[GA - DEFEATED] Regulation on the Integrity of Genetic Data

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Winter Kingdom
TNP Nation
Boston Castle

Regulation on the Integrity of Genetic Data
Category: Regulation | Area of Effect: Consumer Protection
Proposed by: Daarwyrth | Onsite Topic

The General Assembly,

Lauding the continuous efforts of this international body to safeguard and secure the privacy of its member states' citizens,

Understanding that the ever-growing field of privacy protection can not be regulated by a single, all-encompassing resolution,

Concerned that entities such as corporations or individual traders could abuse the trust of consumers of non-medical DNA tests, by selling their genetic data to third parties,

Convinced that international cooperation is necessary in preventing the malicious handling of genetic data that is acquired by such entities offering non-medical DNA tests to consumers,


Defines for the purposes of this resolution:
    1. 'non-medical DNA test' as any form of genetic testing that is offered commercially as a good or service, directly to consumers for non-medical purposes;

    2. 'testing entity' as any entity that commercially offers and distributes non-medical DNA tests as goods or services, directly to consumers;

    3. 'third party' as any entity that is not the testing entity, or the consumer of non-medical DNA tests as goods or services;
  1. Prohibits testing entities from sharing the genetic data that is produced by the non-medical DNA tests that they offer to consumers with third parties, for monetary compensation or otherwise;

  2. Clarifies that the laboratories that analyse and study the genetic samples produced by non-medical DNA test for testing entities are excluded from the prohibition under Clause 2, to the extent to which they need to fulfill their contractual obligations to the testing entity;

  3. Further clarifies that the prohibition under Article 2 may be waived to the extent to which it obstructs the pursuit of justice, or impedes upon the processes of legal investigations and actions pursued by judicial entities;

  4. Asserts that Clause 2 similarly applies to the genetic data that is produced by non-medical DNA tests that are offered free of charge, either in the form of charity, or trial-based distribution;

  5. Establishes the World Assembly Genetic Data Oversight Authority (WAGDOA) to oversee the handling of genetic data produced under the definition of Clause 1a by testing entities, and tasks this committee with the following:
    1. Establishing and maintaining a database of all testing entities that offer non-medical DNA tests as goods or services;

    2. Investigating any testing entity around which signs and signals have emerged that they are non-compliant with the articles of this resolution;

    3. Issuing guidelines to testing entities that find themselves in a state of non-compliance with the articles of this resolution, on how to rectify their situation;

    4. Informing the WACC of any testing entities that remain in a state of non-compliance, after earlier attempts at eliciting rectification have failed;
  6. Mandates member states to cooperate with the WAGDOA in the fulfilment of its mandates and tasks as defined in Clause 6;

  7. Instructs member states to enact any rectifying or punitive actions that are imposed by the appropriate authorities of the World Assembly, on any of the testing entities offering non-medical DNA tests to their citizens, that remain non-compliant with the articles of this resolution.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

[TR][TD] For [/TD][TD]Against[/TD][TD] Abstain [/TD][TD] Present [/TD][/TR][TR][TD]0[/TD][TD]12[/TD][TD]0[/TD][TD]1[/TD][/TR]

"Regulation on the Integrity of Genetic Data" has been defeated 10,337 (77.0%) to 3093 (23.0%).
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This proposal seeks to protect the sanctity and privacy of sapient beings’ DNA. To protect the integrity of genetic data, it prohibits non-medical DNA testing laboratories from sharing said information, though with the exception that these data can be shared for judicial purposes and that these data can be shared to fulfill a contractual obligation. To enforce these provisions, this proposal creates the World Assembly Genetic Data Oversight Authority (WAGDOA) which is tasked with enforcing the provisions of this resolution and with other tasks relating to ensuring the integrity of genetic data.

While this resolution is ultimately well meaning, there are several faults that we find. First, the policies to be enforced with WAGDOA read more like one idea with a series of exceptions to the norm than anything else. Second, we also find this resolution to ultimately be a confusing jumble and wish it were better refined stylistically, clearly spelling its provisions out rather than the confusing jumble it is at the current moment. For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against the General Assembly Resolution at vote, “Regulation on the Integrity of Genetic Data”.
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I think this is very well intentioned, but ultimately is a bit of an idea with a lot of exceptions. I want something *like this* to pass, but can't vote for it in its current form. Against.
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As of 11:43 AM EDT, this proposal has achieved the necessary approvals to enter the formal queue. Assuming it is not withdrawn or marked illegal, this proposal will take the floor for voting at Friday's Major Update.

The Autocratic Republic cannot continue to prosper by allowing inferior genetic code to spread within the state birthing vats.
"Regulation on the Integrity of Genetic Data" has been defeated 10,337 (77.0%) to 3093 (23.0%).
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