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Safety and Integrity in Conflict Journalism
Category: Education and Creativity | Area of Effect: Free Press
Proposed by: Refuge Isle | Onsite Topic
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.The General Assembly,
Observing that, in times of unrest, a scrutinising media provides a safety net for civilians in conflict's path, not only by keeping them apprised of dangers, but by holding leaders accountable for what atrocities might otherwise be concealed,
Recognising that, while operating in close proximity to a conflict zone is perilous, a journalist's actions may be the only mechanism by which news of happenings may be returned to international authorities,
Aware that conflict journalists face dangers beyond battlefield hazards, including being specifically targeted for arrest, kidnapping, and murder by belligerent factions or even their own government,
Resolved that it falls to the World Assembly to establish specific provisions which protect these journalists, safeguard their vital function, and assist in providing reports of non-compliance with international law,
May it be enacted that this chamber:
- Defines within this resolution:
- a "conflict zone" as a battlefield, combat area, or zone where military-grade equipment is deployed to defeat, rout, or suppress opposing forces.
- a "conflict journalist" as a reporter or a reporter's technical assistant, operating independent of any belligerent faction, and employed in providing journalism from an ongoing conflict zone or its immediate surrounding area.
- an "act of espionage" as the clandestine gathering, reporting, or delivery of information for the purposes of benefiting one or more belligerent factions, except to uphold international law.
- an "act of warfare" to be any of the following:
- The capturing or killing of combatants.
- The intentional damage or destruction of equipment or vehicles deployed to the conflict.
- The transportation of personnel or supplies for a party of the conflict.
- Declares that conflict journalists:
- are classified as civilian non-combatants of a protected status.
- are permitted to carry out any journalism that is not an act of espionage from or near a conflict zone.
- are prohibited from carrying, operating, or transporting weaponry in a conflict zone.
- are prohibited from hiring or otherwise soliciting the services of armed escorts and mercenaries.
- are prohibited from accessing military facilities, except when invited by the owner or controller of the facility.
- Prohibits member nations from:
- disallowing conflict journalists access to a conflict zone and freedom of movement within it.
- undertaking retaliatory action towards conflict journalists in response to unfavourable press coverage, or fear thereof.
- detaining conflict journalists solely to limit their access to the conflict zone, or to delay their reporting.
- Establishes that the kidnapping, murder, or deliberate use of a conflict journalist as a military target shall be illegal and considered a war crime.
- Clarifies that a conflict journalist who commits an act of espionage or proactively engages in an act of warfare will be considered a hostile combatant, exempt from the protections of this resolution, and unable to be considered a civilian in the conflict.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
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