New Celoveniortan
Leader Dimmer Wint of the Federal Republic of NC
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- New Celoveniortan#9135

Commend Kyorgia
Category: Commendation | Target: Kyorgia
Proposed by: Toerana, Co-authored by: Kingdom of Circle of Magi and Viosionary Union | Onsite Topic
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.The Security Council,
Recognizing that the nation ofCongratulations On Being Featured is a satellite state of Kyorgia, which sees them;
- Document globally featured regions from 2015 onward, forever preserving their state when featured;
- Supply constant encouragement supplied by its Foreign Office to governments of small and upcoming regions;
Understanding the dedication of its leadership to the Rejected Realms;
- Seeing it serve as its Delegation to the World Assembly for a period of 212 days;
- Solidifying its relationship with The North Pacific, which culminated in the signing of the Unicorn Star Treaty between the two parties. This saw to further solidify the security of the Rejected Realms by allying itself with a region with a large, robust military power;
- Overseeing the “Epic Gamer Party,” a joint cultural event between the Rejected Realms and the North Pacific, seeing a week of cultural events and games that member states could participate in, an event in which the cultural identities of the two regions were strengthened;
- Their stalwart support of The East Pacific during the attempted coup by the leadership of
Fedele, ultimately seeing the Rejected Realms Army deploy in support of the legitimate government.
- Serving as an Officer of Outreach within the Rejected Realms;
- Their encouragement of Reject culture, hosting events such as "Wisdom of the Crowds," where delegations participated in competitions surrounding Reject Culture;
- Producing Bulletins alerting World Assembly members to their failure to endorse the regional delegation.
- Serving as Speaker of the Assembly;
- Ensuring that the Reject Realms' democracy ran smoothly and every citizen had their voice;
- Administering countless elections, seeing a untold number of citizens be elected to a range of elected offices.
- Producing works of art for The Rejected Times, sharing the national cuisine of Kyorgia to an international audience.
Applauding the attempt to liberate Warzone Airspace from the hands of their Lazarene Occupiers;
- Overseeing the formation of a new government to hand power back into the hands of regional natives;
- Valiantly defending Warzone Airspace against multiple attempted invasions during the Second Liberation;
- Providing Stalwart support of
Rei I for over 100 days, in an attempt to secure the region from the Lazarene Occupiers.
Acknowledging that the former government of Arastaoir currently resides in Kyorgia, seeing their government serve two terms as Stateminister of Balder, serving for a total of 56 days, ensuring stability during transitional periods following the resignation of their predecessors;
Applauding the formation of Kyorgia Puppet Storage;
- The Headquarters of the Kyosson Organization, which sees representatives from influential states participate in discourse surrounding a variety of important international issues;
- The Home of the Kyosson Empire, an interregional body that sees the unification of diverse sections of the world under the banner of Kyorgia;
- As a platform of representatives for a multitude of entities to interact from 25 allies states.
Impressed by the monumental collection of artwork gathered by art connoisseurs in the nation of Kyorgia, A collection valued at over 11,000 Bank, which includes artwork such as;
- Seventeen copies of "Naughty Slave Girls," preserving multiple accounts of the priceless work of art for future generations;
- Two first edition copies of Testlandia;
- A small collection of artwork produced by allied "Featured Region Followers," to forever preserve the nations who recognize and support Featured Regions alongside Kyorgia's satellite state of Congratulations on Being Featured.
Inspired by the dedication the leadership of Kyorgia to military affairs; including
- Having a rich military history, seeing their participation in many raider organisations, but later transitioning to become a member state of the Rejected Realms Army, further showing their dedication to the Rejected Realms and its ideals;
- The foundation of Canterlot, a colourful organisation intent on spreading the colours of the rainbow and cartoon ponies across the world;
- Seeing their military participate in the sieges of notable regions, such as Boston, South Pacific and Christmas
Believing that Kyorgia and its leadership is worthy of recognition from the Security Council in the form of a commendation.
Co-authored byKingdom of Circle of Magi &
Visionary Union
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
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