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Commend Honeydewistania
Category: Commendation | Target: Honeydewistania
Proposed by: Calamari Lands | Onsite Topic
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.The World Assembly,
Recognizing the ample contributions of Honeydewistania and its protectorates (Whatermelons Second Country and That Crazy Casbah Sound) to both branches of the World Assembly, having authored or co-authored 20 WA resolutions, including:
Contributing greatly to the WA through the General Assembly, passing:
Environmental resolutions, which effectively created public interest in issues such as pollution and the destruction of ecosystems, including GA#511 "Ensuring Effectual Recycling", which helped promote recycling of waste and other environmentally friendly practices, and GA#494 "Regulating Desalination", which put restrictions so that desalination will not harm ecosystems,
GA#498 "Ban on Forced Blood Sports", which banned animals from participating in blood sports such as bullfighting under coercion,
GA#518 "Reducing Disease Vectors", which tackled the issue of disease-carrying beings to help WA nations prevent catastrophic epidemics or pandemics,
Repealing troublesome GA resolutions that could have caused major issues despite their good intentions, these being:
Environmental resolutions such as GA#525 "Landfill Regulation Act", which enforced unclear definitions and unnecessary bureaucracy that made the regulation process exhausting for WA nations, and GA#507 "Promotion of Recycling", which attempted to improve environmental friendliness but failed at being coherent,
GA#528 "Protecting Sites of Religious Significance", a resolution which overreached and resulted in disastrous consequences, namely choking the identification process in bureaucracy,
GA#502 "Freedom to Seek Medical Care II", a resolution which allowed medical tourists to disregard national justice due to unfortunate wording,
Further contributing through the Security Council with other resolutions, these being:
Commendations of anti-fascists, such as SC#315 Vippertooth33, a shining figure of the movement as the MT Army Leader, and SC#331 and SC#324 Sierra Lyricalia and The Red Fleet, a nation and region which made long-term effective contributions to anti-fascism, plus extensive GA work from the former,
Art-related ones, like SC#320 Condemn Noahs Second Country, a nation that disrupted international artwork trade, and SC#335 Commend Praeceps and SC#343 Commend 1 very fast endotarter, officially commending the two pioneers of the famed Cards Guild of The North Pacific,
SC#340 Commend Singapore no2, a nation renowned for their proficiency in resolving disputes and dilemmas that plagued leaders,
SC#332 Commend Kenmoria, an innovative and internationally helpful nation regarding WA matters,
Aiding first time resolution writers in GA and SC resolutions such as:
GA#526 "Land Reclamation Regulation" with Orca and Narwhal, which put reasonable limits on creating artificial land for development,
GA#521 "Repeal: GMO International Trade Accord" with Regnum Italiae, repealed due to unclear and potentially harmful clauses when dealing with genetically modified organisms,
SC#338 "Commend Verdant Haven" with Westinor, for unearthing conspiracies and contributing to the development of Forest,
Applauding Honeydewistania's work as a member of the MT Army, one of the oldest and greatest anti-fascist military bodies, via vassal state Anarchic Turkish States, where their infiltration and intelligence gathering skills secured entry into fortified fascist regions such as Northern Redlands and The United Nations of 9pol,
Further applauding Honeydewistania’s leadership in MT Army or Antifa operations, in cases as their significant role in the complicated liberation of The Red States, which required many attempts in order to finally stop a deplorable fascist coalition from occupying and destroying the region, and Nuevo Amanecer, where the nation bravely led the attacking charge against this notorious horrific region and seized victory for anti-fascism,
Lauding their work as Chief Mariner of Mariner Trench, leading a new government with a new delegate, and Vice President of the URA, where they helped with enforcing professionalism, structuring the WA voting system, and helping URA resolution authors,
Considering that these many contributions have had an unquestionably positive impact on the international community, fighting against fascism and helping the environment and art community, and thus warrant official recognition,
Hereby Commends Honeydewistania.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
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