[SC - PASSED] Commend Imkiville

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Winter Kingdom
TNP Nation
Boston Castle

Commend Imkiville
Category: Commendation | Target: Imkiville
Proposed by: Debussy | Co-authored by: Domais | Onsite Topic

The Security Council,

Recognizing the nation of Imkiville, also known as Imkihca, for their incredible leadership during an extremely turbulent time in Lazarene history, leadership that should be exemplified by those who wish to advance the mission of this Council,

Noting that in July of 2017, Civil War started to brew in Lazarus when long time native and then current Delegate, Funkadelia, alongside their cohorts, Killer Kitty and Lamb stone, began abusing their authority to import voters and subvert laws,

Observing that the unstable situation came to a boiling point on the 24th of July when Funkadelia, aided by then Guardian, Killer Kitty, ejected several high-ranking government members, including three Guardians and the Vice-Delegate, on conspiracy charges, effectively ending the Celestial Union of Lazarus,

Remarking that on the 27th of August, with political opposition out of the way, the perpetrators of the overthrow established the Undead Dominion of Lazarus, a despotic regime that was a sharp regression from the democratic practices of the prior government,

Recording that when Funkadelia stepped down on the 12th of March 2018, the Undead Dominion was replaced by the Khanate of Lazarus, a perverse distortion of government that further denigrated the integrity of the region,

Relieved that on the 23rd of April 2018, with Lazarus 10 months into its Civil War, Imkiville successfully overthrew the then leader of the Khanate, Killer Kitty, and established a period of Anarchy, which was widely supported by the international community,

Applauding that during the aforementioned period, Imkiville allowed natives that were previously banished to return to Lazarus while simultaneously allowing those supportive of the previous government to remain, going as far as appointing Killer Kitty to the Council of Lazarene Security once the new government was established,

Admiring the intentions of the Peace Keeping Agreement, a document signed by Imkiville and the governments of Osiris, The Rejected Realms, The West Pacific, The East Pacific, The South Pacific, and The Pacific, that outlined a new Constitutional Convention for Lazarus to be run by a group of former Lazarene Delegates,

Believing that while the Constitutional Convention had been build on good intentions, it did not result in an environment conducive to reconciliation, and that when Imkiville dissolved the convention and installed Mandate XII, it was the best move to start repairing burnt bridges,

Celebrating that the government of Lazarus set up by Imkiville is still stable, resulting in the region’s longest serving Delegate, Treadwellia, and an environment for the residents of Lazarus to work cooperatively,

Appreciating the contributions Imkiville has made to The South Pacific, most notably their work as Minister of Military Affairs, where they are credited with reviving the South Pacific Special Forces and creating the foundations that have made it a successful force to this day,

Marveling at the many beautiful and influential artworks produced by Imkiville, such as the flag of Lazarus, the crest of the South Pacific Special Forces, and countless other voluntary and commissioned works,

Asserting that the contributions of Imkiville should not be overlooked and merit recognition from this Council, and that awesome is the best description of the nation,

Hereby Commends Imkiville.

Co-Authored by Domais.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

[TR][TD] For [/TD][TD] Against [/TD][TD] Abstain [/TD][TD] Present [/TD][/TR][TR][TD]12[/TD][TD]2[/TD][TD]1[/TD][TD]1[/TD][/TR]

“Commend Imkiville” passed 9,674 votes (80.7%) to 2,321 (19.3%).
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This proposal seeks to commend Imkiville for their contributions to Lazarus. Specific contributions cited include the nation's opposition to the coup led by Funkadelia and later the Lazarene Khanate, as well as the nation's work to restore the constitutional government with international backing under Treadwellia after the Anarchy period. Imkiville's contributions to The South Pacific in regional art and design are also cited.

While this proposal suffers from some flaws and controversy regarding the nominee's actions in The South Pacific, it is well-constructed overall. It details the nominee's considerable efforts to safeguard the government of Lazarus and restoring regional integrity. Even though the last few clauses contain information arguably extraneous to this commendation, they do not detract from it.

For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends voting For the at-vote Security Council proposal, "Commend Imkiville"
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I don't think it's been determined whether Imki has created a lasting Lazarus government system yet given that there has only been one Delegacy change (and I'm generally not a fan of nations that just remain as Delegate for a long time in a region).

Furthermore, I am not a fan of the last phrase. I don't believe it contributes anything and just makes the proposal look kiddy.
I agree with Praetor's points, but the stability in the formerly unstable Lazarus can clearly be seen, and not liking a single delegate in the seat for years is not really related to this in my view. I think I would still be supportive of this, minor gripes aside.

This proposal has achieved the necessary approvals to enter the formal queue. It will proceed to a vote at Major Update.
[Non-WA] Against.

This is not well-written. It gives a big history lesson on the Lazarus Civil War, some of which Imki was not really involved in. The line about the South Pacific is one tiny throwaway line that barely adds anything. Ultimately, I think it fails to make the case that Imki's actions are enough to warrant a commendation. It is one historical event. Even if her role was crucial, it doesn't exactly denote a nation that has tirelessly helped improve the community over the years.
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