go through his garments and find nothing, but a small pouch hangs around his neck.

Inside this pouch is a small bronze key, with the number 9 cast into it.

You may take this if you wish.

Nothing else is of value in the cavern so you leave and head back to the junction [269].
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You drink the Potion and can see the look of astonishment spread across the Troll's face.

He comes up to you and feels for you, but you step aside and he gropes the air fruitlessly.

He thrashes around, clutching for you, but you are easily able to sidestep him.

Eventually he gives up and returns to his chamber, just in time, as you feel yourself reappearing.

Add 2 luck points.

You may leave along the passage to the north [287].
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You charge the door, hitting it squarely with your shoulder.

Roll 2 dice.

If the number rolled is equal to or less than your skill score, the door opens (155).

If the number exceeds your skill score, the door shudders but does not budge, and you wince in pain as you hit the door.

Lose 1 stamina point and continue up the corridor (300).
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Roll two dice.

If the total rolled is less than or equal to your luck score and is also less than or equal to your stamina score, then you manage to hold on and manoeuvre the raft across to the north bank (do not deduct a luck point).

You arrive safely but as you step on to the bank, the raft drifts away and makes its own way across the river to the south bank.

Click here [7].

If you exceed your luck and/or stamina totals, the raft throws you into the water and you start to swim back to the south bank [166].
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As you enter the cavern you hear loud footsteps behind you, crunching heavily on the rocky floor.

You crouch down beside the entrance in a small alcove in the rock.

The steps get louder and you see a great OGRE enter the cavern!

He stands over two metres tall and is dressed in ill-fitting garments made from some sort of hide.

He carries a large wooden club.

You may:

Attack him as he entersClick here [16]
Try to creep out without him noticing youClick here [2]
Try to distract him by throwing something into a far corner of the cavernClick here [119]

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Cautiously you creep along the passageway.

After a short time it turns sharply to the north.

At the corner there is a bench of solid wood and above the bench a sign reads 'Rest Ye Here Weary Traveller'.

Here you may stop and eat Provisions if you wish Click here (15).

Or continue (367).
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As you investigate the cavern, you suddenly hear a scurry of steps behind you and swing round to face the grotesque black shape of a GIANT SPIDER which has been stalking you.

The Spider's body is at least a metre across and you quickly draw your sword to defend yourself.


If you win the battle [29].

You may Escape from the fight down the passageway after two Attack Rounds and will end up at the junction [375].
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You continue along the passageway to the east.

After some thirty metres it turns to the south.

Following it round the bend you eventually come to a stop at a large armoured door.

To try the door [6].

If you would prefer to return along the passage and go through the narrow opening [89].
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As you walk along the corridor, you can see ahead that it is getting narrower.

At one point you stoop, and as you do so, a deep, resonating laugh starts up around you.

Do you wish to continue?

If so [281].

If you wish to turn back [10].
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