[SC - PASSED] Commend Pencil Sharpeners 2

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Winter Kingdom
TNP Nation
Boston Castle

Commend Pencil Sharpeners 2
Category: Commendation | Target: Pencil Sharpeners 2
Proposed by: Minskiev | Onsite Topic

The Security Council,

Aware of the nation of Pencil Sharpeners 2 (PS2) and its many satellite states for their impressive domestic characteristics, topping the charts on many different World Assembly Census metrics,

Believing PS2 and its satellites to be worthy of praise from the World Assembly, from their laudable regional involvement to their remarkably benevolent policy and legislation,

Jealous of the efficiency of the economy of PS2 and the high standard of living enjoyed by its residents of nearly a million Pencil Shavings,

Observing the economic influence PS2 has over the South Pacific due to PS2's policies of subsidizing industry and advancing the sciences, to the point where PS2 wields a highly-advanced space program and is the 17th-most subsidizing nation in the world,

Lauding PS2’s government for expanding their influence beyond their immediate nation, into a vast system of satellite states who have accomplished many goals, ultimately showcasing the high ability of their leaders to create goodwill towards people around the world, accomplishing many incredible feats, such as:

  1. The development of extensive domestic welfare programs (3rd best) in Thalasse, alongside high levels of inclusiveness (5th most) rivaled by only a select few nations, on top of a combination of incredibly well-developed and efficient healthcare system (7th best) and foreign aid programs (10th best), ensuring the health of citizens domestic and abroad by one of the most honest governments (11th most) in the world for some of the most compassionate people (11th most) in the world,
  2. Heliosphere’s investments in the advancement of industry, ultimately allowing themselves to develop the world’s best public education and most expansive information technology sector, combining to form an educated, well-rounded, and cheese-loving (3rd most) population,
  3. The food-oriented Aqualagoon’s innovations in the area of food production, including being the world’s largest agricultural producer, as well as the world’s largest trout fisher, feeding not only all residents but also the less-fortunate outside the nation,
  4. The assurance of the safety of Xynlandia’s people, which has remarkably good defense forces (6th best) and the best law enforcement in the world, allowing the nation to reduce violent crime to nearly nonexistent levels and helping nations worldwide have a goal to strive towards in this regard,
  5. The resources provided by Askatopia, having some of the most prominent resource-gathering industries in the world, including the nearly-unrivaled mining industry (2nd largest) of the nation, as well as the largest timber industry in the world, coupled with the world’s largest basket-weaving industry, highlighting the skill and efficiency of the nation to allow the easier collection of resources, and supplying them internationally,
Acclaiming the many other notable characteristics present in many other nations under PS2's control, ranging from stunning and sparkling weather to pizza so artisanally crafted that it nearly breaks the censuses, ultimately demonstrating the dedication that these nations undergo, to the extent that not all can be personally named in a singular resolution,

Celebrating PS2's tenure as Minister of Regional Affairs and Local Councillor of the South Pacific, where they spurred regional democratic involvement in the government, as well as being a member of the Council on Regional Security, helping to guard their home region against outside threats,

Noting PS2's list of most-accomplished nations where they bring to light 10 nations for their very impressive domestic policies and feats, with a total of 42 world-1sts across the nations and their puppets,

Convinced that PS2's many feats across many areas and guidance to other nations, giving them tips on how to improve their nation, have made a positive change in the world,

Hereby commends Pencil Sharpeners 2.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

[TR][TD] For [/TD][TD] Against [/TD][TD] Abstain [/TD][TD]Present[/TD][/TR][TR][TD]7[/TD][TD]2[/TD][TD]1[/TD][TD]2[/TD][/TR]
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This proposal seeks to commend the nation Pencil Sharpeners 2, also known as Pencil Sharpeners, for their remarkable feats in issues answering across several nations in addition to their varied contributions to their region The South Pacific.

Pencil Sharpeners is not your average issues answerer. Despite being relatively new compared to many of their competitors, Pencil Sharpeners has racked up an astounding number of World #1 in several statistics, and the maintenance of several nations dedicated to topping leaderboards is even more impressive. Pencil Sharpeners' public advocacy for issues answering, through dispatches detailing their methods or those that celebrate fellow answerers, are contributions to the international community that set Pencil Sharpeners aside from most other issues answerers. Pencil Sharpeners is also an important figure in The South Pacific, having served in several government positions such as the Minister of Regional Affairs. We believe that the many unique contributions Pencil Sharpeners has made warrant official recognition from the Security Council.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the Security Council Resolution at vote, “Commend Pencil Sharpeners 2”.
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Not really sure there's enough here but at the same time, not really sure there's a good reason for not passing this, considering other Commends that lack content and how this is about a member of one of our allies.

Tentative for.
Even though this is on track to miss quorum, I still offer my support (non-WA). These are commendable stats and while there may be little to nothing else to it, commendable stats with multiple nations is definitely hard to do and deserves some recognition.
This proposal has achieved the necessary approvals to enter the formal queue. Barring it being withdrawn or marked illegal, it will proceed to a vote at Wednesday’s Major Update.
im 50/50 on this one - slight lean in favor tho so for
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