[GA - Pulled] Pandemic Waste Awareness Act

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Greater Cesnica

TNP Nation
Greater Nabeul

Pandemic Waste Awareness Act
Category: Environmental | Industry Affected: Manufacturing
Proposed by: Namatama | Onsite Topic

Recognising that due pandemics a higher volume of garbage such as masks, gloves and disinfectant bottles reach the oceans and litter whole swathes of land across the nations, this act should raise awareness towards waste caused by pan- and epidemics

Acknowledging that plastic waste in general is a big problem and that this problem must be solved as best as possible. And that the waste in the oceans and on land is endangering the lives of entire species and, conversely, our own species. This resolution aims to raise our awareness especially on pan- and epidemic caused litter.

That is why we urge to implement those points below:

I - In the event of a pandemic or epidemic all nations either already affected or at significant risk of becoming affected need to raise awareness in politics and among the population about the proper disposal of masks, gloves and disinfectant bottles and other disposable medical items.

II - Proper disposal is defined as recycling or incinerating the used medical items before they end up in the landside and from there in the worst case in the rivers, lakes and oceans.

III - Nations must mandate if technologically possible the use of biodegradable materials instead of plastic for the production of medical one-off products in order to reduce the burden on the environment.

IV - In the case of a pandemic or epidemic in a very critical state where there is no possibility to produce only ecological biodegradable one-off medical utilities, the share must apply for at least 1/12 of the produced goods despite high demand of one-off medical utilities.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

[TR][TD] For [/TD][TD]Against[/TD][TD] Abstain [/TD][TD] Present [/TD][/TR][TR][TD]0[/TD][TD]5[/TD][TD]0[/TD][TD]0[/TD][/TR]
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Greetings Esteemed Delegacy,

I am reaching out to request that you remove your approval from the General Assembly proposal, "Pandemic Waste Awareness Act".

There are several reasons why I believe this proposal should not make it to a vote:
  • The proposal was drafted for less than one day before being submitted,
  • Critical advice given in the thread was ignored,
  • The author refused to withdraw their submission despite glaring flaws being pointed out in the thread,
  • They have been relentlessly hounding delegates to approve while at the same time doggedly refusing to acknowledge comments in the drafting thread,
  • The proposal provides for the recycling of used medical items, a horrendous violation of conventional biosafety standards, and is indicative of an immense lack of awareness regarding the subject the author is legislating on, and
  • The proposal, as has been pointed out in the thread, serves to stifle the ability of medical services to operate during a time of exceptional strain, such as during a pandemic.
I find that the author's behavior and apparent lack of familiarity with medical standards to be particularly egregious, as someone who is entering the medical field myself. This absolute travesty must be removed from the queue.

Thank you for your time,

Greater Cesnica

So, Against. (Non-WA)
Update: the proposal has dropped out of the queue as of 1:33 PM EST. Ideally, it should remain out of the queue, but I suspect it will re-enter it shortly.
Ineligible to vote. I will note, however, that...

...the PWAA does not necessarily require member states to allow for disposable, used masks and gloves to be recycled any more than it requires members to ensure that service areas are placed at twenty-mile intervals on all of their motorways; it merely requires education on how "disposable medical items" can be disposed. Such education would concern how they can be "recycl[ed] or incinerat[ed] before they end up in the landside..." (emphasis added), but the Act itself would implicitly grant member states leeway to in fact restrict the recycling of disposable biowaste where this is demonstrably unsafe. ("If you have mistakenly placed medical waste in any of your recycling bags, this waste will be segregated and subsequently moved to your local recycling centre's incineration facilities.")

Articles III and IV apply merely to the production of disposable medical equipment in your nation. If your production facilities cannot fully comply with these articles, nothing is stopping you from seeking technological assistance from other member states (or, if necessary, from non-member states) in these regards, nor from importing such equipment.
Against. It's good at heart, but almost ineffective considering disposable medical items such as masks and desinfectant bottles have been around since way before the pandemic and probably weigh close to nothing compared to the tons of plastic produced every day.
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