[SC - PASSED] Commend HumanSanity

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Winter Kingdom
TNP Nation
Boston Castle

Commend HumanSanity
Category: Commendation | Target: HumanSanity
Proposed by: Moonfungus
| Co-authored by Tinhampton | Onsite Topic

The Security Council,

Recognizing HumanSanity as an exceptional nation which has tirelessly worked to build regional communities throughout its existence,

Noting HumanSanity’s crucial role in redeveloping a stable and cultured community in Renegade Islands Alliance (RIA) alongside Shizensky, where:

  • it authored a new constitution for RIA,
  • as RIA's Immigration Officer, it recruited new nations into RIA, helping the region’s population grow from 10 to over 300 nations in six months,
  • as RIA's Internal Affairs Officer, it started a mentorship program to help new nations find their way around RIA, initiated monthly formal debates between citizens about various topics and revitalized the regional economy by introducing a new currency for nations to use,
  • as RIA's World Assembly (WA) Delegate, it boosted regional WA participation by starting democratic votes to allow residents to decide how it would vote on WA resolutions,

Observing HumanSanity’s historic tenure as the Chief Executive (head of government) of RIA, where it streamlined the government to be more effective, introduced unique activities to encourage regional participation, and led RIA's military - the Renegade Islands Alliance Special Forces (RIASF) - in various high-stakes missions with regional allies, including the liberation of Lazarus and the refound of Hogwarts in 2015,

Applauding HumanSanity’s inspiring leadership, best exemplified by SC#173 "Commend Renegade Islands Alliance", which passed during its tenure as Chief Executive for RIASF's excellence in defending vulnerable regions from harm,

Acknowledging HumanSanity’s remarkable service to 10000 Islands (XKI) in various capacities, where:

  • as the Senator for Lyonnesse East, it oversaw XKI's various houses and spearheaded the creation of the House Cup and House Shield competition between them to drive regional activity,
  • as the Senator for Blue Canaria North, it managed XKI's emissary reports and reformed their layouts to include interviews, notable regional chatter and a WA voting overview,
  • as XKI's Minister of Immigration, it led XKI's recruitment efforts, increasing the regional population from 1,621 nations in July 2016 to 2,358 nations by October 2016 (a number exceeded only during the delegacies of Kuriko in 2020 and Anime Daisuki and Woonsocket in 2012-13),
  • as XKI's Minister of Labor, it mentored such nations as Grea Kriopia, Free Las Pinas and Wischland, all of which would later contribute much to the growth of XKI and the world at large,
  • as XKI's first Cultural Officer (an office it established to organize regional activities), it greatly enlivened and accelerated participation in the region's cultural landscape by hosting unique events such as the XKI Summer Olympics - which remain one of the largest events ever hosted in XKI - the XKI Best Flag Competition and the XKI National Animal Competition,

Hailing HumanSanity’s steadfast campaign to increase transparency in XKI alongside Paffnia (commended by SC#276), leading to the region opening many of its government meetings to citizens in a separate chamber while hosting more sensitive debates in a secure chamber only accessible to government members,

Lauding HumanSanity for founding the XKI Cards Co-op, the artwork collection program of XKI, and supporting its initial development as its first President, where it created an unique cooperative model between members to collect new works of art,

Praising HumanSanity’s spirited efforts to extend the diplomatic ties of XKI, acting as a key mediator in the Treaty of the Waxing Moon, which stabilized relations with The East Pacific after a tense period between the two regions, and the United Island Accord, which began a meaningful partnership with The Union of Democratic States,

Admiring HumanSanity’s stint of 183 days as XKI's WA Delegate, where it:

  • strengthened ties with existing allies like The South Pacific, The East Pacific and The Rejected Realms (TRR) by jointly hosting various cultural events, including but not limited to the Tea House of Cards,
  • expanded the diplomatic reach of XKI by initiating new ties with regions as diverse as Thaecia, Refugia, Christmas and The Labyrinth,
  • led the non-military efforts to secure The Embassy and restore native control after it was raided and authored SC#344 “Liberate The Embassy” to aid the operation,
  • Acclaiming HumanSanity’s skilful authorship of SC#353 “Commend Deadeye Jack” to celebrate a fellow nation dedicated to building and improving numerous regional communities, including European Union, Fort Triumph, Hogwarts, The Order of the Grey Wardens and TRR,

Awed by the positive impacts HumanSanity’s actions has had on RIA, XKI and the international community in general,

Hereby commends HumanSanity.

Co-authored by Tinhampton.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

[TR][TD] For [/TD][TD]Against[/TD][TD] Abstain [/TD][TD] Present [/TD][/TR][TR][TD]4[/TD][TD]9[/TD][TD]2[/TD][TD]1[/TD][/TR]

”Commend Human Sanity” has passed 10,273 (80.6%) to 2,475 (19.4%).
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IFV - Against

This proposal aims to recognize HumanSanity for significant contributions to regional development in Renegade Islands Alliance (RIA) and 10000 Islands (XKI), as well as Security Council resolution authorship.

HumanSanity's accomplishments in various areas of NationStates are undoubtedly extensive. Therefore, it is unfortunate that this proposal is burdened by issues in both structure and content. The proposal's format as a whole is disorganized, with contributions to RIA and XKI split into numerous messy clauses that disrupt the proposal's flow and leave it feeling more a rote summary than a cohesive argument. The section referencing HumanSanity's stint as XKI Delegate is problematic, as half of a year of service in the position should surely account for more than "strengthening ties" if it bears mentioning. Indeed, it is odd to commend a nation for effective diplomacy when XKI's diplomacy arguably took a step backwards under HumanSanity's leadership, as can be seen by XKI abruptly withdrawing their embassy with The North Pacific and co-signing a false narrative regarding quorum raiding actions despite clarification on the matter. Including the nominee's authorship of SC 344 is strange, considering the issues with that resolution that are explored in our recommendation on it. While HumanSanity may indeed be commendable, we simply cannot support this proposal.

For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends voting Against the at-vote Security Council proposal, "Commend HumanSanity".
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I am rather on the fence about this one. I think HS is commendable, but I am not impressed by this resolution, especially the part about HS’s term as XKI delegate. Present Against (Non-WA)
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Abstain. It is a particularly awkward one, considering of whatever happened between XKI and TNP during HS' term as delegate, and their opinions of our region as a whole. Furthermore, I am not actually convinced by this particular resolution. While HS may be commendable, I don't think it is fair to expect our region be making a support for this particular vote.
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