[SC - FAILED] Commend LadyRebels

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Winter Kingdom
TNP Nation
Boston Castle

Commend LadyRebels
Category: Commendation | Target: LadyRebels
Proposed by: Apatosaurus | Onsite Topic

The Security Council,

Recognising LadyRebels as a nation known for its selflessness and bravery for the cause of good, and appreciating that while it started out as a high-ranking member of the Atlantic Central Command (ACC), one of the foremost invader groups of antiquity, it then became a leading figure in the early history of the South Pacific and helped build it into the vibrant community it has now become,

Recalling that in June 2003, the ACC placed a tyrant, Alpha c, as Delegate of the South Pacific, who turned the South Pacific into a puppet state of the ACC; the Coalition of the South Pacific, the fledgling government of the South Pacific, was largely helpless and seemingly unlikely to regain its sovereignty over the region,

Admiring LadyRebels' bravery after securing the delegacy of the South Pacific when Alpha C was ejected from the United Nations (UN); on its own free will, it turned on the ACC and heroically restored the Coalition’s sovereignty, boldly defying orders from High Commander of the ACC Pilmour; LadyRebels then resigned from the ACC and openly assured natives that they would no longer be terrorised by the ACC, selflessly destroying all of its standing within the ACC for the cause of good,

Praising how LadyRebels oversaw the South Pacific's first stable delegacy free from internal chaos, during which it helped rebuild the Coalition as a functioning democracy and force within the interregional community by, among other things:
  1. Starting the process of holding regional votes to determine the Delegate’s vote in UN resolutions, a process which the South Pacific was among the first regions to start and that continues over 18 years later for voting in the World Assembly, furthering democratic participation within the region and serving as a role model for other regions to follow suit at the time,
  2. Introducing regular regional contests on the forums helping build activity, which continued even after LadyRebels' delegacy, even holding regional Summer Olympics in 2004 and a Football Association Cup in 2005,
  3. Creating an official record of banned nations allowing for greater administration with nations deemed security threats, which stayed in regular use until 2006,
  4. Overseeing the original creation of the Vice President position, allowing for the Delegate to delegate their job to a dedicated deputy, and
  5. Overseeing the foundation of the first military branch of the South Pacific, the Defence Force of the South Pacific, by the then-Secretary of Defense, The matt- duck; this was an important milestone in the history of the South Pacific and while it no longer exists, has paved the path to the creation of the South Pacific Special Forces, now one of the largest and well-respected defender militaries in NationStates,
Impressed by LadyRebels' accomplishments in its second term as delegate in late 2003 to 2004; despite being repeatedly challenged by unendorsement campaigns by the Pacific through regional leaders Francos spain and Savage lands reloaded, the region remained very stable and successfully built relations with the West Pacific and even healed those with the Pacific after the direct attack,

Appreciating that LadyRebels has shown further dedication to the Coalition by serving in a multitude of positions such as Secretary and Undersecretary of Intelligence, Editor of the South Pacific Independent News Network and Chairperson, and

Believing that LadyRebels’ impact - which has directly allowed for the continued survival and growth of the Coalition, now the oldest extant democracy in all of NationStates - stands out interregionally and should in no doubt be officially recognised by this body,

Hereby Commends The Insane Zombie Nudist Colony of LadyRebels.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

"Commend LadyRebels" has failed 5,824 votes (40.6%) to 8,522 (59.4%).
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This resolution seeks to commend LadyRebels for their consistent commitments to the South Pacific during the formative years of the region. The commendation largely chronicles events that occurred 17 years ago, when LadyRebels was part of an organisation which couped the South Pacific, but then chose to defect and restore the previous government of the South Pacific. It goes on to point out how they helped to develop the region's politics and the region's diplomatic standing.

While restoring democracy to a region is a noble act, the author's case beyond this single act is flimsy at best. While internal cultural events and diplomatic ties are indeed notable, and laudable, two isolated events with no detail involved and no examples of what came of diplomatic relationships does not make the nominee, in our eyes, commendable. Their efforts after the restoration of the government were short-lived and had little impact in the long term. The author attempted to make the nominee appear commendable by adding clauses that express little information in reality and attempted to link defunct organisations created by the nominee, such as the Defence Force of the South Pacific, to the present government of the South Pacific. While historical nominees have the issue of time erasing the sands of their accomplishments, not every coup resister in the early days of the game is commendable - even after a detailed look at their resume. This is but one of those cases. For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against the Security Council Resolution at vote, "Commend LadyRebels".

Our Voting Recommendation Dispatch--Please Upvote!
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This proposal has achieved the requisite approvals to enter the formal queue. Barring it being withdrawn or marked illegal, it will proceed to a vote at Saturday’s Minor Update.
Against. Couping then uncouping a region is not commendable. The rest of the proposal is very superficial and tries to link long-defunct institutions established by LadyRebels to the existing infrastructure of TSP.
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The rest of the proposal is very superficial and tries to link long-defunct institutions established by LadyRebels to the existing infrastructure of TSP.
True, it's mostly filler. Plus I don't think I've seen LR actively involved in the politics of the region for many years now.

Sedge's latest post on the onsite thread pretty much sums up my thoughts.
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