[SC - FAILED] Against Quorum Raiding

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Winter Kingdom
TNP Nation
Boston Castle

Against Quorum Raiding
Category: Declaration | Type: Declare
Proposed by: Jedinso, Co-authored by: Morover | Onsite Topic

The World Assembly,

Defining quorum raiding as the act of unseating delegates approving a World Assembly proposal in order to prevent the approved proposal from reaching quorum and going to vote,

Understanding that historically, quorum raiding was used as an anti-fascist tactic and was used exclusively in order to prevent any subscriber of this particularly vile ideology from promoting themselves or spreading propaganda to the eyes of thousands of world leaders, and billions of people,

Concerned, however, that the practice has evolved beyond that of merely preventing the spread of fascism and similar ideologies, turning into an alternative for counter-campaigning any telegram getting to vote, allowing the opinion of a few to be much more forcefully shot down without any actual consent from the approving delegates,

Believing that quorum raiding undermines the democratic right of the collective delegates of the World Assembly and subjects them to be momentarily dethroned,

Observing that past use of quorum raiding and similar tactics have proven to be harmful to the establishment of the World Assembly and its participants, discouraging many delegates with smaller endorsement counts to abstain altogether from approving proposals out of fear of retaliation, making it significantly harder for proposals to reach vote following instances of quorum raiding,

Noting that using non-combative means of preventing a proposal from going to vote, including but not limited to informative counter-campaigns and outreach, serve to prevent conflict and alleviate tension regarding World Assembly proposals,


  1. Proclaims its unwavering opposition to quorum raiding as an expression of opinion on any individual proposal or author,
  2. Urges militaries to immediately cease quorum raiding operations except in cases where the concerned proposal will serve as a tool for propaganda for any particularly hateful ideology or any region or nation which legitimately adheres to said ideology, and the only regions targeted by the operation are supporters of such an ideology,
  3. Further urges militaries wishing to quorum raid a proposal excepted from clause two to only do so after extensive forethought and as a last resort,
  4. Reminds nations, regardless of actual militaristic ideology, to remember that the World Assembly as an organization should not suffer due to personal political ambitions of any one individual, nation, region, or other organization, regardless of the adherence to this resolution, and asks them to act with good intentions towards the World Assembly, its inhabitants, and the world at large.

Co-authored by Morover
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA)or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

[TR][TD] For [/TD][TD] Against [/TD][TD] Abstain [/TD][TD] Present [/TD][/TR][TR][TD]2[/TD][TD]18[/TD][TD]0[/TD][TD]2[/TD][/TR]

"Against Quorum Raiding" has failed 5,854 For votes (41.9%) to 8,121.
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This proposal seeks to express strong disapproval of the practice of quorum raiding, which is when a delegate is usurped by foreign forces in order to remove their approval from a proposal to prevent it from going to vote. It condemns it in all forms except for when it is used as a last resort against vile regions supporting a vile proposal.

Whilst the premise of declaring against the invasion of innocent regions to prevent the democratic processes of the World Assembly is noble, The North Pacific cannot support this proposal. We find that the already narrow exemption laid out in Article 2 in regards to proposals that "will serve as a tool for propaganda for any particularly hateful ideology or any region or nation which legitimately adheres to said ideology" is handicapped to the point of being worthless. As most proposals which make it into quorum that push such ideologies are approved by regional delegates which don't necessarily buy into them, the restriction limiting quorum raiding to regions that "are supporters of such an ideology" leaves antifascist militaries with their hands tied. This reason, in addition to the unacceptable lackluster attitude of the author regarding the proposal in recent days, gives us very little reason to offer our support for this proposal.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against the Security Council Resolution at vote, "Against Quorum Raiding".
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A quorum raid on this resolution would, in my view, be at least somewhat amusing.

I am voting present since I think this is really a procedural issue and I don't have a view on this.
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Site moderation has ruled this proposal illegal. Accordingly, thread locked. If this proposal is resubmitted and ruled legal or ruled legal later, the thread will be reopened.
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This proposal has achieved the necessary approvals to enter the formal queue. Barring it being withdrawn or marked illegal (again), it will proceed to a vote at Wednesday's Minor Update.
Support in principle, but I’m going to vote nay (Non-WA) due to the author not caring about this proposal
Support in principle, but I’m going to vote nay (Non-WA) due to the author not caring about this proposal
I can't say it was a great look for the author to announce he was quitting NS then submitting this proposal AND THEN dipping, no.
For, but I'll take over (In other words, just writing a new proposal on this topic) in the case that this doesn't pass - me and the submitting author did not agree on everything, both in phrasing and in effect, so there would be some notable changes.
"Against Quorum Raiding" has failed 5,854 For votes (41.9%) to 8,121.
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